Legislative Version Ordinance - 7/19/2024 1 Version 1 Project Title: Modifying Driveway and Loading Standards Petition No.: PLNPCM2023-00937 Version: 1 Date Prepared: June 18, 2024 Planning Commission Action: Recommended 5/8/2024 This proposed ordinance makes the following amendments:  Eliminates the standard for maximum combined driveway width; other provisions such as regulations on maximum number of curb cubs and the distance between curb cuts and street corners will achieve the goal of reducing sidewalk interruptions.  Adds a distinction between driveway and drive approach to avoid interpretation confusion and incorporates the consistent use of these terms.  Adds the ability for additional curb cuts to be installed for every additional 250’ of street frontage.  Revises a variety of terms used in the code (loading berth, dock, area) to “loading facilities” to create clarity and consistency. Underlined text is new; text with strikethrough is proposed to be deleted. If modifications are made as part of the Planning Commission recommendation, those will be added and highlighted in yellow. All other text is existing with no proposed change. 1 1. Amends Subsection 21A.37.050.K as follows: 2 K. Screening of Service Areas: Service areas, loading docks facilities, refuse containers, 3 utility meters, and similar areas shall be fully screened from public view. All screening 4 enclosures viewable from the street shall be either incorporated into the building architecture 5 or shall incorporate building materials and detailing compatible with the building being 6 served. Waste and loading facilities are prohibited from being located on street-facing 7 facades and shall be co-located and screened when possible. Exceptions to this requirement 8 may be approved by the planning director when the service provides power or some form of 9 utilities in and around the surrounding area. Exemptions may also be approved through the 10 site plan review process when a permit applicant demonstrates that it is not feasible to 11 accommodate these activities on the block interior. If such activities are permitted adjacent to 12 a public street, a visual screening design approved by the planning director shall be required. 13 14 2. Amends Section 21A.40.050.A.2 as follows: 15 16 2. Corner Lots Side Yards: No accessory building on a corner lot shall be closer to the street 17 than the distance required for corner side yards. At no time, however, shall an accessory 18 building be closer than twenty feet (20') to a public sidewalk or public pedestrian way and 19 APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney’s Office Date: ___________________________ By: ____________________________ Katherine D. Pasker, Senior City Attorney June 25, 2024 2 Version 1 the accessory building shall be set back at least as far as the principal building. Accessory 20 buildings are prohibited in a required corner side yard. Notwithstanding the foregoing, hoop 21 houses and cold frame structures up to twenty four inches (24") in height may be placed in a 22 corner side yard. 23 24 3. Amends the preamble to Section 21A.44.060 as follows: 25 26 21A.44.060: PARKING LOCATION AND DESIGN: 27 All required parking areas shall be located and designed in accordance with the standards in 28 this Chapter 21A.44: Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading and the standards in the Off 29 Street Parking Standards Manual. Modifications to the standards of this 30 Section 21A.44.060 may be granted through the design review process, subject to 31 conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59: Design Review. 32 33 4. Amends Subsection 21A.44.060.A.6 as follows: 34 35 6. Driveways and Access Drive Approaches: 36 a. Compliance with Other Adopted Regulations: 37 (1) Parking lots shall be designed in compliance with applicable city codes, 38 ordinances, and standards, including but not limited to Title 12 of this code: 39 Vehicles and Traffic and the Off Street Parking Standards Manual to the 40 maximum degree practicable, with respect to: 41 (A) Minimum distances between curb cuts; 42 (B) Proximity of curb cuts to intersections; 43 (C) Provisions for shared driveways; 44 (D) Location, quantity and design of landscaped islands; and 45 (E) Design of parking lot interior circulation system. 46 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 21A.44.060.A.6.a(1) above, 47 relocation of a driveway for a single-family, two-family, or twin home residence 48 in any zoning district shall only be required when the residence is replaced, and 49 shall not be required when the residence is expanded or renovated in compliance 50 with the city code. 51 b. Access General Standards: Access to all parking facilities shall comply with the 52 following standards: 53 3 Version 1 (1) To the maximum extent practicable, all off street parking facilities shall be 54 designed with vehicular access to a street or alley that will least interfere with 55 automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic movement. 56 (2) Parking facilities in excess of five (5) spaces that access a public street shall be 57 designed to allow vehicles to enter and exit the lot in a forward direction. 58 (3) Number of curb cuts: Parking facilities on lots Lots with less than one hundred 59 feet (100') of street frontage shall have only one (1) curb cut. , and lots Lots with 60 one hundred feet (100') of street frontage or more shall be limited to two (2) curb 61 cuts, unless, are permitted one (1) curb cut for the first one hundred feet (100’) of 62 street frontage and one (1) additional curb cut for every additional two hundred 63 fifty feet (250’) of street frontage. the The transportation director determines that 64 may approve additional curb cuts are when necessary to ensure pedestrian, 65 bicycle, and vehicle safety or to comply with the fire code. Public safety uses 66 shall be exempt from limitations on curb cuts. 67 (4) All vehicular access roads/driveways shall be surfaced as required in accordance 68 with Subsection 21A.44.060.A.8, "Surface Materials". 69 (4) Location: Driveways and drive approaches shall be at least 5 feet from any public 70 utility infrastructure such as power poles, fire hydrants, and water meters. 71 (5) Distance from street corners: Driveways and drive approaches for Single and 72 Two-Family Dwellings shall be located at least 20 feet from street corner property 73 lines. Driveways and drive approaches for all other uses shall be at least 50 feet 74 from street corner property lines. When the width of the lot is less than the 75 required distance, the transportation director may approve modifications no 76 greater than the minimum necessary to accommodate the driveway and drive 77 approach. 78 (6) Lead to approved parking area: Except for entrance and exit driveways leading to 79 approved parking areas, no curb cuts or driveways are permitted. 80 81 c. Driveway Standards: All driveways shall comply with the following standards: 82 83 (1) Driveway Location: Driveways shall be at least 5 feet from any public utility 84 infrastructure such as power poles, fire hydrants, and water meters. Except for 85 entrance and exit driveways leading to approved parking areas, no curb cuts or 86 driveways are permitted. 87 (2) Distance from street corners: Driveways for Single and Two-Family Dwellings 88 shall be located at least 20 feet from street corner property lines. Driveways for all 89 other uses shall be at least 50 feet from street corner property lines. When the 90 width of the lot is less than the required distance, the transportation director may 91 approve modifications no greater than the minimum necessary to accommodate 92 the driveway leading to approved parking areas, no curb cuts or driveways are 93 permitted. 94 4 Version 1 (3) (7) Driveway Drive Approach Widths: All driveways drive approaches 95 serving residential uses shall be a minimum eight feet wide and shall comply with 96 the standards for maximum driveway widths listed in Table 21A.44.060-C, 97 "Minimum and Maximum Driveway Drive Approach Width". 98 TABLE 21A.44.060-C: MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY DRIVE APPROACH WIDTH: Zoning District Minimum Driveway Drive Approach Width (in front and corner side yard)* Maximum Driveway Drive Approach Width* (in front and corner side yard) SR-1, SR-2 and SR-3 8 ft. 22 ft. MH 8 ft. 16 ft. Other Residential Zoning Districts 8 ft. 30 24 ft. M-1 and M- 2 12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for two-way 50 30 ft. Other Non- Residential Zoning Districts 12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for two-way 30 ft. * Maximum width is for all driveways combined when more than one driveway is provided All drive approaches serving residential uses shall be a minimum eight feet (8’) wide. 99 (8) The width of the driveway shall match the width of the drive approach that 100 provides access to it. 101 (9) Garage Doors and Vehicle Staging: All driveways providing access to a garage 102 shall have a minimum vehicle staging area. Garage doors for passenger vehicles 103 shall be setback at least 17 feet 6 inches from the back edge of sidewalk, or 104 property line when a sidewalk is not provided. Garage doors for large trucks shall 105 be setback at least 100 feet from back edge of sidewalk, or property line when a 106 sidewalk is not provided. This requirement does not apply to garage doors 107 abutting alleys. 108 (4) (10) Shared Driveways: Shared driveways, where two or more properties share 109 one driveway access drive approach, may be permitted if the transportation 110 director determines that the design and location of the shared driveway access 111 drive approach will not create adverse impacts on traffic congestion or public 112 safety. 113 5 Version 1 (5) Driveway Surface: All driveways providing access to parking facilities shall be 114 improved and maintained pursuant to the standards in the Off Street Parking 115 Standards Manual. 116 117 5. Amends Subsection 21A.44.060.A.8 as follows: 118 119 8. Surface Materials: All parking spaces, driveways and drive approaches shall comply with 120 the standards for surfacing of access, driving, and parking surfacing in the Off Street Parking 121 Standards Manual. 122 123 6. Amends Subsection 21A.44.060.B.1.a.(2) as follows: 124 125 (2) Vehicle access Drive approaches and driveways to parking shall be located to the 126 side of the building or as far from the street corner as possible unless further restricted by this 127 title. 128 129 7. Deletes Subsection 21A.44.060.B.2.b(2) as follows: 130 131 (2) Unless a second driveway is necessary to comply with the fire code, a maximum 132 of one driveway and drive aisle shall be permitted per street frontage. The access point shall be 133 located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the intersection of the front and corner side 134 lot lines. If the front or corner side lot line is less than one hundred feet (100') in length, then the 135 edge of the drive approach shall be located within twenty feet (20') of the side or rear property 136 line. 137 138 8. Creates a new Subsection 21A.44.060.B.3 as follows: 139 140 3. Modifications to the standards of this Subsection may be granted through the design 141 review process, subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 142 21A.59: Design Review. 143 144 9. Amends Subsection 21A.44.060.C.2 as follows: 145 2. Front and Corner Side Yard Parking: Recreational vehicle parking is prohibited in any 146 required or provided front or corner side yard. 147 148 6 Version 1 10. Amends Section 21A.44.070 as follows: 149 21A.44.070: OFF STREET LOADING AREAS FACILITIES: 150 A. Number and Size of Loading Areas Required: 151 1. Unless otherwise specified, a required an off street loading berth shall be at least ten 152 feet (10') in width by at least thirty-five feet (35') in length for short berths, and 153 twelve feet (12') in width by at least fifty feet (50') in length for long berths, exclusive 154 of aisle and maneuvering space. Maneuvering aprons of appropriate width and 155 orientation shall be provided and shall be subject to approval by the transportation 156 director. 157 2. All loading areas shall have a vertical clearance of at least fourteen feet (14'). 158 3. Off street loading facilities for new developments or for expansion of an existing 159 development shall be provided at the rate specified for a particular use, or if multiple 160 uses, at the rate of the uses combined, in Table 21A.44.070-A, "Off Street Loading 161 Requirements". Regardless of the combination of uses, all buildings with a gross floor 162 area over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet shall have a minimum of one (1) short 163 berth. 164 165 TABLE 21A.44.070-A: OFF STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Use Gross Floor Area (Square Feet) Number and Size of Berths Hotels, Institutions, and Institutional Living 50,000 - 100,000 1 short Each additional 100,000 1 short Office/Commercial 50,000 - 100,000 1 short Each additional 100,000 up to 500,000 1 short Retail 50,000 - 100,000 1 long Each additional 100,000 1 long Industrial 25,001 - 50,000 1 long 50,001 - 100,000 2 long Each additional 100,000 1 long Multi- Family Residential # of Dwelling Units (Per Building) Number and Size of Berths 80-200 1 short Greater than 200 1 additional short 166 B. Location and Design of Loading Areas: 167 7 Version 1 1. All required loading berths shall be located on the same development site as the 168 use(s) served. 169 2. No loading berth shall be located within thirty feet (30') of the nearest point of 170 intersection of any two (2) streets. 171 3. No loading berth shall be located in a required front yard. 172 4. Each required loading berth shall be located and designed to: 173 a. Allow all required vehicle maneuvering and backing movements on-site; 174 b. Minimize conflicts with pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic movement or 175 encroachments into any pedestrian walkway, bicycle lane, public right-of-way, 176 and fire lane; and 177 c. Avoid the need to back into a public street while leaving the site to the maximum 178 extent practicable, as determined by the planning director and the transportation 179 director. 180 5. Landscaping and screening of all loading berths shall be provided to comply with the 181 requirements of Subsection 21A.40.120, “Regulation of Fences, Walls, and 182 Hedges”..Chapter 21A.40.120, "Landscaping and Buffers" and Chapter 21A.37, 183 “Design Standards”. 184 6. Where a loading berth is illuminated, the light source shall be shielded so that the 185 light source is not directly visible from any abutting property or abutting private or 186 public street. 187 7. All signs in loading areas facilities shall comply with Chapter 21A.46, "Signs", and 188 applicable provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 189 8. All required loading berths shall comply with the surfacing standards of the Off Street 190 Parking Standards Manual. 191 192 11. Amends Subsection 21A.44.110.A as follows: 193 A. Continuation of Nonconforming Parking and Loading Facilities: Any parking spaces, 194 loading facilities, or access to public rights-of-way drive approaches that were lawfully 195 existing or created prior to the effective date of this ordinance, but that have since become 196 nonconforming with the provisions of this chapter through the actions of the city or any 197 governmental entity, shall be allowed to continue, but any expansion of the use or structure, 198 or change of use, after the adoption date of this ordinance shall comply with the provisions of 199 this Chapter 21A.44, "Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading". 200 201 12. Amends Subsection 21A.59.050.I as follows: 202 8 Version 1 I. Waste and recycling containers, mechanical equipment, storage areas, and loading docks 203 facilities shall be fully screened from public view and, for buildings with only one street-204 facing frontage, are prohibited from being located along street-facing facades. They shall 205 incorporate building materials and detailing compatible with the building being served 206 and shall be co-located with driveways unless prohibited by the presence of a street tree, 207 public infrastructure, or public facility within the right of way. Service uses may be 208 located within the structure. (See Subsection 21A.37.050.K of this title.) 209 210 13. Amends Section 21A.62.040 to add the definitions “Drive Approach” and “Driveway” to 211 the list of defined terms, in alphabetical order with existing definitions, as follows: 212 213 a. DRIVE APPROACH: An area in the right-of-way intended to provide access for 214 vehicles from the right-of-way to private property, including the curb return radius. 215 216 b. DRIVEWAY: A road or paved area on private property providing vehicular 217 access to parking. 218 219