049 of 1983 - Changing Name of Major Avenue Between Miami Road and Morton Drive to Springfield Road STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss k � 1 Lynda Domino Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached. . .i S a ful 1 , true_, and Correct Copy of Ordinance 49 from 19$3 c,hang,ing the name of -ajor Avenue hetwen Miami Road and Morton Drive . . . . . . .to. S.pni n.q, i e.l d. Road;. said ordinance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1�2�t �41 was duly approved and accepted by City Council/*-� ixvgAction of Salt Lake City, Utah,thi*. . . . . . . ..j. : . . . . day of. . . . . .dLay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.D. 19. . .�3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corpor6e'`seal of Salt,.,Lakk City;—btah, 1 p' this. . . . .1.$th . . . . . . .day of. . . .�Ul,y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . , A.D. 1 r Deput ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City;Utah w ca 0 CTT Q"? -T z� r- Ct; Y N cc, _, <F F ii a, m i SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE c f No. 4 of 1983 f I (Changing Name of Major Avenue between ! m c Miami Road and Morton Drive to Springfield Road) AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF "MAJOR AVENUE" AS IT LIES AT 1400 NORTH BETWEEN MIAMI ROAD AND MORTON DRIVE IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TO HEREINAFTER BE KNOWN AS "SPRINGFIELD ROAD" UPON THE OFFICIAL STREET MAP OF SALT LAKE CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 41- 6-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1965. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and the City Engineer have considered the proposal to change a street name. This Council has concluded that it will be in the best interest of the City to eliminate confusion, by changing the name of that portion of Major Avenue as it is presently named and located at approximately 1400 North running west between Miami Road and Morton Drive, on the official street map of Salt Lake City, Utah, to "Springfield Road", and the official street map of Salt Lake City shall be so appropriately corrected. THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby adopts the following amendment to the Official Street Map of Salt Lake City, Utah, adopted by Section 41-6-1 of the Revised o Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah. V Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt OD Lake City, Utah: to CC SECTION 1. That the Official Street Map of Salt Lake City, �� h- Y as adopted by Section 41-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the location and names of streets located within the City, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : Sec. 41-6-1 . Renaming of Major Avenue to Springfield Road . That the following described portion of that certain public 5 street known as "Major Avenue" on the Official Map of Salt Lake City located at 1400 North between Miami Road and Morton Drive shall hereinafter be referred to and known as "Springfield Road . " SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. t Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of July , 1983. CHAIRMAN " ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on July 18; 1983 Qn Mayor 's Action: July 18, 1983 GOD MAYOR LO rn -2- � b w 1. ATTEST: 61 ti 1i CITY RECORDER cc69 (S EAL) BILL 49 of 1983 n r,;r_nr,: Ac .C) FCimi Published: July 29, 1,983, c'` nrsornPys °ft'�° Gaye .....�i'.�r<.�:.LB�.......................�1 By CSs d T; W rr� C 0 —3— ..,,,,r,,....,,,,,�.,,,........ 0 83-33 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. �4_ of 1983 (Changing Name of Major Avenue between Miami Road and Morton Drive to Springfield Road) AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF "MAJOR AVENUE" AS IT LIES AT 1400 NORTH BETWEEN MIAMI ROAD AND MORTON DRIVE IN SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, TO HEREINAFTER BE KNOWN AS "SPRINGFIELD ROAD" UPON THE OFFICIAL STREET MAP OF SALT LAKE CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 41- 6-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1965. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and the City Engineer have considered the proposal to change a street name. This Council has concluded that it will be in the best interest of the City to eliminate confusion, by changing the name of that portion of Major Avenue as it is presently named and located at approximately 1400 North running west between Miami Road and Morton Drive, on the official street map of Salt Lake City, Utah, to "Springfield Road" , and the official street map of Salt Lake City shall be so appropriately corrected . THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby adopts the following amendment to the Official Street Map of Salt Lake City, Utah, adopted by Section 41-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Official Street Map of Salt Lake City, b as adopted by Section 41-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the location and names of streets located within the City , be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : Sec. 41-6-1 . Renaming of Major Avenue to Springfield Road. That the following described portion of that certain public street known as "Major Avenue" on the Official Map of Salt Lake City located at 1400 North between Miami Road and Morton Drive shall hereinafter be referred to and known as "Springfield Road . " SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th. day of JAI 1Y, 1983. 7TAi I AN ATTEST: _ j\ C I`TY RE C R E R Transmitted to the Mayor on au1 y� 18, 1983 Mayor's Action: Ou1y 18, 1983 r j1po/I /Ivl MAYOR -2- ATTEST: CITY 'RECORPER cc69 (S E A L) BILL 49 of 1983 Published: July 29, 1,983,,:- By vc,dl c 1,1.E.4 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY Cheryl GieTloff ORDINAMCR .............................................................................................................. Np.tld11E AVenw ICh `"1elwMn Mlaml=1 d Maier Ream aM Marlon DMw7ro 9prllgRatl T� AN ORDINANCE CHANGING Being first duly Sworn,deposes and says that he is legal THE NAME OF "MAJOR advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily AVENUE"AS IT LIES AT 147 b ROAD AND MORTON DREEN IVE (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English IN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH, TO HEREINAFTER BE language with general circulation in Utah, and KNOWN MAPTHEIpF7pFICIADL published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the STREET 5 C State of Utah. TION O61 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH IVM. WHEREAS,the Cliv Council That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto Sell Lake City,Utah,upon ✓�i PY eMarlan ,the plan. nine CamMsalon and the City Eminem have considered me p�p�sal m ceree a a eat Ordinance No. 49 of 1983 - Chan in Name of Is CatrcN has cobaeenss- g.....S....................... Interest of the City to eliminafo nameeoftahsatrrt n bY n0o Mae, ............Mai.ox..Ave.....tv...Spxing£ield..ktd .............................. ...... Awmed an .%taG at a�roxlF mately lave Norfh rendre rest b'iweal Mlatnl Road and Mor. tal Drive,on the o fide street ...............................................................................................I............... yyp of Salt Lake City,Jtah,to o ffclarMeel mdp of Sall LdlZ CH,shall be so approorialelv ............................................................................................................... w Rd. THEREFORE,the CIN Coun cll of Salt Lake CI , Utah, herebyadopts the olloWitw ............................................................................................................... erdmanf to Hs Chiclal Stree,t aMap dopt ofedby S$air Lake Clh, Utahect1.1I6 of theeCRY,ftlw Utah. Pnewspaper Ordinances of. Sall Lek was published in said on......................................... Now,Hsrefore,he It ordalred' by I Cih CourcN of Salt Lake atv.Utah: .............7`ll.ly..29.,...1983....................................................................... SECTION 1.TMf the Official Street Map a Salt Lek'CIW,as acuoted by Sedlon 4141 of the Revised Ordhs— of Salt. ' Lake City,Utah,1111,r'latoff ....... .. .:. ....... ........ g g to the Iacatlae and ro C of- e, a laaatetl within me City, Lea Ad sin C be, am roe score hereby an ec. 1 follows: Sec. vertu to Seri p a' MAlor Avarua to Sprlrgflek R TThal the folloWlno described 8th portion d that certain put 'rn to before me this..................................................................................day of street known a "Mi1, Avc ale"on the Official Map of Sao Lake CIh located al 1400 No .......................A.D.19..83.. mf alveA shall Read wreinaHer be r femed to and ksswn as 'Sprinsfleld Rod." SECTION 2.This ordnance shall rake effect upon Its NrsfI WPalssceatdcepy the Clh Council f Sall Lake Clfv,Utah,this IHh day of July, 4ySA.. .................. ATTEST: CHAIR GRANT MABEY Notary Public MAN KATHRYN MARS CITY RECORDERHALL Tet'81 Hed b the Mavor mil McYoral ion:JTlyp I IM OR '< o� j ATTEST: E pires _O<� Y Pill . , KATHRYN MARSHALL C (SEA RECORDER ; `y BILL a9 a lve3 Published:Juh»,wee Y JOYCE I .............._._-,..._ 1,815..................... MARLAR ADM-11A