20 of 2024 - Master Plan Implementation Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with UTA, Addendum No. 8RESOLUTION OF 2024 ----Authorizing approval of Addendum No. 8 to an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and Utah Transit Authority providing for transfer of City funds for implementation of the Transit Master Plan. WHEREAS, Utah Code Title 11, Chapter 13 allows public entities to enter into cooperative agreements to provide joint undertakings and services; and WHEREAS, on February 19, 2019, Salt Lake City Council authorized that the City enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and Utah Transit Authority providing for transfer of City funds for implementation of the Transit Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement contemplated that the parties would enter into an annual addendum to provide funding for the frequent transit network routes and other transit improvements; and WHEREAS, a draft addendum has been prepared to accomplish said purposes; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah as follows: 1.It does hereby approve the execution and delivery of the following:ADDENDUM NO. 8 TO THE SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION AND UTAHTRANSIT AUTHORITY TRANSIT MASTER PLAN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT(2024-2025 FTN ROUTES).2.Erin Mendenhall, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah or her designee is hereby authorized toapprove, execute, and deliver said agreement on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation, insubstantially the same form as now before the City Council and attached hereto, subject tosuch minor changes that do not materially affect the rights and obligations of the Citythereunder and as shall be approved by the Mayor, her execution thereof to constituteconclusive evidence of such approval.PASSED by the City Council of Salt Lake City this ___ day of ____ _, 2024.ATTEST: CITY RECORDER SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON APPROVED AS TO FORM: Salt Lake City Attorne_y'i()ffice Date: May 16, 2024 20 9th JulyJul 10, 2024 $/*-$  /-* җJul 11, 2024 1тѷ4х Ҙ $)4 -$.#() җJul 1ф, 2024 0шѷ1т Ҙ Adopted July 9, 2024 - Resolution 20 of 2024 Master Plan Implementation Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with UTA - Addendum No 8 Final Audit Report 2024-07-15 Created:2024-07-10 By:DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAPtepIv4H2Lknqu5lybJAr_JvrmmGyl1a "Adopted July 9, 2024 - Resolution 20 of 2024 Master Plan Impl ementation Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with UTA - Addendum No 8" History Document created by DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) 2024-07-10 - 9:56:28 PM GMT Document emailed to Sara Montoya (sara.montoya@slcgov.com) for signature 2024-07-10 - 9:59:06 PM GMT Email viewed by Sara Montoya (sara.montoya@slcgov.com) 2024-07-10 - 10:03:04 PM GMT Document e-signed by Sara Montoya (sara.montoya@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-07-10 - 10:17:10 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to victoria.petro@slcgov.com for signature 2024-07-10 - 10:17:17 PM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-07-11 - 5:24:48 AM GMT Signer victoria.petro@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Victoria Petro 2024-07-11 - 7:46:53 PM GMT Document e-signed by Victoria Petro (victoria.petro@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-07-11 - 7:46:55 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2024-07-11 - 7:47:02 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-07-15 - 3:13:26 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-07-15 - 3:13:26 PM GMT