010 of 1985 - Rezoning of North Side of North Bonneville Street from 937 to 997 East P 84-227 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 10 of 1985 (Conditional Rezoning of North Side of North Bonneville Street from 937 to 997 East) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, in response to Petition No. 400-207 requesting a change of zoning , the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah has held public hearings to consider said petition and the Planning Commission's recommendation that certain property fronting on the north side of North Bonneville Drive ( 765 North) for 434 feet from approximately 937 to 997 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, presently zoned Foothill Preservation "P-1 " should be rezoned to a Residential "R-1 " classification subject to the Foothill Development "F-1 " Overlay zone. The Council has taken into consideration citizen testimony and planning and demographic data of the area. Based upon that data and proposed conditions, the Council finds that the proposed rezoning is appropriate in order to accommodate what appears to be land otherwise developable into the residential neighborhood which it adjoins, and that such development will be in the best interests of the neighborhood and City as a whole, provided that certain conditions are satisfied . RECITALS : 1 . It is the Council's intention to reaffirm its confidence in the existing boundaries between the Preservation "P-1 " and Residential zones to generally reflect the urban limit line above which urban development will be discouraged or precluded because of constraints associated with construction in the foothills; but 2. It has been represented and demonstrated to the Council that there is a unique combination of circumstances associated with this particular area on the boundary: to-wit, existing frontage on a dedicated road; a location not within a natural drainage channel; the existence of two abutting developed homes on "R-1 " land on the same side of the street and a desire to finish the street where it can be safely done in strict compliance with the site development ordinance ; each proposed lot has a buildable area large enough for a house ; slopes are 40% or less according to site specific data, with the exception of a strip of undevelopable slope exceeding 40% that does not separate the buildable site from the street and that does not require traversing ; and by further representation that such land can be developed in strict compliance without variance with all building , zoning and site development into four building lots. It has been represented by staff that such combination of factors is not known to be present elsewhere along the present boundary and shall not set a precedent; otherwise the existing zoning would be retained; -2- �! t 3. Unless the petitioner can perform according to represen- tations by obtaining plat approval demonstrating that not to exceed four lots for single-family homes can be designed and developed in strict compliance with all site development, zoning and building ordinances, including maintenance of the full set- backs from the right of way lines, without variance, the change in zoning shall not be justified and shall not become effective. It is contemplated that buildings on the lots will require special custom engineering and design for the steep slopes to avoid the need to request variances. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Use District Map, as adopted by Section 51 -12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries and use districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec . 51 -12-2 . Botandaries of Use Districts. That the following-described parcel of land in Salt Lake City, generally located on the north side of North Bonneville Drive for 434 feet from approximately 937 to 997 East, currently zoned Foothill Preservation "P-1 " is hereby rezoned to a Residential "R-1 " classification, subject to the Foothill Development "F-1 " Overlay Zone classification, and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly. "P-1 " to "R-1 " subject to "F-1 " : -3- �, r� Y, V�.., A parcel of land fronting the north side of North Bonneville Drive ( 765 North) from approximately 937 to 997 East in Salt Lake City, Utah, being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at point 80 feet North 28040 ' East from the Northeast corner of Lot 14, Northcrest Plat "N" Amended Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence North 28*40 ' East 120. 0 feet; thence North 61 *20 ' West 352.28 feet ; thence South 63°02 '49" West 114.71 feet; thence southeasterly 87.00 feet around a 145. 0 foot radius curve to the left tangent to which curve bears South 26057111 " East; thence South 61 *20 ' East 335.18 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance, after passage, shall be published, but shall not become effective until recorded, as set forth in Section 3, concurrently with the approved plat and related documents for a subdivision of four lots or less. Before executing the final subdivision approval and/or issuing any building permits, the Planning Department shall verify to the Mayor that the following conditions subsequent have been satisfied. 1 . That the petitioner submit and receive an approval for a subdivision of four lots or less on said property that demon- strates that all lots have a developable buildable area abutting the street and that no variances from the site development ordinance or other building or zoning requirements are necessary in order to construct a home upon each lot. 2. That such plat bear a notice to purchasers that it is the Council' s recommendation that no building permit should be -4- approved nor any variance granted to permit or authorize construction on any lot within the subdivision unless it fully complies with all existing applicable subdivision, site and foothill development, and zoning ordinances of Salt Lake City. A copy of such plat shall be filed as a permanent case with the Board of Adjustment. SECTION 3. This ordinance, after the date of its first publication, shall not become effective until recorded with the recorder of Salt Lake County, as provided above. If the fore- going conditions specified in Section 2, including the approval and contemporary recording of a subdivision plat are not com- pleted within 12 months from the date of passage, this ordinance shall be null, void , and of no effect, and no recording of this ordinance shall be allowed, and the existing Preservation "P-1 " zoning shall remain in effect. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of March , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: rfrft' RECORDER 1 March 11, 1985 Transmitted to Mayor on Mayor's Action: March 12, 1985 -5- F ^ � MAYOR ATTEST: Y RECORDER cm98 (SEAL) Bill 10 of 19 8. ,,,,,,„ Published: March 22, 1985 Republished with corrections: July 18, 1985 -6- n A,q Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake 4AVLAKECITY' ,DIN _ « ,,;` _i ,.* Cheryl G%er3o , r, NR•1 r@ ......................................................... �' a:1511l J.'�ail 6 ZON LT D IES'OK U r.�.•a.`t v. REgS„Inres 4bStPetitiorr ✓>. 20 f' a np {oNng,mepGitv'�'ounN1 of salt alas cih; h. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is ty¢1k hif* -ls to¢bnslder sdld [An nd m'e nln (aslon's recomnienfJaNaq_ a�►► ecin• legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily fhe oils m side of North Bonn V I Drive 765 North)' 4 fradlappraxlmately917;to9g7, f• L Ajtv10u, newspaper printed in the English language with general .pprresermy zoned'Foomill tries n'P t)SFi re o fto'a,Restdent(01 s.sIq + ,sub) rot° ' .c>m lDg circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, 44/el�o�fe�"F�ltr eftayi The'CouncUba4."_@efi;i,f�� con �" > > slderditon citizen testarr_��ppny ;plannln ::attd•deiliodlwphi Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. �tlata of the area.S' dUlfbn that ilatq ate pyoPosgd cop�tddlfC1os r tie Coupcii finds ttigttti0 proposed fezon[n s', rOpfiate t '> older tq accommoXiafe w�tf.gpGears to be'raerwise de {velopable`inta the•resipentldl lgpWhood Which 1"..00loins- r atsuch iam �wl$e me Ito;prat� ���1 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto -flops are-sahifled. 't ' 1:itIs the couocll'siiiemlp,torec(Mrmiiseanttde�la'Inth Salt Lake• City Ordinance No.° 10 of 1985 °eAiNrto tio:indarles between me Pres&Vdtion�'P•1':¢bdd��Resi "' ""' "° ' dentlohzones:to neraily reflect me urbgn It It,fine t ov tivhich-ufban development wt��11cps dl g�r 6- precllud because of constraints assgciro .�Nltlt�ory°u414p 10 th foot Condlt�.o1111 Rezoning of,Nor tYi Side of I�ortY� :hills;but ' . ......... .. ... . . ...... �,. 2.ethos bteh r.presented End de itv,the ocl '"-. mer'¢ds a uniq�e oglbinallonotcph)to ees associ W mlg,articular=ontheboundary:'to•wit,existingfront 1 ogebnodedi road;alocationnotwithinanaturaldraina ......... � >�F'r�!�a +�..t� ���,.. xQ .� 7.. 4..�97..�ii ........... chgrilel;me exi to of two abutting developed homes o"R 1"land on the some side of the street-and a desire to finish th r+ .street where It can be safely doe in strict compliance with m site development ordinance;each proposed lot has a buitdobl - area large enough for a house;slopes are 40%or less accordin •. to she specific data,with the-exception of a strip of undevolop r` able slope exceeding 40%that does not separate me bullpabl site from the street and that does not require traversing;and b ` further representation that such land can be developppeed instrI ............................................................................................. coripllb:ice without variance wlth.all building,zoningp'and s development Into four building lots.it has been repre3enf-staff djsewhpt such realon thepr pre of sent ors not knowntobeprese was published in said newspaper on.elsewhere along me present boundary and shall not seta prece dent otherwise the existing zoning would be retained; ' sen .Unless the petitioner can perform according to repre ' lotions by obtaining flat-approval dem`bnstraitng mat not ', exceed four.lots for siingle-fTamijv honles can be'designed a March 22 1985 deveiopedIn strict compitance with all site development zonl 4 ....................... j ahif`}t�aiding ordinances,Includingrr�alydenance of me leis set .p, bacKS 169m the right of way lines,without variance,the Chang ;ti, /% / In ioing shall not be lustifled and shall not berAme effecilve. 4I rs ! n { e l l is:conterfiplatedthdtbuildings on the lots will require spe [a 3.• ............................................. 4 .�` �r�c ncustorn eed to regquegt varicnces�sign for me steep s1opE4 to avoid th t ` NOW,THERE�ORces. ordained by It ,.' Lega lid tising erk SaIt LRke City U}ah: SE 0 ON 1.That the Use District Map Nit adopted li ' lion 51.1§-2 of me Revised Ordinances of bait Lake COY,Utah � 196$ 46 amended relating to the fixing of boundaries and s districts,be,and%a some hereby Is amended as follows:; . k Sec 51-12-2.0oundarles of.Use i friths;Tltahlhq;fol inq-dgscribed parce)J'of Idna,t Si11f' y IF- on me norm`side a Nam BbnI • PvVy" Qet$- ripProximately 937 to 997 Eo#,turrenfiY tOntid III Preset ^ vahn"P heiebY re oed to a Residents "olasslfJ lion,subject to the Fo6�III Development" -i"Overlay X classification, and the,Use District Map Is amended" j Changed accordingly. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ......................4,th........................................ day of ��x 11.................................... A.D. 19..85 .. ..... . ....................................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires xk�..1a..7,98 ............................ '4 ,- ,r - V�¢. Proof of Publication From DESERET NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Attorney "P•1"fi"R-1"sYnlemro"F-no "I A pawl of lone hoMlnO Ms Ah slas m Nath B011MVI1 -� DrIJe ppe5 NorM"ram tpq osI-MY 937 b 9W Eaal M Sa Lake C'IIY.UIi.11,�lrrpp a ParxcYKKI eeaVOMe 1010 Beolnnllq m polm 90 hM NaYn TSYW'Errw.a�f hOm Me NOri)ieasf carnaerLm l,NOrMZ.PIotT'fl"Am E OasuoalYlsi9n,'o th alYklum"r rf:orMe6WMwes1 Yarfcr of a souMeasf O arter m Secllon 19 Toy:ll= MP 1 NorM Rbnoe 1 h Galt Lake Base andMearltlM- I 61'20 WQn�35z;0(eef• ence SOIMi jf3 Uf 09'NWlsr IU71 tech It �aYlheasfer,,.0,reef arountl -j 193A tG�sari,,1 s 26 5ei'll"E..I flwrlw 5omroh 6 Fasf 335.0, M 10of W61no. SECTION 3n h��{{au m oils W9 w 5 all be IIahW Om hollnotllpwM9exedx a mllre s.m In S.Oon wnaWn9m1, NYedO ne re yy'��Aff ppp eowm�{ory xYpylv1919R`e1/9 1mdal Mj, ec 'No flle flllmsubel"yI On ypp�py�Md�a 1Nhl�10 anV OYlfaln 4 ppaerrmll.,mlf P10 i Xf hell—M t, M an, fl 0e r)dI.0'.plWI,1 s�xYpy ad aV01Y n N4f4Jr Wbdl'vl66ian m.ouF 100n7��'�g1'igQh b81d .lfgrosMm atj.�ltll e"a NeVeiORabiB fe uNa ttjj amy��M`m Yaltlnws fr vei ,� , a Y?h7PM1h�oa. w3§- ¢rr �mI tp'enrah rs.,Ad, iCW Cil B rpcpl�I'' l�fll0f AO IW NRnO A IhoyJe YAenar 7 DraOfetl fo mxbF 4NMlaistwn h� sattrr enon a n%rot yy K Me v I.efelJ Mtry aam. Plie With all IsflnO- v "fRe ale ro0M11 I a i mom a o m eB11•v AcapY "I onn pPakMal b0 fill 0 ,.nq 'wxh-Me BoaN ,a meM. $Ep7lON 3:Thi o�d Mier Ms,dm/At Ifs x W611 caNM,thanr pm(,. 4 Prla[t�Ye yynMl rs9erdad ilw ra caderof Sarc lalcmy prevl(ke ahAve.ndro�l .nd"Jana spec ed Ixn�dSemcl1. Irrcl�I�fytl Me oplp�rgo�wp a Inliam.ftfean d°o°rpp.-nna AaAIp m, ardllnn e, .hall pe_al, owee OntlMe eMlaflno Prowry0110 P-1"-xonlno al shml rem0ln In e4remt - Paa.edaYJf"1yymv�avrR of 6arc lakk Cltv,:U1 tw,Sth aaY m Mach,I9, S.FonMsoack I� ATTEST: .CHAIRMAN Kmnryynn Marehall CITY RECORDER - MaYaS'A�yYla�p.MYah 2Z,9�h 71,1905 c ;Taa yYIl '. 'ATTEST: •. .l .MANOR KOMr CITY RECOyn MonlwRDERll '• T• ( ®IS 110 or 1905 P111he?.Mach 02,1905 D7 Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALUAkk ....7h9ry.1..Gieslo£f............................................................. 1 Qa�tf!!L„ o , AN u : e " ft 'Std" m " Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is :s recp a en than Y P Y e stile.Of Vitt iroln'_taxr�� legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily nfl :ened R,. rnr� �41? "s. ee r�fIdI 1.�sin3s � newspaper printed in the English language with general ve opdje�"�•P'Qvettelt zone jhx� ' ' S1f e�Yarlan cmzen,4esflmonywA- lannino hir circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, adado4ffbexea dotband m�; nftnds�d' �rsadr .;, lri. Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah. oc 0fate i .ae-. Y, c¢�det+ �, 11•tse'rri: tthhee -; �` That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto r- �.•.. '-ir.�' �Gfi;�fi�(I�sllf�ehftontot` it's 'the exrstinGtrou�d� qe SfEfNroenthgfb - 1- Salt Lake Cit Ordinance o. 10 985 dl 2arres"to, r Ya11Y"re�lecf ve ...... .. Y... ... 4. .. s Lam►dAve aQm�Sif w 11 00 onwol r+bsofi, hills;IM: ... ,.....,_.... .. Daw IN 't4 °QJ l�wit , I. ......Conditional..Rezon.� g .Qf'..North..Sule..o£.Norta......... 'n fq afr is CQMWr WWII _ , old- ' : '4 nit: , q tnn��devel '' i39x�naY.i�� k. 1.� 7...tO..99.7..Eaat................... flit: sa l ,111. $t a tD' �fl,the nibs s6% done In t§- tie e , foelite 4t ex x a ,e strl df4 p� ............................................................................................1 sseep�paarr s A 4f♦e sitsg"frpmthe;treetand thatdob$ redulretrcilerslhfi' by ful�Iteh,1110rese onIthat such' �7.1.doi/el in strict c®dtl loft(*w ,voriafte .t0f"Wdrlditi9,a n or4slte; ............................................................................................. dove oOment Intl four bull di 1 ;and rim esepfed-bY ,"that such.cpmblvilon.of slgnM:k enovvi>latze�rq�etM el eai tha(sreserrtbounWvOnd;lplrnot'Se#� de a d'ztWng zonl�lNoUld be etsrined?; �3 H se'the" bnercanpdrtorm' faf was published in said newspaper on.................................I � s publ' toHoris b� . M�lot:�ppi vat, lief-to excee4�four 9Dfs for �Qm�ily boom ce�i lie im 1 oeve�"pe'�insfPld. 1t WCooWw7rtpilsitetJEV. ' rrt;dni v 1985 and Midi �ordih4 d [tiding., _ 1 ...........d................................... ..... ............................ �frert- rtf''o `�v1 ices; I trt nlnfisFlltIt and s be-J u , is carltempigfefhW411dJ on.fhe'. >` custbrli�ten$f in$'b�t�i'fot neeNQ 7 W I ncesM'NofdhNilflFi! GA► Legal dv sin Cl srrtr toks >i. _ . g 8EGfTIO i hdtth� dDistiiel%111191ILdike.12-2 aT lit Itemodordrnafice .Ghe flxidtsirtcis-be,aedtf,asdmafi�rebt�Asdsf ittb•dSk. t-t2r2.bourldart - loil+- onihe sj vi 1 4rly f3i-�e} atn� r, IPlf i�lser- vaw�,gqon="P-t ris fir' rezdtlectloaR SlderNiar' cNasstflra- 11ori;subj tofhe Foothill Uev 1.et�tcrrfetfrr;"F.t" Z classtfil�. op;'d the Use Dtsrfrt�t'M61S;ts,' t�pto 1 subf 10'" ovine arl�sr m ahof Ar i re me this ........................5th.....................................I day of Lak—in�l' .et Ro1M M�I 2i'i0`EaSf:from Hie-- corWof-L I 'NorifiCreSfPt fIN"A ., . taubd•viston,-o$ur9dtvisioP.et:chit 8 5 q er",Vt". aerroror e`r. . '..., A.D. 19.. .... shlp`TNo�rh Range Sglt.Loke pf�s Ign'•vimcf �East;120.Q' Q-W� 3�feer' ehee�s,- a3.0244, - � t}S.q.foot i�w-eluvs, Yr� / tqo� l� 2337'.tt'i . .'Eµ3}�3 36 :l&f8et 1he`BdNt'ef lfn'tl nNiNn ................................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires ` March 1, 1988 ............. ........ ...........................I al - U Proof of Publication From DESERET NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ....................... ----------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- --------------------------- --------------- Attorney SECTION 2 Tnls orillgoncs; (istred-bw;Ql otter. s Mo+f 3 Axi, 4Rr3'etfe u @recur d fn m y �forb �IMi �4d.PNlt;pp¢ re: �on 8t st oPdc°vadl less beta�'e%ecuf- try4 P(pnn n lssti[ ' �e to 'ivtii rN4` r Ildi; SuddWisbn.bfia/i�Pnersuk►pMgnd ���.; _ t It ibis'i ties en ye so apdr�Yultdr"e �ept: e—velol►plSic Amon, °rs!►nbi'. fhut'nc•vim d4di►e' $p 1 r lid q - vE "*q �p�•osigw �}F6>+ ff,�s'ib� "Stri)G'F1 n .1 •"" R'StfGUld-be Piles Nith•all e �w►n1 'I s y� 4n o.eon- oe. �le.s bd� s ., aom. Achal 9r4- atot. om BondHieils= In- PYoY i r$. ' tbuC2�nonth�r . sultvls ben )y tzstd:'t tl 'Who: ` f' Yoglce�hdl�..�,. � Ifxe.�.•i�p^-y. '�s•^,„t ti,.?3 e4..sw�,mnt,.�r`±.v`eo,.y,.y., 3 Awl ' %r-: .. ., a.,`• . 't '..-'.taw', ''�i';•=:k:'S •},: °t 41,,3 "? STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Lynda Domino . . Chief Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby . . certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of. . Ordinance ,10 ,of AH5 , , , , , , . . rezoning ,the north ,side ,of North Borinevijjq ,gtr,eet ,ixoi ,Q j7, ,tq .997, .�qSt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . passed by City Council/EmwaitbwAction of Salt Lake City, Utah,. . . March .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985. . as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, '.I4th .day of , March . . . . . . . . . 19.85 this . . . ... . . . . . . t �. . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. ,V . . . . . . . . . . Chief DeputyCity Recorder Published. . . .March. 22. . . . . . . . . . . 19. . 85 i � I i� 7 0 , s P 84-227 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 10 of 1985 (Conditional Rezoning of North Side of North Bonneville Street from 937 to 997 East) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51 -12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, in response to Petition No. 400-207 requesting a change of zoning , the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah has held public hearings to consider said petition and the-Planning Commission's recommendation that certain property fronting on the north side of North Bonneville Drive ( 765 North) for 434 feet from approximately 937 to 997 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, presently zoned Foothill Preservation "P-1" should be rezoned to a Residential "R-1 " classification subject to the Foothill Development "F-1 " Overlay zone. The Council has taken into consideration citizen testimony and planning and demographic data of the area. Based upon that data and proposed conditions, the Council finds that the proposed rezoning is appropriate in order to accommodate what appears to be land otherwise developable into the residential neighborhood which it adjoins, and that such C n C73 00 development will be in the best interests of the neighborhood and City as a whole, provided that certain conditions are satisfied . RECITALS : 1 . It is the Council's intention to reaffirm its confidence in the existing boundaries between the Preservation "P-1 " and Residential zones to generally reflect the urban limit line above which urban development will be discouraged or precluded because of constraints associated with construction in the foothills; but 2. It has been represented and demonstrated to the Council that there is a unique combination of circumstances associated with this particular area on the boundary: to-wit, existing frontage on a dedicated road; a location not within a natural drainage channel; the existence of two abutting developed homes on "R-1 " land on the same side of the street and a desire to finish the street where it can be safely done in strict compliance with the site development ordinance ; each proposed lot has a buildable area large enough for a house ; slopes are 40% or less according to site specific data, with the exception of a strip of undevelopable slope exceeding 40% that does not separate the buildable site from the street and that does not require traversing ; and by further representation that such land can be developed in strict compliance without variance with all building , zoning and site development into four building lots. CJT It has been represented by staff that such combination of factors Cl) is not known to be present elsewhere along the present boundary_ and shall not set a precedent; otherwise the existing zoning would be retained; I-� -2- 3. Unless the petitioner can perform according to represen- tations by obtaining plat approval demonstrating that not to exceed four lots for single-family homes can be designed and developed in strict compliance with all site development, zoning and building ordinances, including maintenance of the full set- backs from the right of way lines, without variance, the change in zoning shall not be justified and shall not become effective. It is contemplated that buildings on the lots will require special custom engineering and design for the steep slopes to avoid -the need to request variances. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Use District Map, as adopted by Section 51 -12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries and use districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec . 51 -12-2 . . Boundaries of Use Districts. That the following-described parcel of land in Salt Lake City, generally located on the north side of North Bonneville Drive for 434 feet from approximately 937 to 997 East, currently zoned Foothill Preservation "P-1 " is hereby rezoned to a Residential "R-1 " classification, subject to the Foothill Development "F-1 " Overlay x CA Zone classification, and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly. "P-1 " to "R-1 " subject to "F-1 " : -3- �_0 9 A A parcel of land fronting the north side of North Bonneville Drive ( 765 North) from approximately 937 to 997 East in Salt Lake City, Utah, being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at point 80 feet North 28*40 ' East from the Northeast corner of Lot 14, Northcrest Plat "N" Amended Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township j." 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian ; W thence North 28*40 ' East 120. 0 feet; thence North 61 *20 ' West 352.28 feet ; thence South 63 °02 '49" West 114.71 feet; thence southeasterly 87.00 feet around a 145. 0 foot radius curve to the left tangent to which curve bears South 26*57111 " East; thence South 61 *20 ' East 335.18 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance, after passage, shall be published, but shall not become effective until recorded, as set forth in Section 3, concurrently with the approved plat and related documents for a subdivision of four lots or less. Before executing the final subdivision approval and/or issuing any building permits, the Planning Department shall verify to the Mayor that the following conditions subsequent have been satisfied. 1 . That the petitioner submit and receive an approval for a subdivision of four lots or less on said property that demon- strates that all lots have a developable buildable area abutting the street and that no variances from the site development _ I ordinance or other building or zoning requirements are necessary CA �J in order to construct a home upon each lot. 00-- 2. That such plat bear a notice to purchasers that it is the Council's recommendation that no building permit should be -4- U, e F approved nor any variance granted to permit or authorize construction on any lot within the subdivision unless it fully complies with all existing applicable subdivision, site and foothill development, and zoning ordinances of Salt Lake City. A copy of such plat shall be filed as a permanent case with the Board of, Adjustment. SECTION 3. This ordinance, after the date of its first publication, shall not become effective until recorded with the recorder of Salt Lake County, as provided above. If the fore- going conditions specified in Section 2, including the approval and contemporary recording of a subdivision plat are not com- pleted within 12 months from the date of passage, this ordinance shall be null, void , and of no effect, and no recording of this ordinance shall be allowed, and the existing Preservation "P-1 " zoning shall remain in effect. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of March , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: C.Tt CrITY" RECORftR Transmitted to Mayor on -March 11, 1985 u Mayor's Action: March 12, 1985 -5- �D� r • MAYOR ATTEST: 7 Y RECORDER cm98 ( SEAL ) Bill 10 of 19 8 Published: March 22, 1985 Cn co CD m � cn oa _6_ C��