046 of 1988 - Addition & Amendments to the Uniform Fire Code • ' ` 0 88-1 0 87-26 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 46 of 1988 (Addition and Amendments to the Uniform Fire Code) AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 18.44. 105 TO THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE, 1988, AS FOLLOWS: Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah• SECTION 1. That Section 18.44. 105 of the Salt Lake City Code, 1988, be, and the same hereby is, ADDED to read as follows: Section 77. 104. of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to ADD the following: Sec. 77. 104. ( f) Permits to use explosives or blasting agents. 1. Application for Permit. Application for permit to use explosive or blasting agents must be made prior to intended blasting operations and must set forth the time, location and reasons for blasting, the location of nearby buildings, as well as the name and address of the person or firm responsible, the names and experiences of the men doing the actual blasting and the approximate amount of explosives involved. The Fire Marshal shall issue such permits and charge appropriate fees as authorized by City ordinance. 2. Permit Compliance: The applicant will comply with Fire Marshal ' s regulations controlling blasting and any other terms and conditions set forth in the permit. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, traffic control requirements, time of day, safety precautions, notification of neighbors, and pre-inspection of the site. 3. Permit Fees: The following fees will be required at the time of filing for the permit. These are in addition to insurance certificate and performance bond costs. (a) Single Event - $ 50.00 (b) Project Permit - $125.00 (c) Annual Permit - $500.00 4. Proof of Proficiency: Applicant must submit information as required by the Fire Marshal which demonstrates experience, a knowledge of safe handling practices, and good personal character to show proficiency in the use of explosives. 5. General standard adopted. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the storage, handling, use, sale and transportation of explosives shall be in compliance with the Rules and regulations of the Secretary of Treasury issued in compliance with 18 U.S.C. 847 and as contained in 27 C.F.R. Part 55. Section 77. 105. of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby AMENDED to read as follows: -2- Sec. 77. 105. Bond and Insurance Required: Before a permit is issued to use explosives or blasting agents the applicant shall obtain: (a) A performance bond in the amount of $10, 000 naming Salt Lake City Corporation as the obligee to guarantee permittee shall clean and/or repair all City owned property damaged by the blast and to pay all costs the City incurs should permittee fail to clean or repair damaged City property. (b) A public liability insurance policy in the minimum sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for the purpose of protecting and guaranteeing reimbursement for all damages to persons which arise from, or are caused by, the conduct of any act authorized by the permit. Salt Lake City Corporation shall be named as an additional insured and thirty (30) days notice must be given to Salt Lake city for cancellation of the policy for any reason. Section 77.301. of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby AMENDED to read as follows: 77.301 . (a) *** 77.301. (b) The handling and firing of explosives shall be performed only by the person possessing a valid Blaster Certification issued in accordance with the Fire Marshal ' s -3- Regulations for Controlling Blasting, or by employees under his direct personal supervision who are at least 18 years of age. 77.301. (c) *** 77.301. (d) *** 77.301. (e) *** 77.301. ( f) *** 77.301. (g) Blasting operations shall be conducted in accordance with the Fire Marshall ' s regulations and in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. 77.301. (h) Before a blast is fired, the person in charge shall make certain all surplus explosives are in a safe place, all persons and vehicles are at a safe distance or under sufficient cover. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of June 1988. C14AIRPERSON ATTEST: tA�l ��� CITY AECTFR -4- Transmitted to the Mayor on June 15, 1988 Mayor' s Action: x Approved. Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY IRECOtyn (SEAL) Bill No. 46 of 1988 Published: J—Une 23, 1988 GRH:rc -5-