033 of 1985 - Northwest Quadrant, Phase II Annexation and Zoning - Petition No. 400-281 of 1985 P 85-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 33 of 1985 (Northwest Quadrant, Phase II Annexation and Zoning) AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY TO INCLUDE THE "NORTHWEST QUADRANT ANNEXATION PHASE II" ; ZONING THE SAME AGRICULTURAL "A-1 " OR INDUSTRIAL "M-W' , BY AMENDING THE USE DISTRICT MAP AS ADOPTED BY SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED; AMENDING SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT AND SCHOOL PRECINCT BOUNDARY MAPS ; AND SPECIFYING CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT TO SAID ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 400-281 of 1985, together with the plat showing the tract of land to be annexed and hereafter known as the "Northwest Quadrant Annexation Phase II" , requesting that the contiguous tract of approximately 5,733.77 acres or 8. 69 square miles more or less of unincorporated territory lying in the North- west Quadrant of Salt Lake County within the Airport Overlay Zone be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City Corporation to extend the City's limits: West from 2650 West to approximately 7450 West, and south from approximately North Temple Street to 2100 South; and WHEREAS, the Petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all of the real property as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners have caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, which has been filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the orderly extension of the City' s boundaries, the City has a Master Annexation Policy Declara- tion adopted June 20, 1979. The proposed annexation lies within Study Area No. 1 of said Declaration; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, upon receipt of the subject Petition, caused said Declaration to be reviewed and such amendments as deemed necessary to be proposed and adopted as Amendment 1-D; and WHEREAS, the Council has caused the Petition, proposed policy amendment and zoning request to be reviewed for recommendation by various City departments; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and other departments have made favorable recommendations regarding the policy amendment, the annexation and zoning of the subject territory; and WHEREAS, The Council has examined said Petition, policy amendments and departmental recommendations regarding the issue; and WHEREAS, The Council finds that all required notices and hearings have been provided; and WHEREAS, the Council considered the circumstances of said Petition and finds the proposed annexation to be in the best -2- interests of Petitioners and Salt Lake City, said Council voted by at least 85% vote of all of its members in favor hereof. WHEREAS, no objection or contest to such annexation or amendment to the Policy Declaration has been filed as required by law or is presently pending ; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . Area. That the city limits of Salt Lake City, be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to in- clude the following acre tract of land in the Northwest Quadrant of Salt Lake County, Utah, to extend the existing corporate limit lines: West from approximately 2650 West to 7400 West and south from North Temple Street to 2100 South Street as described below: Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 23, S. ( � 0000 ' 32" W. , 50.00 feet, from the Southeast Corner of �~ Section 14 T. 1S. , R. 2W. , Salt Lake Base and Meridian, thence N. 0 °00 '32" E. , 50.00 feet to the Southeast cor- ner of Section 14; thence N. 0*00132" E. 2658. 79 feet to the East 1/4 corner of Section 14 ; thence N. 0 °00108" W. 2660. 08 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 14; thence S. 89 *56129" E. 2644.68 feet ; thence S. 89057154" E. 2644. 69 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 13 ; thence N. 89059135" E. 1353. 61 feet along the North line of Section 18, T. 1S, R. 1W. ; thence S. 27*07 ' E. 1403 feet ; thence S. 63*31 ' E. 2776. 35 feet; thence N. 89059' E. 243. 84 feet to the West line of West Valley Highway; thence S. 15043122" E. 1723. 32 feet; thence S. 0007' 22" E. 55. 5 feet; thence S. 89056140" E. 202.63 feet to the East line of West Valley Highway; thence N. 0011155" W. 172 . 38 feet; thence Northwest along a 5829. 58 foot radius curve 193. 23 feet; thence N. 12* 17117" W. 274. 37 feet; thence N. 15043122" W. 197. 71 feet ; thence S. 74016 ' 38" W. 10 feet; thence N. 15043122" W. 945. 26 feet; thence N. 89059 ' E, 3749.94 feet; thence S. 85°57 '20" E. 254. 8 feet; N. 71006 ' E. 341 . 2 feet; thence N. 89059' E. 146. 2 feet; thence N. 72*35 ' E. 2002. 1 feet, more or -3- less; thence N. 0°09' 16" W. , 1750 feet, more or less, to a point N. 89°55 '02" E. 776 feet and South 22.26 feet from the Northwest corner, Section 16; thence S. 89*55136" W. 1995.03 feet; thence N. 0 °01 ' 16" W. 3233. 10 feet; thence S. 89* 55' 20" E. 176 feet; thence N. 0*01116" W. 50 feet ; thence S. 89°55 '20" E. 176 feet; thence N. 0*01116" W. 84. 45 feet to the South right-of-way of 900 South Street; thence West along said right-of-way 1771 . 73 feet; thence North 1848. 10 feet to the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence S. 80*40 ' W. 2338. 84 feet; thence N. 0*33145" W. 481 feet; thence N. 89*21115" W. 345 feet to a point 60. 5 feet South of the Northwest corner of Section 8, T. 1S. , R. 1W. ; thence N. 89°27 '31 " W. 962. 88 feet; thence N. 89°51 '30" W. 1286. 80 feet; thence N. 89°27 ' 30" W. 363. 74 feet ; thence N.0°23110" E. 54. 50 feet to the North Section Line Section 7; thence S. 89°06 '33" W. 1697. 48 feet ; thence North 1320 feet; thence West 790 feet; thence North 750 feet; thence West 130 feet to the West line of Section 6, T. 1S. , R. 1W. ; thence N. 0°1 6 '27" W. along said line 3256.84 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 1 , T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; thence S. 89°56120" W. 2640. 30 feet; thence S. 89°55 '50" W. 2642.05 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section; thence S. 89*56157" W. 1327. 96 feet; thence S. 0°24 ' 19" E. 1328.99 feet; thence S. 89°53115" E. 1323. 92 feet; thence S. 0* 13150" E. 2660. 61 feet ; thence N. 89°52 '32" W. 2650. 38 feet; thence S. 0°04157" E. 1322. 11 feet; thence South 1450.00 feet, more or less, along the Center line of Section 11 to the North right-of-way line of the Western Pacific Railroad; thence N. 90°00 '00" W. 1321 . 00 feet along said right-of-way to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence North 1354.75 feet to the North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence West 660.00 feet to the North 1/4corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South 660.00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence West 660.00 feet to the West 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence North along the west section line of Section 11 , 660 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 10 ; thence West along the North line of Section 10, 5616. 77 feet to a point on the North line of Section 9, 330.00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said section; thence South 5280.00 feet, more or less, to the south line of Section 9, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; said point being 330 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 16; thence N. 90*00100" W. 990.00 feet along the North section line of Section 16, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; thence S. 3800.00 feet , more or less, to a point on the -4- r North line of Tempo Road; thence S. 71 *40115" W. along the North line of Tempo Road; 720 feet ; thence S. 0* 24123" W. , 1335. 20 feet to a point 33. 00 feet South of the south line of Section 16, T. 1 S. , R.2W. ; thence N. 89054 '00" E. 1996. 40 feet to a point on the East Line of Section 21 , said point being 33 feet South of the Southeast corner of Section 16, T. 1S. , R. N. ; thence N. 89*46100" E. , 5285.23 feet to a point on the East line of Section 22, said point being 33 feet South of the Southeast corner of Section 15, T. 1S. , R.2W. ; thence S. 89*48157" E. 5281 .35 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Said area contains 5,733.77 acres or 8. 69 square miles. SECTION 2. Zoning . Be it further ordained and declared that the tract above described in Section 1 , which is subject to the existing provisions of the Airport Overlay Zone Map is hereby zoned Industrial "M-1A" EXCEPT for the following two parcels, which are hereby zoned Agricultrual "A-111 . Parcel 1 - "A-1 " Zoning . Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of Section 7, T. 1S. , R. 1W. , SLB & M and running thence South along the centerline of Section 7, 1040 feet more or less to the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence Westerly 1320 feet more or less along said railroad right-of-way line to the quarter line of Section 7; thence South along said line 4100 feet more or less to the South line of Section 7; thence West 1320 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Section 12, T. 1 S. , R.2W. , SLB & M ; thence West along the South line of said section 5280 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said section; thence West 2640 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 11 ; thence North along the centerline of said section 5280 feet more or less to the North line of said Section 11 ; thence North along the centerline of Section 2 1322. 11 feet; thence South 89*52132" East 2650.38 feet to the east line of said Section 2 ; thence South along the East line of Section 2, 1322 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said Section 2 ; thence south along the East line of Section 11 2800 feet more or less to the North line of an old landfill in Section 12; thence East 2950 feet more or less along said landfill line to the east line -5- of said fill; thence South 720 feet more or less along said east line of landfill; thence Easterly 1050 feet more or less along the boundary of said landfill; thence Southeasterly 1050 feet more or less along said boundary; thence Easterly 700 feet more or less along the landfill boundary to the east line of Section 12; thence North along said East section line 4400 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of Section 12 ; thence East 2640 feet more or less along the North line of Section 7, T. 1 S. , R. N. , SLB & M to the point of beginning . Parcel 2 - "A-1 " Zoning . Beginning at the center of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11 , T. 1 S. , R. 2W. , SLB & M and runni ng thence North 1354. 75 feet to the North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence West 660.00 feet to the North 1/4corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South 660.00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/47 thence West 660. 00 feet to the West 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said section; thence North along the west section line of Section 11 , 660. 00 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 10; thence West along the north line of Section 10, 5616. 77 feet to a point on the north line of Section 9, 330. 00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said section; thence South 5280.00 feet more or less to the south line of Section 9 said point being 330 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 9; thence East 330 feet to the Southeast corner of Section 9; thence North along the West line of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the West 1/4 corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10 ; thence East 2640 feet more or less to the East 1/4 corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10; thence South along the centerline of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the south line of said section; thence East along the South line of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the South 1/4 corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10 ; thence North 3300 feet along the quarter quarter line to the North line of the Special Improvement District No. 1 (Landfill ) ; thence East 1320 feet along said line to the East line of Section 10; thence North 730 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11 ; thence East along the quarter quarter line 1320 feet more or less to the point of beginning . The Use District Map as adopted by Section 51 -12-1 of the -6- Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended , relating to the boundaries of Use District be, and the same is hereby AMENDED by the additions of the tract of land described in Section 1 zoned to the "M-1A" and "A-1 " classifications as set forth above. SECTION 3. City Council and School District Map. The Salt Lake City School District and School Precinct Boundary is hereby amended to include the parcels specified in Section 1 of this ordinance in Council District 1 and School Precinct 1 as speci- fied on such map. SECTION 4. General Jurisdiction. Be it further ordained and declared that the tract of land described above in Section 1 shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City Corporation. Said tract of land shall be zoned as provided in Section 2. All ordinances, jurisdictions, rules, and obliga- tions of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to this tract of land; and the streets, blocks, alleys, and public ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules, and regulations of Salt Lake City in that behalf. The monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of location and distances of said land. SECTION 5. Conditions Subsequent. The annexation of said property is granted upon the conditon that future subdivision and development of properties within the area of Section 1 , will be -7- considered by the City only under the provisions of the Airport Overlay Zone regulations at such time as adequate city services have been programmed or have been or can be extended into the area by the developers or the City as proscribed by the City' s Capital Improvements Plan. SECTION 6. Filings and Notice. Upon the passage and publi- cation of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake City, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned , duly certified and acknowledged , together with a certified copy of this ordinance. The City Recorder is further directed to provide notice to the State Tax Commission of the provisions of Section 11 -12-1 , Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. SECTION 7. Publication and Effect. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication, which shall not occur until the annexation plat or map has been properly submitted, approved, and signed by the Mayor. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of May , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: I RECORDER -8- Transmitted to Mayor on May 14, 1985 Mayor's Action: May 14, 1985 fl MAYOR ATTEST: CI ECORDER rc4 �S9A3L Bill..3.�.,of 19�-. Published: June 4, 1985 -9- 7-1 E STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE SS COUNTY Lynda Domino Chief Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached is, a.full,, true, and correct copy of O...rdinance 33 , from .. ..... . ... . . ...1.985..regarding. the..Nox-thwes.t:.Quaarap,ti r,!bA*P_.11.,ep.r}Irration, and .zoning:... Said ordinance ........................................................................................ ... ............. was duly approved and accepted by City Council/Emauze Action of Salt Lake City, Utah, .this':..' !±#..,,,,,, day of ....May............................. . A.D. 19 .85. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of,Salt Lake City, Utah, Y this ..31st .......... day of ...........Ma .............. A.D. �9 85 . 1. .�. 1_ .�. ' Chief Deputty'R corder of Salt Lake City, Utah r 0 cs V� C� A�� .. �i P 85-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 33 of 1985 rr� �'� � •='".;�, "" (Northwest Quadrant Phase II f, ` � ao ni '�7 Annexation and Zoning) < a' c AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY TO INCLUDE THE "NORTHWEST QUADRANT ANNEXATION PHASE II" ; ZONING THE SAME AGRICULTURAL "A-1 " OR INDUSTRIAL "M-1A" , BY AMENDING THE USE DISTRICT MAP AS ADOPTED BY SECTION 51 -12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED; AMENDING SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT AND SCHOOL PRECINCT BOUNDARY MAPS ; AND SPECIFYING CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT TO SAID ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 400-281 of 1985, together with the plat showing the tract of land to be annexed and hereafter known as the "Northwest Quadrant Annexation Phase II" , requesting that the contiguous tract of approximately 5,733. 77 acres or 8. 69 square miles more or less of unincorporated territory lying in the North- west Quadrant of Salt Lake County within the Airport Overlay Zone be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City Corporation to extend CIO the City's limits : West from 2650 West to approximately 7450 West, and south from approximately North Temple Street to 2100 South; and WHEREAS, the Petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all of the real property as shown- by -the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and 1 ! .- . WHEREAS, the Petitioners have caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, which has been filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the orderly extension of the City' s boundaries, the City has a Master Annexation Policy Declara- tion adopted June 20, 1979. The proposed annexation lies within Study Area No . 1 of said Declaration; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, upon receipt of the subject Petition, caused said Declaration to be reviewed and such amendments as deemed necessary to be proposed and adopted as Amendment 1-D; and WHEREAS, the Council has caused the Petition, proposed policy amendment and zoning request to be reviewed for recommendation by various City departments; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and other departments have made favorable recommendations regarding the policy amendment, the annexation and zoning of the subject territory; and WHEREAS, The Council has examined said Petition, policy 70 amendments and departmental recommendations regarding the issue; d and WHEREAS, The Council finds that all required notices and hearings have been provided; and WHEREAS, the Council considered the circumstances of said Petition and finds the proposed annexation to be in- the best 1 r 2- ' J: P interests of Petitioners and Salt Lake City, said Council voted by at least 85% vote of all of its members in favor hereof. WHEREAS, no objection or contest to such annexation or amendment to the Policy Declaration has been filed as required by law or is presently pending ; ' NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt, Lake City, Utah: 1 �' SECTION 1 . Area. That the city limits of Salt Lake City, be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to in W 1- d3 Pat clude the following acre tract of land in the Northwest Quadrant of Salt Lake County, Utah, to extend the existing corporate limit � ; y* lines: West from approximately 2650 West to 7400 West and southl f from North Temple Street to 2100 South Street as described below: Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 23, S. 0000132" W. , 50.00 �feet/ from the Southeast Corner of Section 14 T. 1S. , R. 2W. , Salt Lake Base and Meridian, �tr •� ' thence N. 0 *00132" E. , 50.00 feet to Southeast cor- ner of Section 14; thence N. 0 001 32�� E. '2658. 79 feet to the 'East 1/4 corner of Section 14 ; thence N. 0 000 '0811 / W. 2660. 08 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 14; it (AJ thence S. 89056129" E. 2644.68 feet; thence S. 89057154" E. 2644. 69 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 13 ; thence N. 89059135" E. 1353. 61 feet along the North line of Section 18, T. 1S, R. 1W. ; thence S. 27*07 ' E. 1403 feet ; thence S. 63 *31 ' E. 2776. 35 feet; thence N. 89* 59' E. 243. 84 feet to the West line of West Valley Highway; thencei�S. 15°43 ' 22" E. 1723. 32 feet; thence S. 0007122" E. 55. 5 feet; thence S. 89056140" E. 202.63 feet to the East line of West Valley Highway; thence N. 0* 11155" W. 172. 38 feet; o thence -Northwest along a 5829. 58 foot radius curve 193. 23 'feet; thence- N. 12° 17 ' 17" W. 274. 37 feet; thence _ N. 15043122" W. 197. 71 feet; -thence S. 74 * 16138" W. 10 feet; thence N. 15*43122" W. 945. 26 feet; thence N. 89059 ' E, 3749. 94 feet ; thence S. 85057 '20" E. 254.E feet; N. 71006 ' E. 341 . 2 feet; thence N. 89*59' E. 146. 2 feet ; thence N. 72035 ' 2002. 1 feet, more or a - '✓.�-3�- s less; thence N. 0*09116" W. 1750 feet, more or less, to a point N. 89°55 '02" E. 776 feet and South 22. 26 feet from the Northwest corner, Section 16; thence S. 89055136" W. 1995.03 feet ; thence N. 0001116" W. 3233. 10 feet; thence S. 89055120" E. 176 feet; thence N. 0001116" W. 50 feet ; thence S. 89055 ' 20" E. 176 feet; thence N. 0001116" W. 84. 45 feet to the South right-of-way of 900 South Street ; thence West along said right-of-way 1771 . 73 feet; thence North 1848. 10 feet to the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence S. 80040 ' W. 2338. 84 feet; thence N. 0033 '45" W. 481 feet; thence N. 89021115" W. 345 feet to a point 60. 5 feet South of the Northwest corner of Section 8, T. 1S. , R. 1W. ; thence N. 89°27 '31 " W. 962. 88 feet; thence N. 89051 ' 30" W. 1286. 80 feet; thence N. 89027 ' 30" W. 363. 74 feet ; thence N.0023 ' 10" E. 54. 50 feet to the North Section Line Section 7; thence S. 89006 '33" W. 1697. 48 feet ; thence North 1320 feet; thence West '790 feet; thence North 750 feet; thence West 130 feet to the West line of Section 6 , T. 1S. , R. 1W. ; thence N. 0016127" W. along said line 3256.84 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 1 , T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; thence S. 89056 ' 20" W. 2640. 30 feet; thence S. 89055 '50" W. 2642.05 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section; thence S. 89056157" W. 1327. 96 feet; thence S. 0024 ' 19" E. 1328.99 feet; thence S. 89053115" E. 1323.92 feet; thence S. 0° 13 ' 50" E. 2660. 61 feet; thence N. 89052 ' 32" W. 2650. 38 feet; thence S. 0004 ' 57" E. 1322. 11 feet; thence South 1450.00 feet, more or less, along the Center line of Section 11 to the North right-of-way line of the Western Pacific Railroad; thence N. 90°00 '00" W. 1321 . 00 feet along said right-of-way to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence North 1354.75 feet to the North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence West 660.00 feet to the North 1/4corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South 660.00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 thence West 660. 00 feet to the West 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence North along the west section line of Section 11 , 660 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 10 ; thence West along the North line Cn o of Section 10, 5616. 77 feet to a point on the North x line of Section 9, 330. 00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said section; thence South 5280. 00 feet, more or less,_ to the south line of Section 9, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; Y, said point being 330 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 16; thence N. 90000100" W. 990. 00 feet along the North section line of Section 16, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; thence S. 3800.00 feet , more pr less, to a point on the - w North line of Tempo Road; thence S. 71 °40 ' 15" W. along the North line of Tempo Road; 720 feet; thence S. 0024123" W. , 1335. 20 feet to a point 33. 00 feet South of the south line, of Section 16, T. 1 S. , R. 2W. ; thence N. 89054 ' 00" E. 1996. 40 feet to a point on the East Line of Section 21 , said point being 33 feet South of the Southeast corner of Section 16, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; . thence N. 89 °46 '00" E. , 5285. 23 feet to a point on the East line of Section 22, said point being 33 feet South of the Southeast corner of Section 15, T. 1S. , R. 2W. ; thence S. 89° 48 ' 57" E. 5281 . 35 feet more or less to the point of beginning.. Said area contains 5, 733. 77 acres or 8. 69 square miles. SECTION 2. Zoning . Be it further ordained and declared that the tract above described in Section 1 , which is subject to the existing provisions' of the Airport Overlay Zone Map is hereby zoned Industrial "M-1A" EXCEPT for the following two parcels, which are hereby zoned Agricultrual "A-111 . Parcel 1 - "A-1 " Zorli ng . Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of Section 7, T. 1S. , R. 1W. , SLB & M and running thence South along the centerline of Section 7, 1040 feet more or less to the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; 14J7 ' thence Westerly 1 320 feet more or less along said 4 railroad right-of-way line to the quarter line of `� ' Section 7; thence South along said line 4100 feet more or less to the South line of Section 7; thence Westy° 1320 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Section 12, T. 1S. , R. 2W. , SLB & M ; thence West along e South said tothe Southwest fcorner soft said 5sec r s section; thence West 2640 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 11 ; thence North along they centerline of said section 5280 feet more or less to the North line of said Section 11 ; thence North along o the centerline of Section 2 1322. 11 feet; thence South 89°52 ' 32" East 2650. 38 feet to the east line of said Section 2 ; thence South along the East line of Section C� 2, 1322 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of = said Section 2 ; thence south along the East line of Section 11 2800 feet more or less to the North line-bf an old landfill in Section 12; thence East 2950 feet more or less along said landfill line to the east line �-57- of said fill; thence South 720 feet more or less along said east line of landfill; thence Easterly 1050 feet more or less along the boundary of said landfill; I thence Southeasterly 1050 feet more or less along said , boundary; thence Easterly 700 feet more or less along the landfill boundary to the east line of Section 12; thence North along said East section line 4400 feet ` more or less to the Northeast corner of Section 12 ; I thence East 2640 feet more or less along the North line %1 of Section 7, T. 1 S. , R. 1W. , SLB & M to the point of beg inning . Parcel 2 - "A-1 " Zoning . Beginning at the center of the Northwest 1/4 of Section ,`'".' I/ / 11 , T. 1 S. , R. 2W. , SLB & M and running thence North 1354. 75 feet to the North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4; thence West 660.00 feet to the North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South 660. 00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/ of the Northwest 1/4; thence 1 t West 660. 00 feet to the West 1/4 corner of the Northwest /4 of the Northwest /4 of said �..rl t, section; thence North along the west section line of <<:;` '. Section 11 , 660. 00 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 10; thence West along the north line of Section ] 10, 5616. 77 feet to a point on the north line of `f Section 9, 330. 00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said section; thence South 5280.00 feet more or less to �°` the south line of Section 9 said point being 330 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 9; thence East 330 feet to the Southeast corner of Section 9; thence r / North along the West line of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the West 1/4 corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10; thence East 2640 feet more or less to the East 1/4 corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10; thence i South along the centerline of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the south line of said section; thence East along the South line of Section 10, 1320 feet more or less to the South 1/4 corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10; thence North 3300 feet along the quarter quarter line to the North line of the Special Improvement District No. 1 (Landfill ) ; thence East 1320 feet along said line to the East line of Section 10; a. thence North 730 feet more or less to the Southwest o corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11 ; thence East along the quarter quarter line 1320 feet more or less to the point of beginning . - O The Use District Map as adopted by Section 51 -12-1 of the ►t' 1 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah , 1965 as amended , relating to the boundaries of Use District be, and the same is hereby AMENDED by the additions of the tract of land described in Section 1 zoned to the "M-1A" and "A-1 " classifications as set forth above. SECTION 3. City Council and School District Map. The Salt Lake City School District and School Precinct Boundary is hereby amended to include the parcels specified in Section 1 of this ordinance in Council District 1 and School Precinct 1 as speci- fied on such map. SECTION 4. General Jurisdiction. Be it further ordained and declared that the tract of land described above in Section 1 shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City Corporation. Said tract of land shall be zoned as provided in Section 2. All ordinances, jurisdictions, rules, and -obliga- tions- of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to this tract of land; and the streets, blocks, alleys, and public ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules, and regulations of Salt Lake City in that behalf. The monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of location and distances of said land. d SECTION 5. Conditions Subsequent. The annexation of said v� _ c?a property is granted upon the conditon that future subdivision and Yi 1 development of properties within the area of Section 1 ; will be ' 7; _ r` -considered by the City only under the provisions of the Airport Overlay Zone regulations at such time as adequate city services have been programmed or have been or can be extended into the area by the developers or the City as proscribed by the City' s Capital Improvements Plan. SECTION 6. Filings and Notice. Upon the passage and publi- cation of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake City, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned , duly certified and acknowledged , together with a certified copy of this ordinance. The City Recorder is further directed to provide notice to the State Tax Commission of the provisions of Section 11 -12-1 , Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. SECTION 7. Publication and Effect. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication, which shall not occur until the annexation plat or map has been properly submitted, approved, and signed by the Mayor. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of May , 1985. CHAIRMAN o U� ATTEST: -ti /CI' RECORDER t-8- 1 1 Transmitted to Mayor on May 4, 9 8 5 Mayor's Action: May 14, 1985 MAYOR ATTEST: CI ECORDER rc4 (SEAL) Bill 33 of 19 85 Published: June 4, 1985 a 0 d G7�+ -ti 3` a` r Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake REvlst=o 6 � erloff aNG $A 1 r�ivxs AS ti", Cheryl G� LAtw T/. tSsl�bus= ;z: OL PRECINCT 13QUNIZ AND ...............Y............................................................................. TRICT 4rl �!�qpg, SPECI i4TIbN. � �1'TIONnS � T I� s yip AN � ... - p�at N0.40p to of 19#6' . krhgbe w west IQaddLa�a Ann, tiQ acr "�moreor less u w~°`yafea;� ,;a :s: Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is th i ` aM of son Lake`o�'n"`Lak legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily the betaken within the IImNs of Salt Ldce.'s C e ,�the Cttv's-Ilmtis:WesYfrom 2650 g g Y W 1�rest gndsouhh'fromappr0*,,26e .: newspaper Iy :S 1I0s0soath" p per printed in the English language with general Petition andthe%oafmmoret a;oneethird }; circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, +�'ef ei;�binea' fa�d ` f: Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. the Petitioners have caused an accurate plat or and certified foby a competent surveyor City Enotneer,hMhlch-hos.been filed with the That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto In order to fnellMiate the orderly extension of %< g PY ,the City has a Master Annexation Policy i Jgne 20;'1979.The"Proposed annexation •' v Area Nor t af'soid Declaration-ow �. E,s,the c Council of Sgti Lake -" Salt Lake City Ordinance No;• 33 of 1985 fhe subieet Petition,caused self i ►N; twon Ouch amendments as deemed ' Mid adoptedas Ar.�t� VAS T-U•'andesspry fo be.. . ;the CoumI1 hag Wused the Petition,Proposed, ......... �1���13d�s .Q31adr�Xl r..��aSE.��t . �I1nP,7�at7.a11........... afrfjbtl�rherM and Xoniny$equest to be reviewed for recl.-, om by various C the Plauiling0nd2oningC* ssipnanialh r `amend"'°demerM the' "recgmtRONdations re a-• .......... nd•Zoni]R�.................................................................. (n0 theIkf�y y anneMipn:aMi zonlrtp 0t the,; ind WHEREAS,the Council has examined sold,etitiatiiwliey': aruendmeMs and deParfineMW recommendations regarding lhelssue•and .............................................................................................AS WHERE the Council finds that all required notices and ; have�eerh provided;and EREAS,the Council considered the circumstances of and finds that Proposed annexation to be in the best eli ............................................................................................. of Petitioners and Salt Lake City,said council voted by of least 95%vote of all of Its members in favor hereof. . amentlmerMEMese Polk,y lctlon oaf on contest bee to n filed as annexation ed . by ljp,�' eeenti , was published in said newspaper on.................................. Salt ,be�ordained by the City Coundl ofCTiO %.Area.That the city limits of San Lake CFN.be, andthe some hereby are,enlarged and extended so astoin- `7 ..4.s..1, $. .............................................................. elude the fohowlnnyg aae frost of land in the Northwest Quadrord, of Salt Lace Coumy,Utah to extend the existing corporate limit lbles West from approxlmately 26M West to 7400 West and. South from North Temple Street to 2100 South Street as de. ........................................... . ............:. Inning of a 00lfe on the East line of Section 23,S. Leg A ertisi jerk 0' 3r'W 50.00 feet from the Southeast Comer of th�encee N 0-00�3�'RE 56A0�o the�So autheasMeridian, icu comer Of Section 14,/hence N.0-00132"E.2658.79 feet to the East 114 Corner of'Sectlon 14•thence N.0-00108"W. 60 26 .08 feet to the Northeosf corner of Section'14• thence S.89'56'29"E.2644.68 feet;thence S.89'57"541t E.264 M-feetto the Northeast corner of Section 13; thence N.89'S9'35"E.1353.61 feet alo0nngp the North line of Section IS T.1S R.1W.;thence S.27'07 E.1403 feet; thence S.d-31'6.2776.35 feet:thence N.89'59'E. 243.84 feet to the West line of West Valley Highway; thence S.15'43'22"E.1723.32 feet-thence S Q'07122"E 55:5 feet,thence S.89'56'40"E.1%2.63 feet to the East line of West Valley Highway;thence'N.011'S5"W. . 4 3rd a 172.38 feel thence Northwest along a 582948 foot roil- 'e me this .......................... day Of us curve OiM feet thence N.1r17'17"W.274.37 feet thence N.15'43'22"W.197.71 feet:thence S.74.16'38't W.10 feet,thence N.15'43'2r'W.445.26 feet thence N. 85 WSW E.3749.94 feet thence S.85'57'20"E.25a 8 feet; A.D. 19.......... N.71'06'E.341.2 feet,thence N.89'S9'E.146.2 feet, thence N.7r35'E.2f1d2.1 feel',more or less;thence 0'09'16" W., 1750 feet more or less to a point N. 89'55'02"E.776 feet and South 2234 feet from the Northwest coiner,Section 16•thence S.89'55'36"W. 1995A3feetthence N.0'Ol'16ti W.3233.10feet•thence u f .. S.89'55'20"E.176 feet•thenc N.0'01'16"W.50 feet, 1 ............................................... k' thence S.89'S5 20"K''the Sw^ i17766 feet-,thence N.0-01116"W. ' Notary Public >s u 40 along said rlpM�w yof�Y 1T103 trfeeeE'- fhence North 1840.10 feet the North r tof-W*Hno-� 4 ooff line Union Poci is Raiilroad;thence S. 80.40, W. 233@ 84 feet,thence N 1 0-33'45"W.481 feet thence N. 15 W 345 feet to a polM 60.5 tot South of thll` Northwest corner of Section 8,T.1S R.1.W. thence N. y �,y,•, $9' 31 W.,%2.88feet•thence,N.89td1'30^1n%:.80' f fh E.� NN 8927'30" W. 363,74.feet thence N, 0 210"E.54 50 feetto the North Sectl¢n Line Section 7, x q6 thence S.89' 33"W.1697.48 feet thence North 1326 feet,thenceesf 790 feet th@ne Nord 750 test 3T� "'� ✓'s f,'; thence We93LYfeet tq the Vllesf;lilli;of 11tW�.,1he 0'6' W.ai $0 Ilse 3256 tag i hhN• 5 1.1;�Ti w ' � ` `• � 4,9' ..i ,sue �,t� SAL . dKE CI T INCLURE.THE "NINtTHWEST,QUADRA ANNEXATpIOq.N PHASE 11 ZONING THE SAME �AGRICTUiL�TURR DISTRICT USE M AY}lllGr101kf)ING 1�y2 OF THE S. 01310" 2 bl fee#lhrence m 99.5 C.` r:'1 1. feet "" 1/a 4 ssa�IdrSecaon;fFe�ncexNorfh 13.S4.75e for the ~ North 1/4 corner of the Northwest 1/4•Mence West 660.00 feettothe North-1/4 corner of the�laihwest 1/1 of the'Northwest 1/4 of said Sectihm thence South 660,00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4;thence West 660.60 feet to the West 1/4 corner of long the westsectio„nItreOfS�nIY,660feettothe 1/4-thence North Northeast -cornier of Section 10•thence West olono the North,One- of Section 10 5616.7f feet to a point on the North tine of Section 9 th 330.00 feet West of the Northeast corner of ct(orr 94R N635 1- Y said seence South 5280.00 feet,more-or less to df the south tine 9f Section 9,T.13.,R.2W.;sat?W being tf>b bou 330 feet West of the Northeast corner of on 16; AM NbEb by`the ' of the fftisct off dZ Mnence,N.90°OA'00"W.990.00 feet alone the North sec- Q scribed In Section 1 zoned to* the"M-IA"and"A-1"clopelfica- Hon One of Section 16,T.15.,R.2W.`thence S:.3�8g00.00 Horns OVSet forth above. feet more or less to a patnt on the Month line of Tempo 6BCTION 3,Qtx Caandi and School District Map,The Salt Road;(hence S.Sl°4015 W.alor.q the North One of lake ily School p strict and School Precinct is here- Tempo Roaoodd,,720 feet thence S.0 24'23"W.,1335.20 by ante ded to Include the parcels specified in n t of this 9 fV to a Point 33.00 feet SQuth of the south flne of Sec- flored on in Council District 1 and School precinct 1 a3,speCi N 16 T.1S.R.2W thence'N.89°54'00"E.1996.40 feet toapofntonN;East tneofSection21,said Intbetng SECTION 4,GonwW Jwisdlction.Se further ordained 33 feet south of the`Spu1�OVS-t corner of Section 16, act declared that the fi act of tend desaitie�6 Bove In Section 1 P.1Ss R.2W;11hfn�erg�ee N.Ief SeenQO' g.,, 285 23 feet to a_ short thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake Cltv Aolfif bn5 the E6btlirne` 32,sold point being 33 C�afion.Said tract of fond shalt be zdned as Provided to feet South of the n corner 6FSectlan 15,T.1s., y 2.Ailordinances lurlsdlctions,rules,and obligations of R.2W.;thence .89 40'5T'E.S281.35fee�m%or less to 'or pertaining to sad Lafce.CdMyy e e over� rnade the point of beginning Sold area ContaMs-5,733t7i' 3 �p Ileable and pertinent for this Of the streets acres ar 8 69 square miles bWtic leys arnd Pubik ways of said tract s lent lee SECTION 2.Zening.Be d further ardatrned and declared and b the ordinances,rules,and r€g� thin the tract above desaleed In Section 1,which is subject to Lake In behdf.The monuments of fhf'City Engineer the existing Provisions ofthe Airport Overlay Zone Map is here• shall ft-W forth be taken ttrereIn as.the standards of iocation by zoned Industrial"M-IA"EXCEPT for the following two par- and distances of said fond eels,which are hereby zoned Agricultural 11A-1". SECTION I Conditions gubwqusnt. Thy annexadofn of Parcel 1-"A 1" bning. i 'said properlyJs granted upon the co0dI=n tYla�,anneftwe atippiod f BealnNng 3YMte Ngtth 1/4 dander of section 7;t.1 '' Sion and de top of Within the.area of Sefitign 1, R.1 SLB&M dod ivhning.thento South'along the•,' * Will be 4Y the C only under the grdvisions of the centehine of Seddon 7,1040 feet more,or less to the Alrport O, Z, regulations at such Hme as adequate city North right-of".1 Inc of the Union Pacific Railroad;' a services have been pro0ramined ar have been or can be ex. thence Westerly 1320 feet more or less along said rail- @ tended Into the area IfY the developers of the City gis proscribed road rtgM=of-way line to the quarter-line of Section 7; by the Cdy's,Cgpifat Improvements Pkm. thence South along geld One 4100 feet more or less to. ,b SECTION 6.F W and Notks.tlponthe passage and pub the South line of Section 7'thence West 1320 feet more IkatiOn bf this ardinarce,the City Recerder of gait Lake City is or less to the Southeast cornet of Seddon 12,T.1S. hereby directed to file with�t�tB County Rew[ddr of sad Lake . R.2W.,SLB&M•thence West along the South line of City,a Eepy of the map of Pear�baVe meMigned,duly W Lake, sold section 5265 feet more ar less for the Southwest and adcrlowledaed wNithh a certi ldd copy-of this ord( corner Of sold section;thence 1=2640 feet'more or rpnee The CiN RRecor Isfnntheytd(rectBdto'pr to. less to the SbUthwest corner of the stquorter•of T' the Ta�iCMnmiss oflheltrnvlslorlealS dry11-1 1, Section 11 thence North along the ccemerilne of said Otah Annotated,1953 as amended,. section 52e0 feet more or less to the North line of said CTION 7.ftbRcatlon end Effect.This rdlnarnik'sFiaO Section 11•thence North along the centerline of Section take e(feet reran the date of dg first pybOcoMory°IAnklt.gl op} 21322.11 feet thence South 89°5Y32"East 2650.38 feet - dcarr until the anrkxafbn Pam}or map has beeh,pr�fperi,y sub- to the east pqne of sold section 2;thence S"along the.'. miffed, ,a1d sipled by the Mcyor: East tine of Section 2,1322 feet more or less to the b fie COY.C6uncM cf Sad Lake Chy,Utah;'this J4th Southeast-corner of sold Section 2•thence south along tt dMy ,1985. the East line of Section 112800 feed more or less to the North One of'on aid landfillIn Section 12'thence East " sj FfJceIA JRMAN 29504eef more orless along said landfill4 to the east . ..� gTTFST:' tin@ 4f saitl fill;thence South 720 feet more or less along Kathryn Marsh II' saltl east ihle of landfill;(hence Lasterty 1030 feet mere 4� CITY RECOR 4R or less along the boundary of said tandOlt;thence Tror Mted for Mavor'on Mot 14,4985: SoufheasterlV 1050 feet more a less along saidbound• d Mhvor's Actlon:May 11,19$5 arV;thence Easterly 700 feet more or less along the T�,„)tgon tandfiIt boundary to the east line,of Section 12,the it lath at o Wp sold East section line 440Q feet move or tes$$ TTEST: to the Norheast corner of Section 12 thence Nast 2640 ?( t fflfl Marshall feet more ar less along the loth line of'Section 7,T.1S., } TY R�CI?t¢ER. Zvk R.1 N SLBd,M to the pointof beginning.Porce�2."A-1"Zonirng �Beginning at the center of the Northwest 1/4 of S5ggcctflionx if 11 T 1S. R2W, SLB&M and runnlnq thence.North:4 i8f54.75 feet to the FlorMr 1/4 corner of Northwest ' 1/4;thence West 660A0 feet b the 1/4 corner of r; p r the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 said Section-, thence South 660.00 feet to the center of the Northwest 1/4 Of West 1/4 corner off Jh Northwest le/t�oth weest 1/4 of tt West 660;feet to Northwestst 3 1/4 of sprit section;thence North orlong the Becton- i One of Sectlah 11;•660.06 feet to the North carrier of to-_thence% the north,ll f section 1 Sol�& e6t to-bitafriFin nolih'Ofie gf�ectlon 9; thence South 52Q0 i or less M south ItWest of the Northeast c~bfsdM oe` S of Section 9 said point being 330 feet West of the South- Y east corner_of section 9•thence East 330 feet to the .Southeast corner of Seaon 9;thence North along the West line-qf Section'10,1320 feet more or.lessto.the west 114 corner pf the Southwest 14 Of'Secti 10; thence EWA 2640.feet more or to the East.)/ w nor of the.Southwest 1/4 of Section 10•thence south > along the centerline of Section 10,130 feet more'ar less to the south line of sold sector thence East Qg iheouth line of Section 10 1320 feetore at less M the 1 1/ m 4 corner•qqff the Sroutheast 1/4 of�c}k�1Q;- th"_ North,2,100 feet along the Quarter gooier' ft the North line of,fhe Spe;lal Improvement 0 strict rib.1,.; ,Y