Legislative Version Ordinance - 6/28/2024 Project Title: Northpoint Light Industrial (M-IA) APPROVED AS TO FORM Zoning District Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Petition No.: PLMPCM2024-00333 Date: June 27, 2024 Version: 1 By: Kather�Pasker. r City Attorney Date Prepared: June 27, 2024 Planning Commission Action: Recommended 6/12/2024 This proposed ordinance makes the following amendments to Title 2 1 A(for summary purposes only): • Creates anew section 21A.28.040 Northpoint Light Industrial (M-IA) Zoning District. • Makes changes to associated code sections (parking, landscaping, etc.) to implement the proposed zone. Underlined text is new; text with strikethrough is proposed to be deleted. Modifications made as part of the Planning Commission recommendation are highlighted in yellow. All other text is existing with no proposed change. 1 1. Adopts anew Section 21A.28.040 to create the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District 2 (M-lA) as follows: 3 4 21A.28.040 NORTHPOINT LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT (M-IA) 5 6 A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Northpoint District is to protect sensitive lands 7 and wildlife habitat surrounding the Great Salt Lake shore lands and the Jordan River 8 while providing an environment for light industrial, office, and research uses that 9 produce minimal impact on adjacent residential and agricultural properties. This 10 district is appropriate within the Northpoint Small Area Plan boundaries. The district 11 promotes a high standard of building design quality, open space preservation, and 12 protection of sensitive lands and waterway 13 B. Uses: Uses in the Northpoint District as specified in Section 21A.33.040, "Table Of 14 Permitted And Conditional Uses For Manufacturing Districts", of this title are 15 permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in Section 21A.28.010. 16 C. Maximum Lot Area: The maximum allowable lot size is 10 acres. Approval for lots 17 larger than 10 acres may be granted per Subsection 21A.28.040.I. 18 D. Minimum Yard and Setback Requirements: 19 1. Front Yard: 20' 20 2. Corner Side Yard: 20' vl 1 21 3. Interior Side Yard: 15' 22 4. Rear Yard: 15' 23 5. Additional Setback: 24 a. Principal structures must be a minimum of 65' from principal residential 25 structures on abuttingproperties. 26 b. Vehicle lanewUs used to access a development site must be a minimum of 27 30' from principal residential structures on abutting properties. 28 6. Buffer Yards: 29 a. The Jordan River shall have a 300' buffer from the annual high-water level 30 (AHWL), as defined in Section 21A.34.130. 31 i. No-Disturbance Area: The first 100' of the buffer, nearest to the river, 32 shall be designated as a no-disturbance area. No construction or 33 development activities are permitted within this area to preserve the 34 natural habitat and water quality of the Jordan River. Permitted uses in the 35 no-disturbance area shall be subject to the uses in Area A in Table 36 21A.34.130-3: USES ALLOWED ON UNDEVELOPED LAND. 37 ii. Transitional Buffer Area: The remaining 200' of the buffer area(the area 38 between 100' and 300',) is designated as the transitional buffer area. With 39 approval from the Zoning Administrator, to support buildingand nd open 40 space clustering, the 200' width of the buffer may be modified when a 41 reduced width is compensated by a greater width provided elsewhere on 42 the development site. This area shall be contiguous to the no-disturbance 43 area and at no point shall the transitional buffer area width exceed 350 44 feet. A modified buffer shall maintain the total required buffer area for the 45 development site. Permitted uses in the Transitional Buffer Area shall be 46 subject to the uses in Area C in Table 21A.34.130-2: USES ALLOWED 47 BY AREA ON DEVELOPED LOTS. vl 2 48 \ ON WC"",Sr 3 6 d R'e P r m aor � 1 Transitional 1 Buffer Area" 1- N Between 1 100 to 300 ft. z T � "Example I of modified buffer Jordan River I • No-Development Area- I @ Transitional Buffer Area** 'Cmn t is pru dified P *'Can be modified if the original buffer square footage requirement is preserved 49 E. Maximum Height: No building shall exceed 40 feet in heir 50 F. Building Size Limits: Building footprints are limited to a maximum of 100,000 51 square feet. The maximum footprint of a building may be increased per Subsection 52 21A.28.040.I. 53 G. Landscaping Requirements: The purpose of the landscaping in the Northpoint area is 54 to provide appropriate native landscapin_. that hat prevents noxious weeds and to provide 55 landscaping that will not negatively impact the adjacent sensitive lands. 56 1. All landscaping shall consist of native plants as identified in the "Salt Lake City 57 Plant List and Hydrozone Schedule" on file with the planning division. 58 2. All required front, corner side, side, and rear yards shall be maintained as 59 landscape yards in conformance with the requirements of Section 21A.48.060.C. 60 3. Trees are required along all property lines in the following„yards: 61 a. Front and Corner Side Yards: One tree for every 30 linear feet of lot frontage. 62 Trees may be spaced irregularly or clustered to form a natural grouping_ 63 b. Interior Side and Rear Yards: One tree is required for every 30 linear feet of 64 yard length. Trees may be spaced irregularly or clustered to form a natural 65 _grouping_. 66 c. Interior Side and Rear Yards When Abutting a Residential Use: One tree is 67 required for every 15 linear feet of the property line abutting the residential vl 3 68 use. The zoning administrator may approve alternate planting locations for 69 required trees to allow for clustering under the following conditions: 70 i. No trees may be removed from any areas abutting or within 30 feet of a 71 primary residential use; and 72 ii. The total number of required trees may not be reduced. 73 4. Noxious weed species as identified by the Utah Department of Agriculture and 74 Food(or its successor) in the State of Utah Noxious Weed List(or its successor) 75 shall be removed from landscaped areas and areas disturbed by construction 76 activity. Noxious weeds shall be controlled for a period of two years and methods 77 of control shall be identified on the landscape plan. 78 5. All other requirements in Chapter 21A.48 apply. This section shall take 79 precedence in the case of a conflict with Chapter 21A.48. 80 H. Design Standards: 81 1. Maximum Building Fagade Length_ along 2200 West: The maximum building 82 facade lengthalong 2200 West is limited to 250 feet. The maximum building 83 facade length�may be increased per Subsection 21A.28.040.I. 84 2. Blank Walls: The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted by windows, 85 doors, art, or architectural detailing along M ground level street facing facade is 86 25'. Changes in plane, texture, materials, scale of materials, patterns, art, or other 87 architectural detailing are acceptable methods to comply with this standard. The 88 architectural feature shall be either recessed a minimum of twelve inches (12")o 89 projected a minimum of twelve inches (12"). 90 3. Building Materials: To mitigate the contrast of the built and natural environment, 91 the following building materials are permitted: brick, natural stone, wood, and 92 tinted/textured concrete. Stucco, including EIFS, is limited to architectural 93 detailing surfaces and articulation. Exterior plastic vinyl siding or any reflective 94 or polished materials are prohibited. Other materials not specifically mentioned 95 may be permitted, on a case-by-case basis, with approval from the planning 96 director, provided they meet the intent to mitigate the contrast and impact of the 97 materials on the natural environment. Windows and doors are not subject to the 98 building material restrictions. 99 4. Roofs: Light reflective roofing material with a minimum solar reflective index 100 (SRI) of 82 shall be used for all roofs. 101 5. Glass: For any building elevation with more than 10% glass, a minimum of 90% 102 of all glass shall be treated with applied films, coatings, tints, exterior screens, 103 netting fritting, frosted glass, or other means to reduce the number of birds that 104 may collide with the glazing. Any treatment must create a grid pattern that is vl 4 105 equal to or smaller than 2 inches wide by 4 inches tall. Mirrored or highly 106 reflective _glass is prohibited. 107 6. Lighting_ 108 a. All lighting, including lighting on buildings, parking areas, and signs shall be 109 shielded to direct light down and away from the edges of the property to 110 eliminate glare or light encroaching onto adjacent properties and have cutoffs 111 so that no light is emitted and/or reflected above the horizontal plane of the 112 fixture. When a light manufacturer provides a BUG rating, the upli hag 113 (U) shall equal zero 0). 114 b. Uplighting and event searchlights are prohibited. 115 c. Total site illumination shall not exceed 100,000 lumens per net acre. 116 d. Outdoor lighting shall be a color temperature of 3,000 Kelvin or less. 117 7. Fencing: To minimize impacts on wildlife, fences shall have a visually open 118 design with at least 50% of the fence open for the continuous length of the fence. 119 Fencing that is less than 50% open is permitted when solid screening is otherwise 120 required by this title. 121 a. Prohibited Decorative Features: 122 i. Pointed extensions at the top of fences are prohibited to prevent injury to 123 wildlife attempting to traverse the fence. 124 ii. Woven wire fencing and incorporating loose wires that may entangle 125 animals is prohibited to avoid harm to wildlife. 126 iii. Hollow fence posts that are open at the top, where birds or other small 127 animals may become entrapped, are prohibited. All fence posts must be 128 solid or have caps securely attached. 129 8. Stormwater Management_ 130 a. This subsection shall be enforced by the Salt Lake City_ Public Utilities 131 Department. 132 b. Drainage: Site stormwater shall be collected on site and routed to the public 133 storm drain system or ,gutter. Stormwater may not discharge across property 134 lines or across public sidewalks without legal authorization to do so. A 135 technical drainage . is for the development of all lots detailing 136 compliance with the requirements of this section to be reviewed with any site 137 development or building permit. 138 c. Stormwater Quality: Stormwater treatment is required prior to discharge to the 139 public storm drain. Sites shall utilize stormwater best management practices 140 (BMP's) to remove solids, oils, and other pollutants. Green infrastructure vl 5 141 should be used whenever possible. Options for green infrastructure and low 142 impact development include bioretention systems, harvest/reuse,permeable 143 surfaces, green roofs, and site design. 144 d. Retention: Retention of the 801h percentile storm is required for all new and 145 redevelopment projects .greater than 1 acre. 146 e. Detention: Detention shall be provided to ensure stormwater discharge_ does 147 not exceed 0.2 cfs per acre, or less, to match pre-development flows, as 148 identified in the area stormwater master plan. Detention systems shall be 149 designed using the 100-year 3-hour storm using the Farmer-Fletcher rainfall 150 distribution. 151 I. Modifications of Standards: Modifications to the standards of this section are allowed 152 as identified in this subsection: 153 1. Applicability. All development sites within the M-IA(Northpoint Light 154 Industrial) zoning district. Development site includes all land under the same 155 ownership that is proposed to be developed as one development area. 156 Development sites can include land that contains multiple parcels or lots. 157 2. Restrictive Covenants: Development limitations elected in connection with 158 modifying a development standard as set forth in this subsection shall be 159 documented by a restrictive covenant in favor of the city recorded on the title of 160 the development site that describes the area that is being voluntarily restricted to 161 modify a zoning standard. 162 3. Land used to allow one modification may not be counted toward allowing another 163 modification. 164 4. Allowed modifications: 165 a. Maximum Lot Area: Approval for lots larger than 10 acres may be _ranted, 166 provided the buildings and structures are _grouped and comply with the 167 following standards: 168 i. The cluster development shall be a minimum of 10 acres. 169 ii. A minimum separation of 15 feet shall be provided between all principal 170 buildings. 171 iii. A minimum of 20% of the area of the lot to be modified is designated as 172 natural open space on the development site, as defined in Section 173 21A.62.040. Natural open space shall, to the greatest extent possible, be 174 contiguous. Fragmented and disconnected small areas scattered 175 throughout the development site including required building separations, 176 and required setback yards, shall not count toward the 20%. Any vl 6 177 required wetland, canal, or riparian buffers may be counted toward the 178 20%, 179 b. Maximum Building Facade Length: The maximum building facade length 180 along 2200 West may be increased if natural open space in excess of any 181 required buffer is provided on the development site. The maximum building 182 facade lengthy increase by 20 feet if 5% of the total non-buffer area of the 183 site is dedicated as natural open space, as defined in Section 21A.62.040, and 184 may increase by an additional 20 feet for every additional 5%. The natural 185 open space dedicated and permanently protected on site shall be no less than 186 7,000 SF and shall, to the greatest extent possible, be contiguous. Fragmented 187 and disconnected small areas scattered throughout the development site, and 188 required setback yards, shall not be counted. 189 c. Maximum Building Footprint Size: The maximum footprint of a building may 190 be increased by complying with one or more of the options below. No more 191 than an additional 100,000 square feet in building footprint will be permitted: Option Amount of additional building square footage 1. Electric Vehicle Parking: Provide a 10,000 SF per 10 minimum of 10 electric vehicle parking stalls parking spaces on the development site. 1 ADA electric vehicle stall shall be provided for every 25 electric vehicle stalls Electric vehicle parking spaces shall count toward the minimum required number of parking spaces. The electric vehicle parking space shall be: a. Located in the same lot as the principal use; b. Signed in a clear and conspicuous manner, such as special pavement marking or signage, indicating exclusive availability to electric vehicles; and c. Outfitted with a standard electric vehicle charging station. 2. At least 30% of the roof area of the 40,000 SF building seeking an increase in vl 7 footprint shall be devoted to either solar panels or a vegetated rg een roof, or a combination of the two. 3. Designation of natural open space 1 SF per 1 SF of within the development site, as natural open space defined in Section 21A.62.040. Natural open space shall, to the greatest extent possible, be contiguous. Fragmented and disconnected small areas scattered throughout the development, and required setback yards, shall not count towards the designated open space. Jordan River Transitional Buffer Area and Wetland Buffers: Land within the Transitional Buffer Area or any required wetland buffers may count as natural open space. The square footage increase shall be for a building outside of the required buffer area on the same development site and shall include item#4 below (Inclusion of a privately-owned public pathway, trail, or greenwgy connecting to or through natural open space areas). 4. Inclusion of a privately-owned 10,000 SF per 1,000 public pathway, trail, or reg enway linear feet of trail connecting to or through natural open space areas. 25,000 SF per trailhead. The trailhead must include amenities such as directional signag_e, benches, etc. 5. Providing full retention of site 50,000 SF stormwater with no release to the public storm drain system and providing enhanced stormwater quality practices. vl 8 System design to be approved by the Salt Lake City Public Utilities Department. 5. Providing detention to the effect that 35,000 SF no more than 0.1 cfs/acre is discharged for the 100-year 3-hour storm with the Farmer Fletcher Rainfall Distribution and providing enhanced stormwater quality practices. System design to be approved by the Salt Lake City Public Utilities Department. 7. The site is developed as an all- 50,000 SF electric property.All-electric property means a properly h contains no permanently installed equipment or appliances that utilize combustion, plumbing for fuel gas or fuel oil or fuel gas utility connection, installed within the building(s) or site, except for emergency-power systems and standby power systems. 192 193 2. Amends Section 2]A.33.040 Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Manufacturing 194 Districts to add the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District (M-lA) to the table, with no 195 other revisions, as follows: 196 197 21A.33.040: TABLE OF PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES FOR 198 MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS: Permitted And Conditional Uses By Use District M-1 M-2 M-1A Accessory use, except those that are otherwise P specifically regulated elsewhere in this title Agricultural use P vl 9 Alcohol: Bar establishment C6,10 Brewpub C6,10 Distillery C19 Tavern C6,10 Winery C 19 Ambulance services (indoor and/or outdoor) P Animal: Cremation service P Pet cemetery P2 Stockyard C2 Veterinary office P Antenna, communication tower P Antenna, communication tower, exceeding the C maximum building height Artisan food production P19 Bakery, commercial P19 Bio-medical facility P'8,19 Blacksmith shop P19 Brewery P19 Building materials distribution P Bus line station/terminal P Bus line yard and repair facility P12 Cannabis production establishment P vl 10 Commercial food preparation P19 Community garden P Contractor's yard/office C Crematorium C Data center P19,21 Daycare center, adult P Daycare center, child P Dwelling, living quarters for caretaker or P security guard, limited to uses on lots 1 acre in size or larger and is accessory to a principal use allowed by the zoning district Equipment, heavy(rental, sales, service) P Equipment rental (indoor and/or outdoor) P Financial institution with or without drive- P through facility Food processing P 19 Gas station C Government facility P Government facility requiring special design P features for security purposes Grain elevator C 2 Greenhouse P Home occupation P'5 Hotel/motel P Impound lot P'2 Industrial assembly P'9 vl 11 Laboratory, medical related P19 Light manufacturing P19 Limousine service P Mobile business P Municipal services uses including City utility P uses and police and fire stations Office P Office, publishing company P Open space P Park P Parking: Commercial P Off site P Park and ride lot shared with existing use P Photo finishing lab P19 Printing plant C 19 Radio, television station P Recreation(indoor) P Recreation(outdoor) P Recycling: Collection station P Processing center(indoor) C19 Research and development facility P 19 vl 12 Restaurant with or without drive-through P" facilities Retail goods establishment with or without P" drive-through facility Retail service establishment: Electronic repair shop P Furniture repair shop P Upholstery shop P School: Professional and vocational (with outdoor P activities) Professional and vocational (without outdoor P activities) Seminary and religious institute P Seasonal farm stand P Small brewery P19 Solar array P17,19 Storage and display (outdoor) P Storage, public (outdoor) P Storage, self P Store, convenience P Studio, motion picture P Taxicab facility P Technology facility P19 Tire distribution retail/wholesale P vl 13 Urban farm P Utility: Building or structure P Solid waste transfer station C 2 Transmission wire, line, pipe or pole P' Automobile and truck repair P Automobile and truck sales and rental P (including large truck) Automobile part sales P Automobile salvage and recycling (indoor) P 1`' Recreational vehicle (RV) sales and service C Truck repair(large) P Vending cart,private property P Warehouse P19 Welding shop P19 Wholesale distribution P19 Woodworking mill P19 200 Qualifying provisions: 201 1. See Subsection 21A.02.050.B of this title for utility regulations. 202 2. Subject to Salt Lake Valley Health Department approval. 203 3. Electric generating facilities shall be located within 2,640 feet of an existing 138 kV or 204 larger electric power transmission line. 205 4. No railroad freight terminal facility shall be located within 1 mile of a Residential 206 Zoning District. 207 5. Pursuant to the requirements set forth in Section 21A.36.140 of this title. vl 14 208 6. If a place of worship is proposed to be located within 600 feet of a tavern, bar 209 establishment, or brewpub, the place of worship must submit a written waiver of 210 spacing requirement as a condition of approval. 211 7. Building additions on lots less than 20,000 square feet for office uses may not exceed 212 50 percent of the building's footprint. Building additions greater than 50 percent of the 213 building's footprint or new office building construction are subject to a design review. 214 8. A community correctional facility is considered an institutional use and any such 215 facility located within the AFPP Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay District is 216 subject to the land use and sound attenuation standards for institutional uses of the 217 applicable Airport Influence Zone within Section 21A.34.040 of this title. 218 9. No check cashing/payday loan business shall be located closer than 1/2 mile of other 219 check cashing/payday loan businesses. 220 10. Subject to conformance with the provisions in Section 21A.36.300, "Alcohol Related 221 Establishments", of this title. 222 11. Subject to conformance to the provisions in Section 21A.40.060 of this title for drive- 223 through use regulations. 224 12. Prohibited within 1,000 feet of a Single- or Two-Family Zoning District. 225 13. Prohibited within the Eco-Industrial Buffer Area of the Northwest Quadrant Overlay 226 District. 227 14. Prohibited within the Development Area of the Northwest Quadrant Overlay District. 228 15. Allowed only within legal conforming single-family, duplex, and multi-family 229 dwellings and subject to Section 21A.36.030 of this title. 230 16. Prohibited within 12 mile of any Residential Zoning District boundary and subject to 231 Section 21A.36.110 of this title. 232 17. Prior to issuance of a building permit in the M-IA District, Development Area and the 233 Eco-Industrial Buffer Area of the Northwest Quadrant Overlay, consultation with the 234 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is required to obtain recommendations on siting 235 and equipment types for all solar arrays on a particular property to mitigate impacts to 236 wildlife. 237 18. Prohibited within 1/2 mile of a residential use if the facility produces hazardous or 238 radioactive waste as defined by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality 239 administrative rules. 240 19. Consult the water use and/or consumption limitations of Subsection 21A.33.010.D.1. 241 20. Prohibited in the IP Inland Port Overlay District. See Subsection 21A.34.150.B.2.f. vl 15 242 21. Prohibited on the North Temple Landfill site as identified in the Northwest Quadrant 243 Master Plan. 244 22. Data centers may be permitted provided they utilize a closed-loop cooling system. 245 246 3. Amends Subsection 21A.36 010.B.2, as follows: 247 248 2. Lots in the RP, BP, M-1, M-2, M-IA, AG, AG-2, AG-5, AG-20, A, OS,NOS, and EI 249 Districts may have multiple buildings on a single lot regardless of street frontage and 250 subject to meeting all other zoning regulations. 251 252 4. Amends Subsection 21A.36 010.E, as follows: 253 254 E. Flag Lots Tin Nonresidential Districts: In the CG, BP, RP, M-ls M-2, and M-IA 255 Districts, flag lots shall be permitted, subject to subdivision regulations; provided, that: 256 1. As part of new subdivisions or through the planned development process only when 257 the flag lot is proposed at the rear of an existing parcel; 258 2. The flag lot access strip shall have a minimum of twenty four feet (24') of frontage on 259 a public street; and 260 3. The y subdivision review process determines the fellewingt that 261 a Tit is not desirable or necessary to extend a public street to access the parcel_ 262 . 263 264 S. Amends the table in Subsection 21A.37.060.C to add the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning 265 District(M-IA) to the table as follows: 266 C. Manufacturing Districts: Standard (Code Section) District M-1 M-2 M-1A Ground floor use (%) (21A.37.050A1) Ground floor use +visual interest(%) (21A.37.050A2) Building materials: ground floor(%) (21A.37.050B1) Building materials: upper floors (%) (21A.37.050B2) Glass: ground floor(%) (21A.37.050C1) vl 16 Glass: upper floors (%) (21A.37.050C2) Building entrances (feet) (21A.37.050D) Blank wall: maximum length(feet) (21A.37.050E) Street facing facade: maximum length(feet) 21A.37.050F Upper floor step back (feet) (21A.37.050G) Lighting: exterior(21A.37.050H) X X X Lighting: parking lot(21A.37.050I) X X X Screening of mechanical equipment(21A.37.050J) Screening of service areas (21A.37.050K) Ground floor residential entrances (21A.37.050L) Parking garages or structures (21A.37.05OM) 267 268 6. Amends Table 21A.40.090.E to add the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District(M- 269 IA) to the table under "Commercial/manufacturing districts"with no other revisions to the 270 table, as follows: vl 17 271 272 TABLE 21A.40.090E 273 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Wall Roof Monopole With Antennas And Monopole With Antennas And Lattice Mount 3 Mount 3 Antenna Support Structure Antenna Support Structure Tower Less Than 2' Wide 3 Greater Than 2' Wide 3 District Height 60' Or District Height 60' Or Limit But Not Exceeding Limit But Not Exceeding To Exceed 60' The To Exceed 60' The (Whichever Is Maximum (Whichever Is Maximum Less) Height Limit Less) Height Limit Of The Zone Of The Zone Commercial/manufa cturing districts: M-lA P P P C P C C 274 vl 18 275 276 7. Amends Subsection 21A.44.040.A.4 as follows: 277 4. The maximum parking limit does not apply to properties in the M-1, M-2, M-IA, BP, or 278 Airport zoning districts that are located west of the centerline of Redwood Road. 279 280 8. Amends Table 21A.44.060-A to add the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District (M- 281 IA) to the table under "GENERAL CONTEXT"and "Commercial and Manufacturing (CC, CS, 282 CG, M-1, M-2, SNB)"with no other revisions to the table, as follows: TABLE 21A.44.060-A: PARKING LOCATION AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: N=parking prohibited between lot line and front line of the principal building Zoning Front Lot Line Corner Side Lot Interior Side Lot Line Rear Lot Line District Line GENERAL CONTEXT Commercial and Manufacturing (CC, CS, CG, M-1,M-2, SNB) CC 15 ft. 0 ft.; or 7 ft. when abutting any residential district CS 0 ft.; or 15 ft. when abutting any residential CG N. district See also Subsection 21A.26.070 .I M-1 15 ft. M-2 0 ft.; or 50 ft. when abutting any residential district M-lA 283 284 9. Amends Table 21A.44.060-C as follows: TABLE 21A.44.060-C: MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM DRIVE APPROACH WIDTH: Zoning District Minimum Drive Approach Width Maximum Drive Approach (in front and corner side yard) Width* (in front and corner side yard) SR-1, SR-2 and SR-3 8 ft. 22 ft. MH 8 ft. 16 ft. Other Residential Zoning 8 ft. 24 ft. Districts N4 , and Na 2 12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for two- 30 ft. Manufacturing Districts way vl 19 Other Non-Residential 12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for two- 30 ft. Zoning Districts way * All drive approaches serving residential uses shall be a minimum eight feet(8') wide. 285 286 10. Amends Subsection 21A.44.090.A.4.a as follows: 287 a. The property is located in a CG, M-1, M-2, M-lA, or EI zoning district. 288 289 11. Amends Section 21A.44.100.B.2 as follows: 290 2. Except in the M-1, M-2, M-lA, CG, and D districts, no cleaning or maintenance of 291 loading areas using motorized equipment may be performed between ten o'clock(10:00) 292 P.M. and seven o'clock(7:00)A.M. each day, except for snow removal. 293 294 12. Amends the preamble to Section 21A.46.055 as follows: 295 Pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this section, attended portable signs shall be 296 allowed on public property in Residential/Business (RB), Residential/Mixed Use (R-MU), 297 Neighborhood Commercial (CN), Community Business (CB), Community Shopping (CS), 298 Corridor Commercial (CC), Sugar House Business (CSHBD), General Commercial (CG), 299 Light Manufacturing (M-1), Heavy Manufacturing (M-2),Northpoint Light Manufacturing 300 M-lA Central Business (D-1), Downtown Support(D-2), Downtown 301 Warehouse/Residential (D-3), Downtown Secondary Central Business (D-4), Gateway- 302 Mixed Use (G-MU) and Business Park(BP) Zoning Districts. 303 304 13. Amends Section 21A.46.100 as follows: 305 21A.46.100: SIGN REGULATIONS FOR MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS: 306 The following regulations shall apply to signs permitted in the manufacturing districts. Any 307 sign not expressly permitted by these district regulations is prohibited. 308 A. Sign Regulations Ffor Tthe r4 1 And r,r '' Manufacturing Districts: 309 1. Purpose: Sign regulations for the Na 1 and Na 2 manufacturing districts are 310 intended to provide for appropriate identification of industrial and manufacturing 311 uses. Signage should enhance the aesthetics of the districts, rather than clutter the 312 area. Supportive commercial signage should be in scale with industrial signage. 313 2. Applicability: Regulations in subsection A3 of this section shall apply to all lots 314 within the M-I_,and M-2, and M-lA districts. 315 3. Sign Type, Size Aand Height Standards: vl 20 316 317 STANDARDS FOR THE A"AND n MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS 318 [Note to codifier: aside from the title, there are no changes to the table or any of the notes 319 thereto.] 320 4. Supplemental Regulations: 321 a. Lot Frontage Requirements: A minimum lot frontage of one hundred feet 322 (100') shall be required for pole signs or monument signs. 323 324 14. Amends Subsection 21A.48.060.D as follows: 325 D. Landscape Buffer Standards: Required District When Abutting 1 Landscape/ Freeway Buffer Widths All districts (except Single- Single- and Two- Family, and Two- Family, Foothill, Foothill, & Special Development Special Development Pattern, SNB, FB-UN1, and 10, those districts listed below that require a greater buffer width All districts Freeway 2 20' All other non-residential districts (except SNB, FB- RMF-30 RMF-35 RMF-45 & UN I, and those districts RMF-75' 10, listed below that require a greater buffer width Any district that allows M-1 & M-lA residential uses,AG districts, & 15' OS Any district that allows 50' M-2 residential uses AG districts & OS 30' BP& RP All residential districts (in 30' Cha ter 21 A.24 EI All districts 30' MH All districts 20' 1. Or when required elsewhere by this title. vl 21 2. The zoning administrator may approve a reduced freeway buffer if there's an existing sound wall or required off-street parking cannot be met. If such a reduction i necessary, the buffer may not be less than 10'in width. Landscape Buffer Standards 1 tree for every 30 linear feet of landscape buffer. 1 shrub every 3 feet, with a mature height of no less than 4', along the entire length of the buffer. A 6-foot solid fence along the length of the required landscape buffer unless modified by the zoning administrator to better meet the fence height provisions in Section 21A.40.120. Turf is limited to active recreation areas. Freeway Landscape Buffer Standards (buffer standards for tl"-",l abutting a freeway) 1 tree for every 15 linear feet of required freeway landscape buffer. Trees shall be staggered along the length of the buffer. 100% coverage required, may include adaptive or native grasses, wildflower, and shrubs. Turf is prohibited. 326 327 328 15. Amends Table 21A.55.060 to add the Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District (M-IA) 329 to the table under "Manufacturing districts"with no other revisions to the table, as follows: 330 TABLE 21A.55.060 331 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS District Minimum Planned Development Size Manufacturing districts: M-1 Light Manufacturing District No minimum required M-2 Heavy Manufacturing District No minimum required M-IA Northpoint Light Manufacturing District No minimum required 332 vl 22