004 of 2019 - City Council Policy Manual Update - A.48 & A.49 R 19-1 R 19-5 RESOLUTION No. 4 of 2019 (Replacing Sections A.48 and A.49 of City Council policy manual with new section A.48 relating to city electronic devices and services) WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council maintains a Policy Manual that includes agreed upon expectations and standards of practice; and WHEREAS,the Policy Manual serves as a resource for Council Members, Council staff, and Administration staff on daily practices and routine procedures, including agenda paperwork and scheduling, recurring internal procedures related to processing norms for community events, and travel for conferences; and WHEREAS, providing the Policy Manual to the public furthers the values of transparency and open government, and can assist the public in understanding the Council's practices. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, that changes to the Policy Manual will be approved by resolution and the updated sections will guide Council procedures and will be shared as a resource; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Sections A.48 (relating to computers & internet service) and A.49 (relating to communication equipment) of the Policy Manual are hereby replaced by a new Section A.48 relating to city electronic devices and services, in substantially the form attached to this resolution. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, U , o March 5 2019. Salt L e Council By: S . ctTr (riAtyReAcorder n<k5 N .n+x lei 0 1 — Salt Lake City Attorney's Office 'f'ApR q, $tiP Approve As To Form Al Boyd Ferg on HB_ATTY-#75991-v 1-Resolution_approving_council_policy_manual_changes_2019 1 CouncilSLC '• •n A: Council Office Internal Policies rc.-4.r e v �..Q GORAPUT€IDS & INT€RAN€T SERVICE (101001 n �� a. Upon request, Getineil Member-s ean r-eeeive a Gity owned oemputer-and printer-for use i the ZGoti eil O fiee orrother-loC-ation to be used for Gity business.Alternativ , Gotifleil Member-s may choose to use their-pef!sonal computer-and printer-anwhiek City owfle softwaf!e can be installed. If G-A-uneil Meffiber-s prefer-to use their-personal eomptiter-and printer-for- City business, the Couneil Offiee will compensate them $500 per year-for-this use. Gotineil Membet!swill G. Any City owned soflwar-e installed on a per-sonal eomptiter-will be femoved when th Gotineil Member-leaves offiee. The Couneil Offiee will r-einibur-se a Gotineil Member-for-their at home inter-net sen4ee, tip to $50 per-month. AQ.gg CORAPAUNICAXION EQUIPMENT (100 a. During their-tenur-e, Couneil Member-s may also either-aeeept the City owfied eel! phEffle 0 A.48 CITY ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND SERVICES a. Council Members and Council Members-Elect may opt to use a variety of devices in carrying out their duties as elected officials, including but not limited to: 1. Emails 2. Appointments and opportunities to attend events as an elected official 3. Document preparation and editing 4. Agenda packet material review and preparation(may involve note taking) 5. Text, email or phone availability for coordination and receipt of information 6. Research 7. Any functions that could be necessary in the event of an emergency b. Device options provided by the City include: computer(desktop or laptop),tablet, and cell phone. c. Ownership Options 1. If personal devices are used instead of City-provided devices,the Council Member has the option to receive an allowance.Appropriate City software will be installed on personal devices. 2. Any City-owned software installed on a personal device will be removed or disabled at the discretion of IMS when the Council Member leaves office. 3. City-owned devices shall be returned to the Council Office upon leaving the position of elected official or receiving an upgrade. City-owned devices can be purchased with a prorated cost determined by IMS based on the original date of purchase and last day of employment. d. Service Options: To increase communication access, Council Members and Council Members-Elect can request services including: (see reimbursement/allowances section e.) A. Home internet access B. Data plan for tablet 1 [Title] CouncilSLC '• •n A: Council Office Internal Policies C. MiFi D. Phone plan with unlimited data e. Reimbursements and Allowances: 1. If a Council Member uses their own personal plan,a recurring monthly allowance will be established in keeping with Citywide policy, and shall be reviewed regularly. 2. There may be reasons to process a reimbursement rather than allowance,in which case a Council Member can submit a receipt or invoice for reimbursement. Reimbursements shall follow City accounting policy with documentation of payment to accompany the reimbursement request. 3. If the City arranges for the service plan the bill will be paid directly by the City. f. In evaluating device and service options, Council Members may consider the following: 1. GRAMA considerations—including open meetings law,accessibility to information required to be searched 2. Cost and effective use of taxpayer resources 3. Portability,ease of use at home,while traveling,and during Council Meetings. 4. Part-time nature of the Council Member position and the need to be available for City Administration and Council Staff to reach Council Members at all times. 5. Access options during an emergency situation 2 [Title]