Legislative Version Ordinance - 6/18/20245 V1 Page 2 of 8 b. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review 16 process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. . 17 c. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may 18 modify this requirement to accommodate a wider sidewalk if the adjacent 19 public sidewalk is less than fifteen feet (15') wide and the resulting 20 modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The 21 planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansions, or 22 intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less 23 than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following: 24 (1) The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the 25 original structure or the surrounding architecture, or 26 (2) The addition reduces the extent of the noncompliance of the existing 27 building. 28 d. Regardless of the setback provided, doors shall be setback a minimum 29 distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way or 30 midblock walkway. 31 2. Interior Side Yards: No minimum side yard is required except a minimum of ten 32 feet (10') is required when the side yard is adjacent abutting to a zoning district 33 with a maximum permitted height of thirty five feet (35') or less. 34 3. Rear Yard: No minimum rear yard is required except a minimum of ten feet (10') 35 is required when the rear yard is abutting to a zoning district with a maximum 36 permitted height of thirty five feet (35') or less. 37 38 2. Amends Section 21A.30.045.E as follows: 39 40 E. Building Height: Buildings in the D-4 zoning district shall comply with the 41 following provisions: 42 1. The permitted building height shall not exceed seventy five feet (75') 600 feet. 43 2. Buildings taller than seventy-five feet (75') and up to one hundred twenty feet 44 (120') may and up to 600 feet shall only be authorized through the design review 45 process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title and the 46 following regulations. 47 a. Additional Height: Additional height may be authorized up to one hundred 48 twenty feet (120') if the street facing facades contain ground floor commercial 49 uses other than parking for at least seventy five percent (75%) of the street 50 facing facades according to Chapter 21A.37 and subject to approval through 51 the design review process in Chapter 21A.59. 52 6 7 V1 Page 4 of 8 midblock walkway, or other public space. The stepback may be located above 71 the height of the first floor and below one hundred twenty feet (120') in height 72 above the sidewalk or public space. Buildings that are clad in glass that totals 73 less than fifty percent (50%) of the total wall surface area are exempt from 74 this requirement; Buildings with less than fifty percent (50%) of the total 75 façade surface cladded in glass are exempt from this requirement; and 76 c. The additional height is supported by the applicable master plan; and 77 db. The building includes at least one of the following five options: 78 (1) Midblock walkway is provided on the property and the. The midblock 79 walkway connects to an existing or planned street, midblock walkway, or 80 publicly accessible public space and exceeds all the required dimensions 81 of Section 21A.30.010.G by at least five feet;. This option allows for 82 additional height in return for exceeding the midblock walkway 83 requirements; 84 (2) The building is utilizing affordable housing incentives identified 85 in chapter 21A.52 of this title.; 86 (3) The property where the building is located exceeds the minimum 87 requirement for ground floor uses identified in Chapter 21A.37 (Design 88 Standards) of this title, specifically: 89 (A) For Subsection 21A.37.050.A.1 (Design Standards Defined, 90 Ground Floor Use Only), the requirement must be increased to one hundred 91 percent (100%). This option requires that the entire ground floor use of a 92 building consists of retail good establishments, retail service establishments or 93 restaurants, public service portions of businesses, department stores, art 94 galleries, motion picture theaters, performing art facilities or similar uses that 95 encourages walk-in traffic through an active use. Vehicle entry and exit ways, 96 necessary for access to parking and loading and unloading areas required by 97 this title are exempt from this requirement provided these areas do not exceed 98 20% of the length of a building façade that faces a public street or public 99 space; or 100 (B) For Subsection 21A.37.050.A.2 (Design Standards Defined, Ground Floor 101 Use and Visual Interest), the ground floor use requirement must be increased 102 to seventy five percent (75%) and the visual interest requirement must be 103 increased to twenty five percent (25%). This option requires for an increased 104 percentage of ground floor space to be used for an active use, and an increased 105 percentage of the building to provide visual interest; 106 (4) The applicant provides a restrictive covenant on a historic building, a 107 building that is fifty (50) years or older, or a building that is a nationally 108 recognized property, located outside of the H Historic Preservation 109 8 V1 Page 5 of 8 Overlay District for the purpose of preserving the structure for a minimum 110 of fifty (50) years.; or 111 (5) The proposal includes a privately owned, publicly accessible open space 112 on the property or on another property within the geographic boundaries 113 of the Downtown Plan. To qualify for this provision, a restrictive covenant 114 in the favor of the city shall be recorded against the open space portion of 115 the property. The space shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) square 116 feet and include enough trees to provide a shade canopy that covers at 117 least sixty percent (60%) of the open space area. This option allows for 118 additional height in return for the designation of open public open space. 119 ec. Exception: The first fifty feet (50') of height shall not be set back from the 120 street front more than five feet except that setbacks greater than five feet (5') 121 may be from the front property line, unless approved through the design 122 review process or, has when otherwise allowed by this code. 123 3. Amends the Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Downtown Districts in Section 124 21A.33.050 only as to the “Parking, Commercial” and “Stadium” uses, with no other 125 changes to the table, as follows: 126 127 Use Permitted and Condition Uses By District D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 Parking, commercial C19 P19 C19 PC19 Stadium C C PC 128 129 4. Amends Section 21A.46.110.A.3.b as follows: 130 131 b. Sports Arena and Convention Center Sign Regulations. Located on the Block 132 Between South Temple and 100 South Between 300 and 400 West Streets. The following 133 signs shall be permitted on the blocks that contain the sports arena and convention center, 134 described as follows: beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of South 135 Temple and West Temple Streets, heading south to the intersection of 200 South and 136 West Temple Streets, thence west to the intersection of 200 South and 200 West Streets, 137 thence north to the intersection of 100 South and 200 West, thence west to the 138 intersection of 100 South and 400 West Streets, thence north to the intersection of South 139 Temple and 400 West, thence east to the point of beginning. Modifications to sign 140 regulations within this overlay may be approved as part of the design review process for 141 any building that is subject to 21A.59. Signs shall not include off-premise advertising. 142 STANDARDS FOR THE SPORTS ARENA AND CONVENTION CENTER. LOCATED ON 143 THE BLOCK BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH BETWEEN 300 AND 400 144 WEST STREETS 145 9 V1 Page 6 of 8 Types of Signs Permitted7 Maximum Area per Sign Face Maximum Height of Freestanding Signs1 Minimum Setback2 Number of Signs Permitted per Sign Type Awning/canopy signs 5 square feet per linear foot of canopy length (sign area only) Shall not be located above the second floor level of the building for both awning and canopy signs May extend 6 feet from face of building but not within 2 feet from back of curb 1 per first floor window/door, may be combined with adjacent doors/ windows Flat sign (general building orientation) 5 square feet per linear foot of building face See note 1 n/a 1 per building face Flat sign (storefront orientation) Flat sign (storefront orientation) See note 1 n/a 3 per business storefront Flat sign display, electronic changeable copy3 No larger than 1,400 square feet per sign See note 1 n/a 5 per city block Freestanding sign, electronic changeable copy4 Not more than 1,600 square feet per sign, which may be located in a continuous round display 45 feet n/a 2 per city block Monument sign 3 square feet per linear foot of street frontage 20 feet None 5 per street frontage Private directional sign5 100 square feet 20 feet No setback No limit Roof sign 5 square feet per linear foot of 20 feet above the roof line or parapet wall n/a 1 per building 10 V1 Page 7 of 8 building frontage Roof surface sign 30,000 square feet6 n/a n/a 1 per roof surface Special event light pole sign 10 square feet 20 feet n/a 2 per light pole Special event sign Sign may cover up to 60% of total building face7 May not exceed the height of building n/a 1 per street frontage Window sign 90% of total frontage window area (interior or exterior) for sports arena events, not to exceed 6 months in duration for each calendar year unless otherwise allowed by the zoning administrator. No Limit n/a No Limit Notes: 146 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.J of this chapter.Reserved 147 2. Public property lease and insurance required for projection over property line. 148 3. Flat sign, electronic changeable copy may display static or rotating messages or operate 149 as outdoor television monitors. 150 4. An advertising face on a freestanding sign with electronic changeable copy that is not 151 oriented to a public street may be operated to allow full motion video display. Displays 152 oriented to a public street must not allow animation, may change no more frequently than 153 every 8 seconds and must complete each transition within 1 second. 154 5. Private directional sign may include electronic changeable copy within the sign area. 155 6. To be located on the horizontal plane of a roof surface, primarily viewable from planes 156 and surrounding buildings located above the arena. 157 11 V1 Page 8 of 8 7. Advertising or corporate logos are limited to on premises advertising of sports arena 158 events and sponsors only. 159 160 12