Proposed Resolution - 2/20/2024JOINT RESOLUTION FOR PEACE WHEREAS, Salt Lake City recognizes the importance of peace and security for all communities, regardless of their national, ethnic, or religious affiliations; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City advocates for the safety and dignity of all human life and recognizes that many in our community are suffering from the direct and indirect impacts of international conflicts including the terrible loss of life; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City stands by all our residents and their right to advocate for peace abroad and at home; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City condemns Islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-Palestinian, anti- Israeli, or anti-Arab rhetoric and urges all our residents to build bridges of understanding between all our communities; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City condemns threats of violence against any and all communities that call Salt Lake home; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City as a municipal entity, is focused on our statutory duty to protect our residents, and visitors, to encourage dialogue, promote justice and deliver municipal services to our residents; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City’s primary responsibility is to ensure safety in our City, we urge international and federal leaders in their role to work toward lasting peace in the Middle East. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City express a deep concern for the terrible loss of life and calls for peace at home and abroad, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City, call for further protections for all our local communities, including enhancements to anti-hate legislation for our Christian, Jewish, Muslim and any other religious and ethnic communities, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City values Arab, Israeli, Jewish, Muslim, and Palestinian residents and condemns the rise of antisemitism and islamophobia. We are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, orientation, gender identity, or expression, and wholeheartedly uphold the rights of every individual to live, worship, and demonstrate peacefully. Adopted this 20th day of February 2024