Transmittal - 7/9/2024 SALT LAKE CITY TRANSMITTAL 1 8*4 1 To: Start Date: Date Sent to Council: Salt Lake City Council Chair 07/09/2024 07/16/2024 Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency Chair From: Employee Name: E-mail Hulka,Andy Andy.HuIka@slcgov.com Department Community and Neighborhood Department Director Signature Chief Administrator Officer's Signature* 0& Q1 9X Wrad 0�& Director Signed Date Chief Administrator Officer's Signed Date 07/10/2024 07/16/2024 Subject: Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts Text Amendment Additional Staff Contact: Presenters/Staff Table Andy Hulka,andy.hulka@slcgov.com; Charlie Taylor,ctaylor@yesco.com Document Type* Budget Impact* Budget Impact: Ordinance Yes No Recommendation: That the City Council follows the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the petition for a zoning text amendment. Background/Discussion(?) YESCO Sign Company has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to monument signs in Manufacturing Districts.The proposed amendment would allow one monument sign for the first 1 00'of street frontage and one additional sign for every additional 250'of street frontage,with each sign separated by at least 150'.Current regulations limit monument signs to one per street frontage no matter the length of the frontage. Monument signs are freestanding signs with a sign face that extends to the ground or to a base.The applicant approached the City in 2023 to discuss a project that involved two monument signs on a single lot,but could not proceed because current regulations limit property owners to one monument sign per property in manufacturing districts.New development in the manufacturing districts often involves large properties with long street frontages and multiple entrances.The intent of the text amendment is to allow multiple monument signs on these larger lots with sufficient spacing to avoid becoming a distraction to motorists. The City's long-range planning documents generally encourage policies that support the growth of industrial areas.The Salt Lake City Urban Design Element gives direction that signage should provide opportunities for businesses to advertise without having a detrimental effect on the community,and that signage in industrial areas need not be overpowering.The proposal is similar to the sign standards for manufacturing zones in West Valley City,Magna,and South Salt Lake,which allow properties to have multiple monument signs.This proposal is aligned with relevant City goals and policies and is comparable to similar regulations in nearby municipalities. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the request on April 24,2024.During their discussion,the Planning Commission suggested that the language of the text amendment should be reviewed for consistency with the driveway standards in the zoning ordinance. Based on this suggestion,the proposal was subsequently updated to allow one sign for the first 1 00'and then an additional sign for each additional 250'of frontage.The Planning Commission voted 5-2 to send a positive recommendation to the City Council. Will the City Council need to hold a public hearing for this item?* Yes No Public Process •Early Notification-On January 8,2024,all community councils were sent the 45-day required notice for recognized community organizations.None of the councils provided comments on the request.An online open house was posted on the Planning Division's website from January 8 to February 22. •Planning Commission Meeting-The petition was heard by the Planning Commission on April 24th,2024.The Planning Commission voted 5-2 to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed zoning map amendment.The full public meeting can be viewed using this link starting at minute 45:00. Chief Administrator Officer's Comments SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA April 24, 2024, at 5:30 pm City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (The order of the items may change at the Commission's discretion) This meeting will be held in person at the City & County Building. If you are interested in watching the Planning Commission meeting it will be available on the following platforms: • YouTube: www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings • SLCty Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCty-Live/2 If you are unable to attend in person but would like to submit comments regarding an item on the agenda, please email your comments to the staff contact listed for each item or provide general comments to planning.comments@slcgov.com. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 pm in room 326 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OPEN FORUM -The Commissioners may discuss planning, zoning, and general land use items that are not listed on the agenda. This discussion will be limited to no more than 10 minutes. There is no public discussion associated with this item. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Planned Development Modifications for Glendale Townhomes at approximately 1179 S. Navajo Street — Melissa Bigger of Axis Architects is requesting an updated Planned Development approval for the previously approved 3-story townhome project that would increase unit counts from 53 to 74 and eliminate certain private amenities due to a public utility easement within the property. The units will now be available for individual ownership, rather than as rentals only. The property is the site of a former grocery store and is zoned CB (Community Business). The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems(a-)slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2021-00378 2. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA 1. Rezone at Approximately 1816 S State Street - Tiffanie Price, representing the property owner is requesting to change the zoning designation of this property from BP (Business Park)to CC (Corridor Commercial) to allow the existing building at this site to be leased for commercial uses that are not allowed under the current BP zoning designation. The current BP zoning designation does not allow for this property to be used for a restaurant or a retail establishment. The applicant has indicated that they would like to lease the building for these types of uses. The applicant does not intend to redevelop the property at this time. The subject property is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Trevor Ovenden at 801-535-7168 or trevor.ovenden(cb_slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00033 2. Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts Text Amendment — YESCO sign company has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to monument signs in Manufacturing Districts. The proposed amendment would allow one monument sign for every 250'of street frontage, with each sign separated by at least 150'. The proposed regulation changes will affect section 21A.46.100 of the zoning ordinance (Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts). (Staff Contact: Andy Hulka at 801-535-6608 or andy.hulka(a)slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00970 BRIEFINGS 1. Commercial and Mixed Use Zoning District Consolidation-The Planning Commission will receive a briefing on the proposal to consolidate the existing mixed use and commercial zoning districts. This proposal includes the RMF-75, RB, RMU-35, RMU-45, RMU, RO, all commercial zones found in Zoning Code Chapter 21A.26, FB-SC, FB-SE, FB-UN2, FB-UN11, and the MU zoning districts. The proposal will consolidate these districts into six new zoning districts and update other sections of the code where these zoning districts are referenced. The proposal will also update the zoning map to reflect the changes. This briefing will cover the workplan for the project, the status of each section of code that will be changing, and an overview of the new Mixed Use Zoning Districts Chapter. (Staff Contact: Planning Director Nick Norris at 801-535-6173 or nick.norris(a-slcgov.com) For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc.gov/planninp/public- meetinps. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. This page has intentionally been left blank SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, April 24, 2024 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video recording of the meeting is available at https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Mike Christensen, Commissioners Bree Scheer, Brian Scott, Aimee Burrows, Amy Barry, Anaya Gayle, and Rich Tuttle. Vice-Chair Carlos Santos-Rivera and Commissioner Landon Kraczek were absent from the meeting. Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Director Nick Norris, Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Senior Planner Eric Daems, Principal Planner Trevor Ovenden, Principal Planner Andy Hulka, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. Chair Mike Christensen shared the opening statement. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair had nothing to report. The vice-chair was absent from the meeting. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Director Nick Norris spoke on the proposed Downtown Entertainment District in the D4 Zone and the changes that could be made. He also reported on petitions that City Council have adopted. OPEN FORUM Commissioner Burrows asked for some modifications to document access. Commissioner Scheer asked for modifications to naming procedures for public comments that were emailed in. Commissioner Scheer asked about proposed changes to residential zoning. Staff stated that a briefing would be upcoming. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Planned Development Modifications for Glendale Townhomes at approximately 1179 S. Navajo Street — Melissa Bigger of Axis Architects is requesting an updated Planned Development approval for the previously approved 3-story townhome project that would increase unit counts from 53 to 74 and eliminate certain private amenities due to a public utility easement within the property. The units will now be available for individual ownership, rather than as rentals only. The property is the site of a former grocery store and is zoned CB (Community Business). The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems(a)slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2021-00378 2. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 27 AND APRIL 10, 2024 The Chair opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. Commissioner Burrows asked for an amendment to be made to the April 10, 2024, minutes. MOTION Commissioner Burrows motioned to move the Planned Development for Glendale Townhomes to the regular agenda. Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioner Gayle and Barry voted "no". Commissioners Tuttle, Scott, Burrows, Scheer, and Chair Christensen voted "yes". The motion passed. The item was moved to the regular agenda. Commissioner Burrows motioned to amend the minutes for April 10, 2024. Commissioner Tuttle seconded the motion. Commissioners Scott abstained due to absence from that meeting. Commissioners Tuttle, Gayle, Barry, Burrows, Scheer, and Chair Christensen voted "yes". The motion passed. Commissioner Burrows motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Tuttle seconded the motion. Commissioners Tuttle, Scott (abstained from April 10, 2024, meeting minutes), Scheer, Burrows, Barry, Gayle(abstained from the March 27, 2024, meeting minutes), and Chair Christensen voted "yes". The motion passed. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Planned Development Modifications for Glendale Townhomes at approximately 1179 S. Navaio Street — Melissa Bigger of Axis Architects is requesting an updated Planned Development approval for the previously approved 3-story townhome project that would increase unit counts from 53 to 74 and eliminate certain private amenities due to a public utility easement within the property. The units will now be available for individual ownership, rather than as rentals only. The property is the site of a former grocery store and is zoned CB (Community Business). The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems(a)slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2021-00378 Senior Planner Eric Daems reviewed the proposal as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends approval of the modifications. The applicant was not present. The public hearing was previously opened and closed while the item was on the consent agenda. The commission and staff discussed the proposed changes to the project. The Planning Director suggested tabling the item to a time when the applicant could be present to answer the commissioners' questions. MOTION Commissioner Tuttle motioned to table the item with the public hearing to remain open. Commissioner Burrows seconded the motion. Commissioners Gayle, Tuttle, Scott, Burrows, Scheer, and Chair Christensen voted "yes". Commissioner Barry voted "no". The motion passed 6 to one. 2. Rezone at Approximately 1816 S State Street - Tiffanie Price, representing the property owner is requesting to change the zoning designation of this property from BP (Business Park)to CC (Corridor Commercial) to allow the existing building at this site to be leased for commercial uses that are not allowed under the current BP zoning designation. The current BP zoning designation does not allow for this property to be used for a restaurant or a retail establishment. The applicant has indicated that they would like to lease the building for these types of uses. The applicant does not intend to redevelop the property at this time. The subject property is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Trevor Ovenden at 801-535-7168 or trevor.ovendenC@,slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00033 Principal Planner Trevor Ovenden reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation to approve to City Council. The applicant Tiffany Price gave a brief description of the plan for the property. The Chair opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. MOTION Commissioner Barry stated, "Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission recommend that the City Council approve this proposal for a Zoning Map amendment based on staff's recommendation." Commissioner Gayle seconded the motion. Commissioners Scheer, Scott, Tuttle, Gayle, Barry, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted "yes". The motion passed. 3. Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts Text Amendment — YESCO sign company has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to monument signs in Manufacturing Districts. The proposed amendment would allow one monument sign for every 250' of street frontage, with each sign separated by at least 150'. The proposed regulation changes will affect section 21A.46.100 of the zoning ordinance (Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts). (Staff Contact: Andy Hulka at 801-535-6608 or andy.hulkaCa-_)slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00970 Principal Planner Andy Hulka reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to City Council. The applicant Eric Cheney gave a brief overview of the reason for their request. The commissioners, staff, and the applicant discussed the details of the proposal. The Chair opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, the chair closed the public hearing. The commission, staff, and the applicant discussed concerns over the proposal. MOTION Commissioner Gayle stated, "Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission recommend that the City Council approve this zoning text amendment proposal." Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Scott, Gayle, Scheer, Tuttle, and Chair Christensen voted "yes". Commissioners Barry and Burrows voted "no". The motion passed 5 to two. BRIEFINGS 1. Commercial and Mixed Use Zoning District Consolidation -The Planning Commission will receive a briefing on the proposal to consolidate the existing mixed use and commercial zoning districts. This proposal includes the RMF-75, RB, RMU-35, RMU-45, RMU, RO, all commercial zones found in Zoning Code Chapter 21A.26, FB-SC, FB-SE, FB-UN2, FB-UN11, and the MU zoning districts. The proposal will consolidate these districts into six new zoning districts and update other sections of the code where these zoning districts are referenced. The proposal will also update the zoning map to reflect the changes. This briefing will cover the workplan for the project, the status of each section of code that will be changing, and an overview of the new Mixed Use Zoning Districts Chapter. (Staff Contact: Planning Director Nick Norris at 801-535-6173 or nick.norris(o-)-slcgov.com) Planning Director Nick Norris reviewed the proposal. The commission and staff discussed proposed zoning districts. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:14 PM. For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc.gov/planning/public- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. This page has intentionally been left blank y �L� aff Repor (P' ? PLANNING DIVISION To: Salt Lake City Planning Commission From: Andy Hulka, Inland Port Principal Planner; andy.hulkapslcgov.com, 801-535-6608 Date: April 24, 2024 Re: PLNPCM2023-00970: Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts Text Amendment ext Amendment Petition Number: PLNPCM2023-00970 Project Location: Citywide(Affecting all Manufacturing Districts) Zoning Districts: M-1 Light Manufacturing District&M-2 Heavy Manufacturing District Council District: Affecting All Manufacturing Properties (Districts 1, 2, and 3) REQUEST: YESCO Sign Company has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to monument signs in Manufacturing Districts. The proposed amendment would allow one monument sign for every 250'of street frontage,with each sign separated by at least 150'. Current regulations limit monument signs to one per street frontage no matter the length of the frontage. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed text amendment. ATTACHMENTS: A. Vicinity Map D. Zoning Text Amendment Standards B. Applicant's Narrative&Example Plan Set E. Public Process&Comments C. Proposed Text Amendment F. Department Review Comments PROJECT DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND: The applicant,YESCO Sign Company, approached the City in October 2023 to discuss a project that involved two monument signs on a single lot (see plans under Attachment B). Because the current regulations for monument signs in the Manufacturing Districts only allow one sign per street frontage,the applicant is requesting that the City consider amending the sign ordinance to allow multiple monument signs on larger properties. PLNPCM2023-00910 1 April 24,2024 A monument sign is defined as "a freestanding sign whose sign face extends to the ground or to a base."Other freestanding signs like pole signs � � and billboards are different sign types that will not be impacted by this petition. The sign code MONUMENT SIGN ON also includes the image to the right, which PEDESTAL BASE illustrates different types of monuments signs. The applicant's initial proposal would have <- LENGTHS _ � THE SIGN changed the maximum number of monument = FACE AREA ON signs from "i per street frontage"to "no limit." _ 3 1 L�,N A MONUMENT City staff expressed concerns that removing the �t I2 t,q SIGN IS THE limit without reasonable separation LENGTH X THE HEIGHT requirements could create situations where drivers might be confused or distracted by too many signs. Staff worked with the applicant to revise the initial proposal to include reasonable limits,which are discussed below. _ MONUMENT SIGN ON The proposed amendment would apply to all PLANTER BASE properties in manufacturing districts,which are currently located in Council Districts 1, 2, and (Figure 214.46.o2o-illustrating monument 3.A map of the affected area is provided below sign face area measurement) under Attachment A. PROPOSED CHANGES: The maximum number of monument signs in manufacturing districts can be found under section 21A.46.loo: Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts. The proposed amendment would add language to the table of standards for the M-1 and M-2 Districts, as follows (red underlined text is new language to be added): 21A.46.ioo:Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts: Types Of Maximum Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Sign Of Freestanding Setback2 Signs Combined Permitted Face Signsl Permitted Per Number Of Sign Type Signs3 Monument 150 square feet 5 feet at the 5 feet 1 per each 250 1 sign per each signs minimum setback linear feet of 2ri0 linear feet of and increases 1 foot street frontage_ street frontage. for each additional 1 Each sign shall be Each sign shall be foot of setback for a separated by at separated by at maximum of 20 feet least 150 feet. least 150 feet. PLNPCM2023-00910 2 April 24,2024 APPROVAL PROCESS AND COMMISSION AUTHORITY i The proposal is for a zoning text amendment.The Planning Commission is a recommending body for zoning text amendments,per 21A.5o.05o.A.The Commission can consider forwarding the proposal to the City Council for adoption as is, with modification to any aspect of the proposal (provided the modification complies with applicable state and federal laws),or recommend that the proposal not be adopted. If considering modifications,the Commission should provide clear direction to the planning staff regarding the changes and ask that the changes be made prior to sending the proposal to the Council for consideration,provide staff with exact wording(or deletions)that are desired,or table the matter with clear direction to staff to make specific changes that will be reviewed by the Commission at a later date. KEY CONSIDERATIONS The key considerations listed below were identified through the analysis of the project: i. How the Proposal Helps Implement City Goals&Policies Identified in Adopted Plans 2. Zoning Analysis&Best Practices Consideration is How the Proposal Helps Implement City Goals&Policies Identified in Adopted Plans Plan Salt Lake (2015) The citywide general plan, Plan Salt Lake, establishes broad principles and initiatives to help direct decision-making.While it doesn't give any specific direction related to monument signs, it supports efforts to grow the industrial areas of the city in a way that enhances the public realm: Transportation&Mobility • Incorporate pedestrian oriented elements, including street trees,pedestrian scale lighting,signage, and embedded art, into our rights-of-way and transportation networks. Beautiful City • Support and encourage architecture, development, and infrastructure that: o Is people focused; o Responds to its surrounding context and enhances the public realm. Economy • Support the growth of the industrial areas of the City. Urban Design Element(ic)c)o) The Salt Lake City Urban Design Element is a long-range planning document that articulates the city's urban design goals. The plan includes some strategies and policies related to signs, as well as several recommendations that are specific to industrial development: • "Signage throughout the commercial/industrial areas need not be overpowering." • "Provide ample opportunities for business to advertise products and service without having a detrimental effect on the community." • "Consider sign design and location as an integral part of all development, not as an after thought." PLNPCM2023-00970 3 April 24,2024 Consideration 2:Zoning Analysis&Best Practices Monument Signs in Neighboring Municipalities Staff reviewed the sign codes of several nearby communities to assess whether the proposed distance and separation standards were appropriate.While many cities limit monument signs in manufacturing zones to one per street frontage, there are several nearby examples that allow multiple monument signs: West Valley City 1t-.4 104.Monument Signs. Separation.Monument signs shall generally maintain a loo foot separation from all other signs... Number.Monument signs shall be limited to one monument sign per 200 feet of frontage. Properties that have more than one frontage may have at least one sign per frontage if there is a cumulative total of Zoo feet offrontage or at least loo feet offrontage per streetfrontage, whichever is greater; MMana 19.52.o7o Allowed Signs:In non-residential zones:One(1)sign per 300 ft.of street frontage. South Salt Lake 17.o8.33 —Commercial and Industrial Districts. B. There may be any number of attached or Detached Signs provided their total does not exceed the maximum square footage of SignArea allowed for the type of Sign and the location unless a special exception is granted for unusual circumstances. Monument Signs in Salt Lake City Monument signs are limited to one per street frontage in all areas of the city, except at the Delta Center and potentially the Salt Palace, if a proposed sign overlay is approved by the City Council. The sign standards for the Delta Center allow five monument signs per street frontage. The Salt Palace sign overlay, if adopted,would allow up to five monument signs per city block. Below are examples of existing monument signs in manufacturing districts to help visualize the size and spacing under consideration with this application: Amazon Fulfillment Center • 777 N 5600 W • Example of a typical new monument sign in the M-1 .' District _ amazon AS- 12'-0„ z PLNPCM2023-00970 4 April 24,2024 Best Western&Fairfield Inn • 5433 W Wiley Post Way& 23o N Admiral Byrd Rd 7W Example of 2 monumentwil r signs in the M-1 District t separated by 150'. BW ;PMS � STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed ordinance amendments have been reviewed against the Zoning Amendment consideration criteria in Attachment D.The proposed amendment implements professional best practices, does not conflict with other applicable State or City Code, and aligns with the City's zoning purposes. The proposed amendment also furthers the purpose of the city's policies and goals,including those in the applicable master plans. Due to these considerations, staff is recommending that the Commission forward a favorable recommendation on this request to the City Council. NEXT STEPS The Planning Commission can provide a positive or negative recommendation for the proposed text amendment. The recommendation will be sent to the City Council, who will hold a briefing and additional public hearing on the proposed amendments.The City Council may make modifications to the proposal and approve or decline to approve the proposed amendments. If ultimately approved by the City Council,the changes would be incorporated into the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance,and new development would be required to follow the new regulations. PLNPCM2023-00910 5 April 24,2024 ATTACHMENT A: Vicinity Map Vicinity Map LJ I LI I I I • I �� I �1 I O a g s • B 63 M-2 Parcels 0 2,700,400 10,800 16,200 Feet M-1 Parcels Salt Lake City Planning Division 3/28/2024 PLNPCM2023-00970 6 Apri124,2024 ATTACHMENT B: Applicant's Narrative & Example Plan Set PLNPCM2023-00970 Apri124,2024 Application for Zoning Code Amendment Manufacturing Districts, Salt Lake City, Utah Dura-Line Current Zoning Code Chapter 1A.46.100: The following regulations shall apply to signs permitted in the manufacturing districts. Any sign not expressly permitted by these regulations is prohibited. A. Sign Regulations for the M-1 And M-2 Manufacturing Districts: 1. Purpose: Sign regulations for the M-1 and M-2 districts are intended to provide for appropriate identification of industrial and manufacturing uses. Signage should enhance the aesthetics of the districts, rather than clutter the area. Supportive commercial signage should be in scale with industrial signage. 2. Applicability: Regulations in subsection A3 of this section shall apply to all lots within the M-1 and M-2 districts. The following information is extracted from the chart labeled Standards for the M-1 and M-2 Districts: Types of Signs Permitted: Monument Maximum Area per Sign Face: 150 square feet Maximum Height: 5 feet at the minimum setback and increases 1 foot for each additional 1 foot of setback for a maximum of 20 feet. Minimum Setback: 5 feet Number of Signs Permitted per Sign Type: 1 per street frontage Proposed Amendment: We propose that Chapter 1A.46.100 be amended to allow businesses in the manufacturing districts with more than 500 feet of frontage to have more than one monument sign per frontage. 8 Premise: 1. Monument signs are permitted in the manufacturing district. 2. We make this proposal in support of the purpose of this section of the zoning ordinance that states that it is "intended to provide for appropriate identification of industrial and manufacturing uses." The manufacturing districts are filled with exceptionally large lots and large buildings. Many have multiple ingresses accessed primarily by large trucks. It is appropriate, therefore, to allow multiple monument signs to identify these businesses with more than 500 feet of frontage. 3. This is a safety issue. Signage needs to be large enough to be visible for trucks to make safe turns into the intended driveways. It is appropriate to have a monument sign at each ingress and/or between ingresses along the same frontage. 4. The manufacturing districts are separated from residential neighborhoods and commercial districts. The additional signs will not disturb the neighbors. 5. We are not proposing any changes to the height or area of monument signs permitted in the manufacturing districts. Conclusion: For safety and appropriate identification of industrial and manufacturing businesses, we ask that you approve amending Zoning Code Chapter 1A.46.100 to allow businesses in the manufacturing districts with more than 500 feet of frontage to have more than one monument sign per frontage. 9 ■ od raoline An Orbia business. (SLC Extrusion Location) PackageNew Sign Presented By Version � Y E S C Oo OPY-51654-R3 • Date: 12.08.2022 Salt Lake Region Address Salt Lake Office 7591 W 700 N 1605 South Gramercy Road Salt Lake City UT Salt Lake City,UT 84104 801-487-8481 TYPOGRAPHY NOTE COLOR MATCHING NOTE PRODUCTION NOTE All vertical typography dimensions specified in this package Colors specified in this package are The PDF format of this package may contain are based upon the measurement from the baseline to theQ,He1 - `e°""° --- -y-- -h to match vendor supplied physical graphics which have been down-sampled cap-line of an uppercase letter T. The height of descenders samples.Colors chosen based upon for proofing purposes and should not be xPHxB1em — — _- and ascenders,below and above the baseline and cap-line oax how they appear on a computer used for production purposes.Source files respectively, are not included in the measurements unless _a„°°^° - monitor or printed media are not for this package are available upon request specifically noted. guaranteed to match. for production purposes. 10 IF ORK HAS BEEN PRINTED"TO FIT"-MEASUREMENTS TAKEN USING A SCALE RULEH MAY NIT I BE ACCURATE. YESCO: a � I I w e w w w 1605 South Gramercy Rd. 0o NORTH Salt Lake City,UT 84104 www.yesco.com ww.yesco.com ©2022 YES CO LLC.All right reserved -- ---------- / i _----------- This drawing was created to assist you in visualizing our proposal The original ideas T 249.97 ssa.o� -- herein arethe property of YESCO LLC. -- g Permission to copy or revise this drawing can only he obtained through a written agreement hh YESCO.T _ •ok -� I The cololors shown are only approximated on monit any computer co puler monitor or laser print. The final product may vary sightly in color from your computer monitor or pr on. This sign is ingalled in accordance wththe requrementsof Arficle600ofthe National o Electrical Code and/orprother ergroun eagle local s � o os�- codes This includes proper grounding and - —r T i bonding of the sign Q - -� b DL —`— b Revisions O No. Date/Description �•� - �� - - Ong. 11.11.2022 1� 11.16.2022 11.18.2022 12.08.2022 rt Jo# I w I I I - Approval -- ——————— -A/ESign/Date z - Client Sign/Date - Dura-Line LLC 7591 W 700 N Salt Lake City LIT Acct.Exec:Erik B Cheney Designer: Mitchell E Stapley OPY-51654 R3 LO C 0.1 IF THIS UUPY IS VISIBLE UN PHYSICAL PHI NIS 11 MAY I NUiCATEU7flATARTWORK HAS BEEN PRINTED"TO FIT"-MEASUREMENTS TAKEN USING A SCALE KILLER MAY NO I BE ACCURATE. SCOPE OF WORK ■ YESCO.,MANUFACTURE&INSTALL ONE(1]INTERNAL- . •�LY ILLUMINATED MONUMENT DISPLAY WITH STREET SIDE ROUTED OUT BACK UP COPY. PERMITTING SIGN AREA:36 FTa F FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION. 1605 South Gramercy Rd. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE POWER TO S a It Lake City,UT 84104 O dura-fine SIGN LOCATION.YESCO TO CONNECT. 801.487.8481 www.yesco.com ... - •, P2 P7 ISWntTB89 tom"Gri atcsh PMS289C" ©2022YESCO LLC.All right reserved Pai Note:Unless otherwise noted,Me colors depicted This drawing was created to assist you in on this rendering may not match actual colors on visualizing our proposal.The original ideas finished display.Please refer to colorvcallouts and herein are the property of YESCO LLC. their appropriate vendor specified samples for Permission to copy or revise this drawing can approved color specifications. only be obtained through a written agreement with YESCO. The colors shown are only approximated on any computer monitor,inkjet or laser print. The final product may vary slightly in color from your computer monitor or print. This sign is installed in accordance with the 3 SIGN 04-REVERSE VIEW requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes.This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. O UL Revisions 10.4. No. Date/Description Ong. 11.11.2022 9.4. T-0" 1, 11.16.2022 11.18.2022 Color Corrected Digitally Printed V-0. 12.08.2022 STREET SIDE Vinyl to Match PMS 289 C_!!t dur - ORouted out back up copy. --aeline _ rob,W M J 0# rtOil- Approval •• . • - A-6 A/E Sign/Date in __————__———— Client Sign/Date - Aluminum Cabinet painted t0 match PMszasc Dura-Line LLC Salt Lake City UT Acct.Exec:Erik B Cheney P1 Designer: Mitchell E Stapley M —Concrete Maw Pad O PY-51654 R3 SIGN 04-D/F INTERIOR ILLUMINATED MONUMENT SIGN 04-SIDE VIEW ART 3.0 SCALE:3/4'=1'-0'[1:16] SCALE:3/4'=V-0"[1:16] 12 IF THIS UUPY IS VISIBLE UN PHYSICAL PHI NIS 11 MAY I NUiCATEU7flATARTWORK HAS BEEN PRINTED"TO FIT"-MEASUREMENTS TAKEN USING A SCALE KILLER MAY NO I BE ACCURATE. SCOPE OF WORK ■ YESCO.,MANUFACTURE&INSTALL ONE(1]INTERNAL- . •�LY ILLUMINATED MONUMENT DISPLAY WITH STREET SIDE ROUTED OUT BACK UP COPY. PERMITTING SIGN AREA:36 FTa F FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION. 1605 South Gramercy Rd. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE POWER TO S a It Lake City,UT 84104 O dura-fine SIGN LOCATION.YESCO TO CONNECT. 801.487.8481 W0141111261:11111011 www.yesco.com ... - •, P1 SWT659"Gris" ©2022YESCO LLC.All right reserved 2Painttomatch PMS289C Note:Unless otherwise noted,Me colors depicted This drawing was created to assist you in on this rendering may not match actual colors on visualizing our proposal.The original ideas finished display.Please refer to colorvcallcurs and herein are the property of YESCO LLC. Truck Entry their appropriate vendor specified samples for Permission to copy or revisethis drawing can approved color specifications. only be obtained through a written agreement with YESCO. The colors shown are only approximated on any computer monitor,inkjet or laser print. The final product may vary slightly in color from your computer monitor or print. This sign is installed in accordance with the 3 SIGN 05-REVERSE VIEW requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes.This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. O UL Revisions 10.4. No. Date/Description Ong. 11.11.2022 9.4. T-Il � 11.16.2022 11.18.2022 Color Corrected Digitally Printed V-0.� 12.08.2022 STREET SIDE Vinyl to Match PMS 289 C_!!t dur - ORouted out back up copy. --aeline _ Pz J 0# P, Approval An • • . business. 6 A/E Sign/Date rn __————__———— Client Sign/Date - _ Aluminum Cabinet painted to match Truck EntrvPMszBsc Dura Line LLC Routed out back up copy. Salt Lake City UT Acct.Exec:Erik B Cheney F't Designer: Mitchell E Stapley na Concrete Mow Pad 0 PY-51654 R3 SIGN 05-D/F INTERIOR ILLUMINATED MONUMENT SIGN 05-SIDE VIEW ART 4.0 SCALE:3/4'=V-0"[1:16] SCALE:3/4'=V-0"[1:16] 13 ATTACHMENT C: Proposed Text Amendment PLNPCM2023-00970 14 Apri124,2024 Project Title: Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts APPROVED AS TO FORM Text Amendment Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Petition No.: PLNPCM2023-00970 Date: Version: Planning Commission Draft By: Katherine D.Pasker,Senior City Attorney Date Prepared: 4/8/2024 Recommended by Planning Commission: [Yes/No] (Scheduled for the 4/10/2024 PC Public Hearing) This proposed ordinance makes the following amendments(for summary purposes only): • Amends section 21A.46.100 to change the number of monument signs permitted in Manufacturing Districts. Red underlined text is new. If modifications made as part of the Planning Commission recommendation, those will be added and highlighted in yellow. All other text is existing with no proposed change. 1 Amending section 21A.46.100 to change the number of monument signs permitted in 2 Manufacturing Districts 3 21A.46.100: SIGN REGULATIONS FOR MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS 4 A. Sign Regulations For The M-1 And M-2 Manufacturing Districts: 5 3. Sign Type, Size And Height Standards: 6 21A.46.100:Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts: Types Of Maximum Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Sign Of Freestanding Setback Signs Permitted Combined Permitted Face Signs' Per Sign Type Number Of Signs' Monument 150 square feet 5 feet at the 5 feet 1 per each 250 1 sign per each signs minimum setback linear feet of 250 linear feet of and increases 1 foot street frontage. street frontage. for each additional 1 Each si ng shall Each sign shall foot of setback for a be separated by be separated by at maximum of 20 feet at least 150 feet. least 150 feet. 7 PLNPCM2023-00970: Planning Commission Draft 15 ATTACHMENT D: Zoning Text Amendment Standards ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS 21A.50.050: A decision to amend the text of this title or the zoning map by general amendment is a matter committed to the legislative discretion of the City Council and is not controlled by any one standard. In deciding to amend the zoning text,the City Council should consider the following: i. Whether a proposed text amendment is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the city as stated through its various adopted planning documents. The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the City's plans. The amendments to the zoning code are in-line with the policies found in Plan Salt Lake and the Salt Lake City Urban Design Element,as discussed under Key Consideration#1.The proposed text amendment is intended to support the growth of industrial areas of the city. Reasonable street frontage and separation standards have been proposed to ensure that new signs will be appropriate to their surrounding context.As recommended by the Urban Design Element,the proposal is expected to allow ample opportunities for business to advertise without being overpowering or having a detrimental effect on the community. 2.Whether a proposed text amendment furthers the specific purpose statements of the zoning ordinance. 21A.02.020:Purpose and Intent(Zoning Ordinance):This proposal is intended to allow additional signs in certain districts in a way that does not create confusion or cause congestion on city streets. This is in line with the purposes of the zoning ordinance to lessen congestion,protect the tax base, and foster the City's industrial development. 21A.20.o1o.A: Statement of Intent (Manufacturing Districts): The proposed text amendment is consistent with the stated purpose of the Manufacturing Districts"to improve the design quality of industrial areas; and to help implement adopted plans." As previously discussed, reasonable standards have been proposed to mitigate potential impact on adjacent properties and avoid visual clutter on the City's roadways. 21A.46.o1o:Purpose Statement(Signs):The regulations of the Signs chapter are intended,in part, to allow each individual business to clearly identify itself, while also encouraging sign legibility through the elimination of excessive and confusing sign displays. The proposed standards for monument signs in manufacturing districts will further this intent by allowing a reasonable number of monument signs on each property with appropriate standards to prevent confusion. PLNPCM2023-00910 16 April 24,2024 3. Whether a proposed text amendment is consistent with the purposes and provisions of any applicable overlay zoning districts which may impose additional standards. This factor is not applicable to the proposal. 4. The extent to which a proposed text amendment implements best current, professional practices of urban planning and design. The proposed text amendment was evaluated in comparison to other sign standards in Salt Lake City and best practices from nearby communities. The proposal includes reasonable standards similar to those found in other manufacturing zones throughout the Salt Lake Valley. (Note: This petition was accepted as a complete application by the City on 12128123,prior to the adoption of the new Community Benefit and Tenant Displacement Amendments.) PLNPCM2023-00970 17 Apri124,2024 ATTACHMENT E: Public Process & Comments Public Notice,Meetings, Comments The following is a list of public meetings that have been held,and other public input opportunities, related to the proposed project since the applications were submitted: • January 8, 2024 — All Community Councils were sent the 45-day required notice for recognized community organizations. None of the councils provided comments on this request. • January 8 — February 22, 2024 — The project was posted to the Online Open House webpage. Notice of the public hearing for the proposal included: • ByApril 12, 2024 o Public hearing notice mailed o Public notice posted on City and State websites and Planning Division list serve Public Input: Staff has not received comments from the general public at the time of publication. PLNPCM2023-00970 18 Apri124,2024 ATTACHMENT F: Department Review Comments This proposal was reviewed by the following departments. Any requirement identified by a City Department is required to be complied with. Economic Development: Peter Makowski//Project Manager//peter.makowski(a?slcgov.com Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Economic Development is supportive of this proposed Zoning Text Amendment as it supports the needs of businesses and customers in the M-1 zone. Engineering: ScottWeiler,P.E.//EngineerVII//scott.weileroslegov.com I don't have a reason to provide advice on this so I hope SLC Transportation can provide that from the perspective of traffic safety. Sustainability: Catherine Wyffels//Program Manager//Catherine.wyffels0slcgov.com Sustainability has no comments on this proposed amendment. Transportation:Jena Carver,P.E.//Transportation Engineer//jena.carver(aslcgov.com For the monument signs, I agree that too many signs can be a distraction. I would think either one per entrance plus one additional if they have a large frontage and/or one per 500'would work. I'd be more concerned that they aren't placed on a corner where they might create a pedestrian sight distance problem or to near a driveway. Urban Forestry:Rick Nelson//Urban Forestry Services Coordinator//rick.nelson(&slcgov.com I have concerns that this proposal will ultimately limit my ability to plant trees in the public ROW parkstrips due to limits on how close I can plant to the signage with sight line limitations. Bare minimum, they should be limited to be located only on their private property, and may not be used as a limiting factor for where I can place trees in our public ROW parkstrip. (Note: Monument signs in manufacturing districts must be located on private property with a minimum 5'setback from the property line. Planning confirmed with Forestry that the new standards would not interfere with any park strip requirements.) PLNPCM2023-00910 19 April 24,2024 This page has intentionally been left blank 1. ORDINANCE Project Title: Monument Signs in Manufacturing APPROVED AS TO FORM Districts Text Amendment Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Petition No.: PLNPCM2023-00970 Date: June 25, 2024 Version: I By: Katherine D.Pask •,Senior City Attorney Date Prepared: June 25, 2024 Planning Commission Action: Recommended 4/24/2024 This proposed ordinance makes the following amendments (for summary purposes only): • Amends section 21A.46.100 to change the number of monument signs permitted in Manufacturing Districts. Underlined text is new; text with stfileth-retigh is proposed to be deleted. If modifications are made as part of the Planning Commission recommendation, those will be added and highlighted in yellow. All other text is existing with no proposed change. 1 1. Amending the table in Subsection 21A.46100.A.3 with respect to monument signs, with 2 no other changes to the table, as follows: 3 4 STANDARDS FOR THE M-1 AND M-2 DISTRICTS Types Of Maximum Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Sign Of Freestanding Setback Signs Permitted Combined Permitted Face Signs' Per Sign Type Number Of Signs' Monument 150 square feet 5 feet at the 5 feet ref sweet 1 sign Per-Stf signs minimum setback €reiAage €ret4age and increases 1 foot 1 sian for the first 1 sign for the first for each additional 1 100' of street 100' of street foot of setback for a frontages frontage and 1 maximum of 20 feet additional sign additional sign for every for every additional 250' of additional 250' of street frontage. street frontage. Each sign shall Each sign shall be separated by at be separated by at least 150'. least 150'. 5 Version 1 2. PROJECT CHRONOLOGY ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor �' y and NEIGHBORHOODS �' =x Blake Thomas c/1= n„ Director PROJECT CHRONOLOGY Petition: PLNPCM2023-00970 December 5,2023 Petition for the zoning text amendment received by the Salt Lake City Planning Division and assigned to Andy Hulka,Inland Port Principal Planner. December 28,2023 Application deemed complete after applicant submitted specific language for review. January 2,2024 Information about the proposal was sent to all community councils in order to solicit public comments and start the 45-day Recognized Organization input and comment period. Jan 8—Feb 22, 2024 Staff hosted an online Open House to solicit public comments on the proposal. April 12, 2024 Public notice posted on City and State websites and sent via the Planning list serve for the Planning Commission meeting on April 24, 2024. April 24, 2024 The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 24, 2024. By a vote of 5-2, the Planning Commission forwarded a positive recommendation to the City Council for the proposed zoning text amendment. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O.BOX 145486,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 3. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Salt Lake City Council is considering Petition PLNPCM2023-00970 — Monument Signs in Manufacturing Districts Text Amendment — YESCO Sign Company has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to monument signs in Manufacturing Districts. The proposed amendment would allow one monument sign for the first 100' of street frontage and one additional sign for every additional 250' of street frontage, with each sign separated by at least 150'. Current regulations limit monument signs to one per street frontage no matter the length of the frontage. As part of their study, the City Council is holding an advertised public hearing to receive comments regarding the petition. During the hearing, anyone desiring to address the City Council concerning this issue will be given an opportunity to speak. The Council may consider adopting the ordinance the same night of the public hearing. The hearing will be held: DATE: PLACE: Electronic and in-person options. 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah ** This meeting will be held via electronic means, while also providing for an in-person opportunity to attend or participate in the hearing at the City and County Building,located at 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, including WebEx connection information, please visit https://www.slc.2ov/council/a2endas/. Comments may also be provided by calling the 24-Hour comment line at (801) 535-7654 or sending an email to council.comments(&slcaov.com.All comments received through any source are shared with the Council and added to the public record. If you have any questions relating to this proposal or would like to review the file, please call Andy Hulka at 801-535-6608 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or via e-mail at and. .h�&slcgov.com. The application details can be accessed at https://aca- prod.accela.com/SLCREF/Default.aspx, by selecting the "Planning" tab and entering the petition number PLNPCM2023-00970. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the City Council Office at council.comments&slcgov.com, (801)535-7600, or relay service 711. 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