119 of 1987 - Contribution to Mattie Lou Koster and Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation • oL z oN ii1 o 1987 wxEREAs d.aeaaa ream �nta�al bLioa.e sr W„ERE s a 1a ome eases befog aolti y stliaxnos , tl WxeREAS U information aD not eatlaly av 1e to either doctors or vret ims ofatDeva WLLEPEAS Mattae Lou 8 of frustration ov oe lnfprmatinn,pi and treatment oe tee a=.ease,a ed Henig<,a arm,Fowdati—, • Mieh oox dastrabutas vneormation packets vor d , nd a�apap am raaaar na inning aaanac, a aumaiata wPEPEns oneoas� o.aa s�uosw�nl s,000 ...... ore groaps i.puanaeates and 12 foreign .—Ad a stataa x foe September s l Y,198T.�st nougsT a`98" ase^Benken Essential p p sn Awareness Week"ZDand WHEREAS feting f o the Be aLFM o Snit Lake CitrnSept. 11R 1Ds.I'd 1987,othroogsSeptem—18,1987. TH—FOHE, na Mayor n pg Rosation D er l8,o i98y,as Mattie Lou ter Oar .."It LskeC . • DATED tM1is 15th Oar of Sep-11 19nT. MAY pePAULIS COONC�IL M@1188P t1, COUNC�L MB�eR STONEY P.eONNeSHECK COUN -F� CWNCIL MEMBBR TOMiP:OD�/�— CONN L B6A A056LYN N.KIPK COONCIL MBMBER H.M.^irzLL26^STOLER COUNCIL MOTION! FORM September 15, 1987 `R 87-1 Date: Submitted By: C�N Subject: Joint resolution designating "Mattie Lou Koster Day" #1 . MOTION MOVED: 2ND: RECOMMENDED MOTION: Adopt #2. VOTE Aye: Nay: Absent: UNANIMOUS ( UNANIMOUS Bittner �� Bittner (_ Bittner _ Mabey `� Mabey _ Mabey _ Fonnesbeck Fonnesbeck _ Fonnesbeck _ Hardwick _ Hardwick Hardwick Godfrey Godfrey _ Godfrey Kirk Kirk Kirk Stoler Stoler Stoler The above action, as indicated by paragraphs 1 and 2, constitutes the official action taken by the Sal Lake City Council on the above date. ATTEST: 0�.� CITY RECORDER — COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON MINUTE ENTRY Councilmember Fonnesbeck read a joint resolution of the Mayor and City Council designating September 18, 1987, as Mattie Lou Koster Day in Salt Lake City. The United States House of Representatives designated the week of September 14, 1987, through September 20, 1987, as "Benign Essential Blepharospasm Awareness Week and the Fifth International meeting of the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation will be held in Salt Lake City September 15, 1987, through September 18, 1987. Benign Essential Blepharospasm, an involuntary, forcible closing of the eyelids, is a progres- sively incapacitating disease resulting i'n functional blindness and Mattie Lou Koster, out of frustration over a lack of information, interest and treatment of the disease, founded the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation which distributes infor- mation packets worldwide. Councilmember Fonnesbeck moved and Councilmember Hardwick seconded to adopt Resolution 119 of 1987 designating Mattie Lou Koster Day, which motion carried, all members voted aye. (R 87-1) P r r