Transmittal - 6/28/2024 SALT LAKE CITY TRANSMITTAL 1 8*4 1 To: Start Date: Date Sent to Council: Salt Lake City Council Chair 06/24/2024 06/28/2024 Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency Chair From: Employee Name: E-mail Roman,Amanda amanda.roman@slcgov.com Department Community and Neighborhood Department Director Signature Chief Administrator Officer's Signature* ,5 qT -- 0�&°e%w_ Director Signed Date Chief Administrator Officer's Signed Date 06/28/2024 06/28/2024 Subject: PLNPCM2022-0115-America First Credit Union Zoning Map Amendment at approximately 455 E&475 E 500 S Additional Staff Contact: Presenters/Staff Table Kelsey Lindquist,kelsey.lindquist@slcgov.com Document Type* Budget Impact* Budget Impact: Ordinance Yes No Recommendation: Follow the Planning Commission recommendation and deny the zoning map amendment at approximately 455 E&475 E 500 S Background/Discussion: Rick Magness,property owner representative for America First Credit Union(AFCU),is requesting a zoning map amendment from R-MU-45 (Residential/Mixed Use)to RO(Residential/Office)for the properties at 455 E and 475 E 500 S.The rezone is to achieve additional building height. The current R-MU-45 zone has a maximum building height of 45 feet for residential uses and 20 feet for nonresidential uses.The proposed RO zone has a maximum building height of 90 feet;If the rezone is approved the applicant intends to replace an existing three-level noncomplying parking garage with a new garage that is 52 feet in height. PROJECT LOCATION The two properties are located in the Central City neighborhood on the northwest corner of 500 East 500 South.The parcel at 455 E 500 S is 1.25 acres(54,500 SF)and has frontage on 500 South and Denver Street.The smaller parcel at 475 E 500 S is.23 acres(10,220 SF)with frontage on 500 East and 500 South. BACKGROUND The property at 455 E 500 S contains the primary five-story AFCU office building,a nonconforming drive-through,and a noncomplying parking garage.The AFCU branch has been in operation since 1985.The property at 475 E 500 S(eastern corner lot)has an existing two-story office building and a surface parking lot. REZONE HISTORY A key point is that the existing parking garage can be rebuilt without a rezone of the properties.Because the applicant seeks to build a taller structure than what exists or what is permitted in the R-MU-45 zoning district,they are requesting to rezone the two properties back to the RO zoning district,which permits up to 90 feet of building height at this location. In 2012,the two properties were rezoned from RO(Residential/Office)to R-MU-45(Residential/Mixed Use)as part of the 400 South Livable Communities project,which established the Transit Station Area(TSA)zoning along and adjacent to 400 South.This zoning change made the existing parking structure noncomplying and the drive-through teller lanes nonconforming. INITIAL REQUESTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROJECT The applicant initially requested a zoning map amendment,text amendment and a planned development to facilitate the construction of a new parking garage.The parking garage has not been utilized since July 2022 due to structural concerns. The applicant proposes demolishing the existing three-level parking garage,which provides 147 parking stalls,and replacing it with a five-level 52- foot-tall garage with 197 parking stalls.The existing 30 surface level parking stalls are to remain.The proposal would result in a total of 227 parking spaces. The withdrawn zoning text amendment would have added"Financial Institution,with Drive-Through Facility"as a permitted use in the RO zoning district.Both the existing and proposed zoning districts permit financial institutions,but neither allow them with a drive-through component.At the time of submittal,the applicant was proposing to relocate and expand the existing nonconforming drive-through,which would not be allowed as nonconforming uses cannot be expanded or relocated.The applicant withdrew the petition because they are no longer proposing modifications to the drive-through. If the zoning map amendment is adopted,the applicant will move forward with their planned development petition to build a new parking garage in a similar location and request to reduce the rear yard,corner side yard,or interior side yard setbacks required by the RO zoning district.The planned development would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. The planned development petition was tabled by the Planning Commission and will be reconsidered if the zoning map amendment is adopted. Planning staff is recommending denial of the planned development petition,as the proposal does not meet the purpose of a planned development and the request to reduce setbacks to facilitate the construction of a five-level parking structure does not fulfill a planned development objective,which is required for approval. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted 6:2 to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council regarding the rezone from the R-MU-45 zoning district to RO zoning district.There were concerns about allowing a rezone to facilitate construction of a parking garage that could be rebuilt within the existing zoning regulations.They also expressed apprehension that approving rezones for more parking facilities could perpetuate the existing development pattern instead of encouraging more pedestrian-friendly development. The Planning Commission voted 7:1 to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed text amendment to add "Financial Institution,with Drive-Through Facility"as a permitted use in the RO zoning district.The applicant formally withdrew the zoning text amendment petition on May 14,2024,after stating their intent to withdrawal during the May 8th Planning Commission hearing. Will the City Council need to hold a public hearing for this item?* Yes No Public Process • The applicants met with Planning staff and management multiple times since 2022 to discuss their proposal and determine a path forward after deciding not to rebuild the parking structure under the noncomplying structure standards in Chapter 21A.38.The RO(Residential/Office)district was identified as a potential zone for the property as it would accommodate the desired height of the parking structure and the zone is found along the southern side of 500 South between 200-600 East. • Early notification notices mailed out March 7,2024. o Notices were mailed to property owners/residents within-300 feet of the proposal. • The Planning Division provided a 45-day comment period(March 5,2024-April 22,2024)notice to the Central City,Central 9th,East Central, and Downtown Community Councils and the Granary District Alliance. o The subject property is within the Central City Community Council boundary.The additional community councils were sent the text amendment proposal because the boundary proposed for the"Financial Institution,with Drive-Through Facilities"use abuts each of the districts. o None of the Councils provided comments regarding the three petitions. • An online open house was posted to the Planning Division's webpage on March 11,2024. • Planning staff received seven public comments regarding the petitions.Six were included in the Planning Commission Staff Report and the additional comment,which was received after the report was published,is attached. Chief Administrator Officer's Comments ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor �' y and NEIGHBORHOODS �' =x Blake Thomas c/1= Director CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL Date Received: Jill Love, Chief Administrative Officer Date sent to Council: TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: Victoria Petro, Chair FROM: Blake Thomas, Director, Department of Community&Neighborhoods SUBJECT: America First Credit Union Zoning Map Amendment at approximately 455 E &475 E 500 S STAFF CONTACT: Amanda Roman,Urban Designer Amanda.Roman(a,slcgov.com or 801-535-7660 DOCUMENT TYPE: Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: Follow the Planning Commission recommendation and deny the zoning map amendment at approximately 455 E & 475 E 500 S BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Rick Magness, property owner representative for America First Credit Union (AFCU), is requesting a zoning map amendment from R-MU-45 (Residential/Mixed Use) to RO (Residential/Office) for the properties at 455 E and 475 E 500 S. The rezone is to achieve additional building height. The current R-MU-45 zone has a maximum building height of 45 feet for residential uses and 20 feet for nonresidential uses. The proposed RO zone has a maximum building height of 90 feet. If the rezone is approved the applicant intends to replace an existing three-level noncomplying parking garage with a new garage that is 52 feet in height. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O.BOX 145486,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 8oi.535.623o FAX 801.535.6o05 Project Location -_ _-_ F Midi The two properties are located in the Central City neighborhood on the northwest corner4 ti LJ of 500 East 500 South. The parcel at 455 E t1: 500 S is 1.25 acres (54,500 SF) and has frontage on 500 South and Denver Street. The smaller parcel at 475 E 500 S is.23 acres _ (10,220 SF) with frontage on 500 East and - s, ' 500 South. CD TSA(IN CD eu _ Background The property at 455 E 500 S contains the Y` 1 primary five-story AFCU office building, a nonconforming drive-through, and a 11 noncomplying parking garage. The AFCU r 3 branch has been in operation since 1985.The _ - property at 475 E 500 S (eastern corner lot) has an existing two-story office building and s3 t - - - T a surface parking lot. - ` Zoning Map Rezone History A key point is that the existing parking garage can be rebuilt without a rezone of the properties. Because the applicant seeks to build a taller structure than what exists or what is permitted in the R-MU-45 zoning district, they are requesting to rezone the two properties back to the RO zoning district, which permits up to 90 feet of building height at this location. In 2012, the two properties were rezoned from RO (Residential/Office) to R-MU-45 (Residential/Mixed Use) as part of the 400 South Livable Communities project,which established the Transit Station Area(TSA) zoning along and adjacent to 400 South. This zoning change made the existing parking structure noncomplying and the drive-through teller lanes nonconforming. Initial Requests associated with petition The applicant initially requested a zoning map amendment, text amendment and a planned development to facilitate the construction of a new parking garage. The parking garage has not been utilized since July 2022 due to structural concerns. The applicant proposes demolishing the existing three-level parking garage, which provides 147 parking stalls, and replacing it with a five-level 52-foot-tall garage with 197 parking stalls. The existing 30 surface level parking stalls are to remain. The proposal would result in a total of 227 parking spaces. The withdrawn zoning text amendment would have added "Financial Institution, with Drive- Through Facility" as a permitted use in the RO zoning district. Both the existing and proposed zoning districts permit financial institutions, but neither allow them with a drive-through component. At the time of submittal, the applicant was proposing to relocate and expand the existing nonconforming drive-through,which would not be allowed as nonconforming uses cannot be expanded or relocated. The applicant withdrew the petition because they are no longer proposing modifications to the drive-through. If the zoning map amendment is adopted, the applicant will move forward with their planned development petition to build a new parking garage in a similar location and request to reduce the rear yard, corner side yard, or interior side yard setbacks required by the RO zoning district. The planned development would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. The planned development petition was tabled by the Planning Commission and will be reconsidered if the zoning map amendment is adopted. Planning staff is recommending denial of the planned development petition, as the proposal does not meet the purpose of a planned development and the request to reduce setbacks to facilitate the construction of a five-level parking structure does not fulfill a planned development objective, which is required for approval. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission voted 6:2 to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council regarding the rezone from the R-MU-45 zoning district to RO zoning district. There were concerns about allowing a rezone to facilitate construction of a parking garage that could be rebuilt within the existing zoning regulations. They also expressed apprehension that approving rezones for more parking facilities could perpetuate the existing development pattern instead of encouraging more pedestrian-friendly development. The Planning Commission voted 7:1 to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed text amendment to add "Financial Institution, with Drive-Through Facility" as a permitted use in the RO zoning district. The applicant formally withdrew the zoning text amendment petition on May 14, 2024, after stating their intent to withdrawal during the May 8th Planning Commission hearing. MEETINGS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT: • The applicants met with Planning staff and management multiple times since 2022 to discuss their proposal and determine a path forward after deciding not to rebuild the parking structure under the noncomplying structure standards in Chapter 21A.38. The RO (Residential/Office) district was identified as a potential zone for the property as it would accommodate the desired height of the parking structure and the zone is found along the southern side of 500 South between 200-600 East. • Early notification notices mailed out March 7, 2024. o Notices were mailed to property owners/residents within—300 feet of the proposal. • The Planning Division provided a 45-day comment period (March 5, 2024 — April 22, 2024) notice to the Central City, Central 9th, East Central, and Downtown Community Councils and the Granary District Alliance. o The subject property is within the Central City Community Council boundary. The additional community councils were sent the text amendment proposal because the boundary proposed for the "Financial Institution, with Drive-Through Facilities" use abuts each of the districts. o None of the Councils provided comments regarding the three petitions. • An online open house was posted to the Planning Division's webpage on March 11, 2024. • Planning staff received seven public comments regarding the petitions. Six were included in the Planning Commission Staff Report and the additional comment,which was received after the report was published, is attached. Planning Commission (PC)Records a) PC Agenda of May 8, 2024 (Click to Access) b) PC Minutes of May 8, 2024 (Click to Access) c) Planning Commission Staff Report of May 8, 2024 (Click to Access Report) EXHIBITS: 1) Ordinance 2) Project Chronology 3) Notice of City Council Public Hearing 4) Original Petition 5) Additional Public Comment 6) Mailing List TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ORDINANCE 2. PROJECT CHRONOLOGY 3. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING 4. ORIGINAL PETITION 5. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENT 6. MAILING LIST 1. ORDINANCE SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 2024 (Amending the zoning map pertaining to parcels located at 455 and 475 E 500 S from R-MU-45 Residential/Mixed Use District to RO Residential/Office District) An ordinance amending the zoning map pertaining to two parcels located at 455 and 475 E 500 S ("Property") from R-MU-45 Residential/Mixed Use District to RO Residential/Office District pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2022-0 1 1 1 5. WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission ("Planning Commission")held a public hearing on May 8, 2024, on an application submitted by Rick Magness to rezone the Property from R-MU-45 Residential/Mixed Use District to RO Residential/Office District pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2022-01115. WHEREAS, at its May 8, 2024, meeting, the Planning Commission voted in favor of forwarding a negative recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council") on said petition; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter, the City Council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending the Zoning Ma The Salt Lake City zoning map, as adopted by the Salt Lake City Code, relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning districts, shall be and hereby is amended to reflect that the Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto, shall be and hereby is rezoned from R-MU-45 Residential/Mixed Use District to RO Residential/Office District. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. 1 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 2024. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed. MAYOR CITY RECORDER (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Bill No. of 2024. Date: June 6, 2024 Published: Ordinance Rezoning 455 and 475 E 500 S to RO_vl By: Katherine D.Pasker,Senior City Attorney 2 Exhibit "A" Legal description of the property Tax ID No. 16-06-407-039-0000 BEG S 89057'40" W 123.75 FT FR SE COR LOT 1, BLK 34, PLAT B, SLC SUR; S 89°57'40" W 181.5 FT;N 0'01'50" W 330 FT;N 89°57'40" E 148.5 FT; S 0'01'50" E 165 FT;N 89°57'40" E 33 FT; S 0001'50" E 165 FT TO BEG. 7019-0416 Tax ID No. 16-06-407-040-0000 BEG SE COR LOT 1, BLK 34, PLAT B, SLC SUR; S 89°57'40" W 123.75 FT;N 0'01'50" W 82.5 FT;N 89°57'40" E 123.75 FT; S 0001'50" E 82.5 FT TO BEG. 7019-0416 8340-7518 9671- 3368 3 2. CHRONOLOGY PROJECT CHRONOLOGY Petition: PLNPCM2022-01115 November 17, 2022 Rick Magness,representing America First Credit Union, submitted the petition for a zoning map amendment March 5, 2024 The Central City Community Council and additional recognized organizations were sent the 45-day public notice. None of the Councils provided comments. March 7, 2024 Early Notification letters were mailed to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the subject properties March 11, 2024 Initial information posted to the city's online open house webpage April 26, 2024 Public hearing notice was posted to city and state websites and a notice of the hearing was mailed April 26, 2024 Staff report for Planning Commission hearing posted to Planning's website May 8, 2024 The Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted 6:2 to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council May 15, 2024 Ordinance requested from Attorney's Office May 22, 2024 The Planning Commission minutes from the May 8, 2024 public hearing were approved June 6, 2024 Final ordinance received from the Attorney's Office June 7, 2024 Transmitted to CAN Administration 3. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Salt Lake City Council is considering Petition PLNPCM2022-01115 Zoning Map Amendment for the property at approximately 455 E and 475 E 500 S. Rick Magness, representing America First Credit Union, is requesting a zoning map amendment from R-MU-45 (Residential/Mixed Use) to RO (Residential/Office) to allow for additional building height. At this location, the RO zone has a maximum building height of 90 feet, while the current R-MU-45 zone has a maximum building height of 45 feet for residential uses and 20 feet for nonresidential uses. As part of their study, the City Council is holding an advertised public hearing to receive comments regarding the petition. During the hearing, anyone desiring to address the City Council concerning this issue will be given an opportunity to speak. The Council may consider adopting the ordinance the same night of the public hearing. DATE: TIME: PLACE: TBD Electronic and in-person options. 451 South State Street, Room 315, Salt Lake City, Utah ** This meeting will be held via electronic means, while also providing an in- person opportunity to attend or participate in the hearing at the City and County Building, located at 451 South State Street, Room 315, Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, including Zoom connection information, please visit www.slc.gov/ council/agendas/. Comments may also be provided by calling the 24-hour comment line at (801) 535-7654 or sending an email to council.comments@slcgov.com. All comments received through any source are shared with the Council and added to the public record. If you have any questions relating to this proposal or would like to review the file, please call Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or via e- mail at amanda.roman@slcgov.com. The application details can be accessed at https://citizenportal.slcgov.com/, by selecting the “planning” tab and entering the petition number PLNPCM2022-01115. The City & County Building is an accessible facility. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the City Council Office at council.comments@slcgov.com, 801-535-7600, or relay service 711. 4. ORIGINAL PETITION Al\XiIA ANDERSON WAHLEN & ASSOCIATES Great Basin Engineering South September 15,2023 Salt Lake City Planning Division 451 S State Street,Room 406 Salt Lake City,UT 84114 RE: Amend the Text of the Zoning Ordinance and Zone Change to allow a financial institution to have a drive-through within an R-O(Residential/Office)District. America First Credit Union(AFCU) is requesting a zone change from R-MU-45 to R-O,as well as amend the text of the zoning ordinance within the R-O District to allow a financial institution to have a drive-through. Background/Existing Conditions • America First Credit Union purchased this property for over$8 million in October 2012 • America First Credit Union has had a branch at this location since 1985 0 Currently 23,518 members use this branch at least once a year • 11,907 members consistently use this branch • This branch averages 10,620 transactions per month • The five-story office building is attached to the existing parking garage.Unfortunately,the parking garage is not structurally safe and currently is not operable.This failure to provide adequate parking limits the ability to lease the entire office space. • Parcel 1 does not meet the minimum parking requirements of 163 stalls (311000 sf) o Currently 23 surface parking stalls(4% of minimum required parking) o If parking structure was removed and surface parking installed: 61 stalls(37% of minimum required parking) • The property is located on 500 South,one of the main vehicular arterial streets in the City AFCU currently owns the properties located at 475 E & 500 S and 455 E & 500 S. • 475 E. 500 S. (NW corner 500 S 500 E) Parcel# 16-06-407-040 Existing two-story office building • 455 E. 500 S. (NE corner Denver St. 500 S) Parcel# 16-06-407-039 Existing four-story office building with a three-level parking structure The current zoning code Residential Mixed-Use (R-MU-45) does not allow for a drive-through teller machines. p (801)521-8529 F (801) 521-9551 AWAEngineering.net 2010 N Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City,UT 84116 Civil Engineering Land Surveying Landscape Architecture . Transportation Engineering • Land Use Planning Proposed Site Plan Existing Primary Office Building will remain with minor revisions to elevation color and materials. Drive-thru teller machines will remain at existing locations, internal to the site. Drive-thru vehicular queuing will reverse in direction, ingress access from Denver Street to not conflict with the parking along the east side of the building. Minimum vehicular stacking lengths of 60 ft. are provided for each ATM lane. Parking Structure The proposed parking structure will replace the existing parking garage which is structurally unsafe and not in use. The proposed parking structure is substantially connected to the primary building by a connective walkway between structures. The parking structure complies with 21A.37.050 regarding materials, screening, circulation, and access. The proposed parking structure footprint is within the existing parking garage footprint. The proposed parking structure height is 52 ft., less than the maximum height of 75 ft. The parking structure roof will have photovoltaic panels and a system that will reduce yearly CO2 emissions of 184 tons,provide approximately 65% of energy savings. The original cost is approximately $300k. Reasons for Zone Change to Residential/Office (R-O) District 1. The purpose statement of the RO Residential/Office District is "intended to provide a suitable environment for a combination of residential dwellings and office use". The existing financial institution with drive-through and parking structure maintains the purpose of the goals, objectives, and policies, as well as the surrounding zoning and uses in the Central City area. 2. The proposed parking structure and primary building are considered to be substantially connected via the existing skybridge element. 3. Within the proposed R-0 zoning district, a parking structure maximum height of 75 ft. is allowed. The proposed five level parking structure height is 52 ft. Text amendment to the R-O (Residential/Office) District would add "Use: Financial Institution, with Drive-through facility"as a permitted use within the following code sections: 21A.24.180 RO Residential/Office District 21A.33.020 Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Residential Districts Add footnote language would state, "Permitted within the RO District along 500 South & 600 South rights-of-way between 700 East right-of-way and Interstate 15. " Reasons supporting the Text Amendment: 1. The purpose statement of the RO Residential/Office District is "intended to provide a suitable environment for a combination of residential dwellings and office use". The existing financial institution with drive-through and parking structure maintains the purpose of the goals, objectives, and policies, as well as the surrounding zoning and uses in the Central City area. p (801) 521-8529 F (801)521-9551 AWAEngineering.net 2010 N Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City,UT 84116 Civil Engineering • Land Surveying Landscape Architecture . Transportation Engineering • Land Use Planning 2. This America First Credit Union branch has served the community at this location for almost 40 years. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with other R-O zoned uses on the 500 South corridor. 4. 500 South is classified as a One-Way Thoroughfare (Grand Boulevard) on the City's Street Typologies Map. The nature of this right-of-way is autocentric and supports the existing financial office building with existing parking structure and drive-through. 5. The drive-through location remains where currently located internal to the site. Vehicular direction is reversed to provide better vehicular flow and queuing off of Denver Street. The existing financial office building and drive-through complement the other existing uses along the 500 South corridor. This AFCU serves the area with financial services and support. The two-story office building at the corner of 500 East and 500 South will also provide necessary office space and parking within the proposed R-O zoned district. Because this is an existing development,no roadways,utilities, sidewalks or police and fire protection will be affected. Thanks in advance for your consideration and approval of this project. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Regards, ;Z" xv"" Rick Magness,AICP N W /Land Planner p (801) 521-8529 F (801)521-9551 AWAEngineering.net 2010 N Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City,UT 84116 Civil Engineering • Land Surveying Landscape Architecture . Transportation Engineering • Land Use Planning 5. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS (EXTERNAL) 1 11 • 1 11PLNPCM2022-0115 Reply <Fj Reply All � Forward � •• • Morris o Roman, d t 1 You replied to this message on 4/30/2024 11:31 AM. Caution:This is an external email.Please be cautious when clicking links or opening attachments. I would like it to be known that I am against all three of these proposals for rezoning as it will adversely affect my property.Thank you,Bernie Morris at Trolley Pl.,Salt Lake City. Sent from my iPhone 6. MAILING LIST OWN-FULL-NAME OWN ADDR own-unit OWN CITY OWN-STATE OWN ZIP 433 SOUTH 400 EAST,LLC 672 E UNION SQ SANDY UT 84070 SALT LAKE COUNTY PO BOX 144575 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 425 SOUTH LLC 425 S 400 E SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 NEXSTEP GROUP,LLC 176 N 2200 W#200 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 HORSEY SAUCE PARTNERS,LLC 1178 W LEGACY CROSSING BL CENTERVILLE UT 84014 R.CLARK ARNOLD;KATHLEEN MARIE ARNOLD(JT) 998SOAKHILLSWY SALT LAKE CITY UT 84108 GREY OAK LLC 2157S LINCOLN ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84106 MS2,LLC 2180 S 1300 E SALT LAKE CITY UT 84106 G&S PROPERTIES,LLC PO BOX 9069 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84109 LP 426 APARTMENTS 3595 S MAIN ST SOUTH SALT LAKE UT 84115 448 A SERIES OF HUK HOLDINGS,LLC 869 E4500S MILLCREEK UT 84107 SIC REVOCABLE TRUST 08/15/2018 1969 E SOUTHBRIDGE WY SANDY UT 84093 CO-WORKS SLC LLC 392 E WINCHESTER ST MURRAY UT 84107 AMERICA FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION PO BOX 9199 OGDEN UT 84409 CYPRUS FEDERAL CREDIT UN ION 3876WCENTERVIEWWY WESTJORDAN UT 84084 UT UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD APARTMENTS LLC 9757 N E JUANITA DR KIRKLAND WA 98034 5TH EAST APARTMENTS,LLC 4343500E SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 FIRST STEP HOUSE 440 S500E SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 EAST DOWNTOWN LLC PO BOX 10 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85252 THE CITIZEN,LLC 7585 S UN ION PARK AVE MIDVALE UT 84047 NFS MCRAE LLC 452 E 500 S SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 DENVER STREET PROPERTIES LLC 2136 S SCENIC DR SALT LAKE CITY UT 84108 UNIVERSITY FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 3450 S HIGHLAND DR SALT LAKE CITY UT 84106 DJH REAL ESTATE LLC 370 E SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 WENKAI SUN 520 S500E 111 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 WYMAN W CHEN(JT) 520 S 500 E#112 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 ONE AND NINE LLC 420 N REDWOOD RD#F NORTH SALT LAKE UT 84054 BERNIET MORRIS;NADINE MORRIS(JT) PO BOX 481 PRICE UT 84501 H ENRY LIU 1117CONNECTICUT OGDEN UT 84404 HUNG MING LEE;SZU CHIAWEI(JT) 520 S500E 116 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 ADAM KAINOA FERGUSON;ADAM D FERGUSON;REGINA FERGUSON 520 S 500 E #117 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 JULIET CHRISTINE BUCHMANN;LUKE BUCHMANN;ANNE NAUMER(JT) 520 S500E 118 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 IENNIFERCHEN 520 S500 E#119 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 XG LIVTR 249 E GREENBRIER DR EAST PEORIA IL 61611 CASEYZAUGG 14681 S PRISTINE DR DRAPER UT 84020 RACHEL HALL 12 DELGADALN STANSBURYPARK UT 84074 INNOCENTSHUMBA 520 S500E 319 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 TROLLEY PLACE OWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC 4655 S2300E HOLLADAY UT 84117 VICTOR'S PROPERTIES,LLC 1420 S700W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 MICHAEL TRAN;VAN CAM PHU(JT) 437 EAGLEPOINTE CIR NORTH SALT LAKE UT 84054 TODD L EVANS;JOANNE EVANS(JT) 4005 W 6305 S TAYLORSVILLE UT 84129 517 SOUTH 500 EAST LLC 672 E UNION SQ SANDY UT 84070 Current Occupant 431S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 432 S DENVER ST Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 433S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 435 S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 461S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 420 E400S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 430 E 400 S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 440 E400S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 421 S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 416 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 420 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 426 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 448 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 454S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 462 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 466 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 455 E500S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 475 E500S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 480 E400S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 460 E400S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 510 E400S Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 455 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 515 S400E Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 446 E500S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 515 S DENVER ST Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 490 E500S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 466 E500S Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 112 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 113 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 114 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 115 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 119 Salt Lake City 84111 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 315 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 317 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E 318 Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 520 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 511 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 506 E500S Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 510 E500S Salt Lake City 84102 UT Current Occupant 517 S500E Salt Lake City 84102 UT This page has intentionally been left blank