022 of 1983 - Amendment of Section 24-4-4 Meeting Schedules of City Council 0 83-15 MlCi`1 ILMED SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1983 (Meeting Schedules of the City Council ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 24-4-4 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO MEETING SCHEDULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : SECTION 1 . That Section 24-4-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, relating to meeting schedules of the City Council, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-4-4 . Meeting Schedules. Agendas and Minutes. ( 1 ) The City Recorder will publish in a newspaper of general circulation in Salt Lake City the annual meeting schedule of the City Council , stating the date, time and place of such regular meetings . Said publication shall be made at least once each calendar year before May 15th and within 30 calendar days following a change thereof. The schedule shall include the following meetings: COUNCIL POLICY MEETINGS : On the first, second, and third Tuesdays of each month, at 5:00 o'clock p.m. in Room 211 , City and County Building , 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS : On the first, second , and third Tuesdays of each month, at 6 :00 o 'clock p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Room 301 , City and County Building , 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City , Utah. Actual meetings of the City Council may occasionally vary from the foregoing schedule, as circumstances require. ( 2 ) In addition to the foregoing notice, the Council shall cause an agenda to be prepared for each regular or special meeting of the Council , which agenda shall be reasonably specific and sufficient to identify the matters to be considered by the Council; it shall also state the date, time and place of the meeting. A copy of said agenda shall be posted in the office of the City Recorder and a copy given to a local media correspondent or posted in the press room located in the City and County Building not less than 24 hours before said special or regular meeting. Notices of emergency meetings shall be given in the best practicable manner, under the circumstances, to the public and a member of the local news media. ( 3 ) Minutes shall be kept of all open or closed meetings and shall contain a record of those matters required by the Utah Open and public Meetings Act or its successor. The minutes shall be public records, filed with the City Recorder and required to be kept by State law shall be recorded and available for public inspection, within a reasonable time after the conclusion of said meeting ( s ) . SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. -2- V a a Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of April , 1983. CH IRMAN ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on April 29, 1983 Mayor 's Action: April 29, 1983 MAYOR ATTEST: I RECORDER cm75 (S E A L) BILL 22 of 1983 Published: April 30, 1983 -3- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Sal+ F IL,' - SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No.22 of 1 Debra Miller 9a2 qp q VIS b ARO S G D ES CITY, C�Y 1965, U, REIATIN 0- E CIL.lil its CiW oanKil of 3aff Laka City,UIf 1' ICity"; N 1:That Sear 2c4a of tf.e Revised orolnan of j Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal Salt' Gate Utah, relating to meeting schedules fo the City advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Courtcil,4e,and ttie same hereby Is amsr�d tore ad as follows: g Sec 2 a Meeting Schsdvia$.Agendas and Minutes. (1)-TTvaty Recorder will publish in a newspaper of general (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Circulation In salt Lake Citydate, it*annuala meeting schedule of the language with general circulation in Utah and City Council, stating the date, time and place of Such regular,, , meetings.Said publication shell be made at least once each cal- year before Mavl5thdnd with in30cale ardaysfollowing published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the a change thereof,The schedule shall include the following meet- ings: State of Utah. COUNCIL POLICY MEETINdS: On the first, second, and third 7uasdav Of.gadl niprtth,a,S:W O Clxk p.'Lin Ror 211, City andd.Co"K4y�u l >451 south fate great,Slift.Leke City,,, Utah. .- 'That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto RE=,R COUNCIL MEETIN65:on the first,second,and g PY third T vs of each month,at 6:00 o'cly�cck pp��m. in City Council C fnba s, , wn 3DI, City and`,puntYa.'boUding, 451 1 scrum stare t' Sal keCitv,ty Council ly vary Pub, S.Z. Ordinance No, 22 of 1983 from the foregoing schedule,as circumsta requle. ............................................................................................................... Actual meetings o the City Utah. lnom9a8y'oceaeafbhal In addition to the foregoing notice;ihe(rouldil shall cause an agenda to be prepared for each regular qr sped I meeting of the Council,which agenda shall be reasonatNyY,saetfiflc and suffi- cient tb identify the matters to be considered,by,the Council; I1 ..................................................................................................I............ shall also state the;date,time and plane of melting.A Copv of said agenda shall b9'pos in the Off of�GIW Recorder and a copy given to a Igba .media correspo lit r posted n the d�yrress room located in.the C and CMJntY ggulld ng not Iess than 24 hours befofe said spacaai,or regular fneeflog, oflces of emar- ............................................................................................................... genCv meetings shall be given In the'gast prank�aOle manner, under the circumstances,to the public and a memger of We local news media. (3)Minutes shall be kept of all open or closed meetings and, ••.•.•.•••.•.•.............................................................•••••............................... shall amain a record of those matters required by the Utah Coven and public Meatinas'Act or its successor.The minutes shall be publicc records filed With the City R rand required to be kept Ov Stat law;lhalt be recur a available for public In- .................................................................................. spection, wain d�+teasortabl6 time a er the conclusion of said meetine(s). SECTION 2. This Alhacnce shall take effect upon Its first publication. was newspaper published in said on......................................... Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 210 P day of April,1983. GRANT MABEY,CHAIRMAN ATTEST: .......A?x�..30v.1983KARYN IRSHALL . ....................................................� ........... E/7 oMTransmtedRayor on 4/25/83 Mayor's Action: /s/TED L.MAYOR ............................................. ...... ........ . . . . . .... ...... ATTEST: Legal Advertising Clerk CITYYR C®kDERRSHALL cm75 Bill: o£lt'a3 Pu1Sii :d/30/M ouriscriaea anu swurtt vu before me this ..........9th................................................................. day of ? ;Ty.......................................A.D. 19....83. ....... ....... ....... ......................................... otary Public My Commission Expires Oct.r..1�..1986 . ........................... ADM-35A