054 of 1986 - Plumbing Permit Fees 0 86-1 0 86-16 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No 54 of 1986 (Plumbing permit fees ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-14-5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt lake City , Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 5-14-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to Plumbing Permit fees be, and the same hereby is , amended as follows : Sec . 5-14-5. Plumbing permit fees. Before a permit shall be valid , permit fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer as follows : For each plumbing fixture or trap roughed in for installation or relocation $ 4.00 Change, alteration or replacement of soil , waste , or vent pipe 4. 00 Each roof drain installed inside building 4. 00 Each refrigeration drain and each safe drain discharged direct or indirect into the 4.00 building drain Each water softener or conditioning device 8. 00 Each water heater 8. 00 Each settling tank or grease trap 10. 00 Each roof drain 4. 00 Each store, restaurant or home appliance or device connected to the culinary water supply and/or building drainage system 4 . 00 Each vacuum breaker or backflow device on tanks , etc. 5.00 Each air conditioning device discharging into into the building drainage system 5.00 For each lawn-sprinkler control valve on devices 5.00 Fire extinguishing systems shall be paid to the City Treasurer as follows : Underground piping $13. 00 For hydrants on private property , each 8. 00 For dry standpipe , each 10. 00 plus each outlet 2. 00 For wet standpipe , each 10. 00 plus each hose cabinet 1. 50 Automatic fire sprinklersin range hood or vent 4. 00 For fire sprinkler systems of 1 to 100 sprinkler heads 25. 00 For fire spinkler systems exceeding 100 sprinkler heads 25. 00 plus each sprinkler head in excess of heads 0. 10 For water service and distributing piping 6 . 00 For each water storage tank 10. 00 For each fire pump 30. 00 For each sewage ejection pump 10. 00 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty ( 30 ) days after its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this 10t-h day of .Tune 1986 . -2- 7 A I RKAN ATTEST: CIT ECQR tR Transmitted to Mayor on June 20, 1986 Mayor's Action : July 1 , 1986 zZ,yc, MAYOR ATTEST: A1l" l"L C I T Y A EIC-0F15Eb GRH:rcl 2 IS SEPAL ) Bill of 19 96 Published: July 9, 1.986 -3- > �� ',J f Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ----- — - Sha on a —� SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE ..........................ra...... ..YPr................................................... No:S,of 1986 (Plymbing Permit foes) AN ORDINANCE AM 4NG SE-CTI NS 5.14.5 OF THE REVISE SALTLAK CITY UTAH,,1965,'AS, AMENDED,RELATING`rO PLUM9ING PER iI IT'FEES. $sitordainedbY thq 1%tyCouncilofSaltVgke.Clryry Utah: SECTION1.ThatYSectlon3.14.56ftheRevlsedOrdlnonces Being first dui sworn deposes and says that he/she is of Salt Laki.Qlty,Utah,_T9'5:°'d's amended,relating to Plumbing g y P Y Peritfeesbs,andthesomehereby,is,amendedasfollows: legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily 'Set.5-lAz5.PluMb(ng 1pM. ft fees.Before a permit shall be , valid permit fees shgllb;P Id to the.City Treasurer at follows: gor'egdh plum ino fl'k 'e or trap roughed for newspaper printed in the English language with genera Installation of locatI F. `- $4.00 are place ment.af circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Solt,was 4,00 + Eacry.roof•01- 11 ns ieeainsl8�ebulldln0 d.OD Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. l5 fr pt of: Eac re ,fge- 16n drain'an .each safe drain disehd ed dlre5tar indirect Into the, 4.00 <: budding drolh Eachwater,j e(leror conditioning dgvlce 8,00 ' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Each water heater 8.00, Each settling tank or,grease trap T0.00 Each roof drain I 1 4.00 Each store,restaurant of home appliance or Ordinance No 54 of 1986 device connected to the cullnery water supply 4.OD ....................................................................•••.........•........•.• and/or building drainage system Each vacuum breaker or bockfiow device on 5.00 tanks,.�eftt ' Eacttair condMlonin device discharging Into Into the building drainage system 5.00 For each lawn-sprinkler control valve on devices 5.00 Fire extinguishing systems shall be paid to the City Treu. surer as follows: ............................................................................................ Underground plpinp $13.00 For hydrants on private property,each 1n:on For dry standpipe,each plus each outlet 2.60 ............................................................................................ For wet standpipe,each 10.00 plus each hose cabinet 1.50 Automatic fire sprinklers In range hood or vent 4,00 For fire sprinkler systems of 1 to 104 . ............................................................ sprinkler heads 2.5.00 For fire spinkler systems exceeding 100 45.OD sprinkler heads plus each sprinkler head In exr„es-,of head: 0.1U i For water service and distributing piping 6.n0 gas published n said newspaper on.................................. For each water storage tank 10.00 For each fire pump 30.01? For each sewage l electlon pump Win, SECTION2.This ordinance shall take ettect thirty(30) ...JU„y,,,9,,...1.. ..986......... ........... ............................................. days after Its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Ufah,thls IW' day of June,1986. Earl F.Hardwick CHAIRMAN ...... ........ .............................................. ATTEST: Legal Advertising Clerk /s/Kathryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 21),1986. Mayor's Action: 1s/Palmer A.DePaulls MAYOR ATTEST: /s/Kathryn Marshall CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill 54 of 1986 086.16 Published:July 9,1986 S-91 _._.... 22nd Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................................................................... day o ..........July............................... A.D. 1986...... ..... ............................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires ail March 1, 1988 ...................................................... OF Ut p�j`