Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 5:00 PM
This meeting will not have an anchor location at the City and County Building. Appeals
Hearing Officer, Staff, and Appellant will connect remotely.
If you are interested in attending the Appeals Hearing meeting virtually, join us on Zoom at:
• https://bit.ly/slc-appeals-07182024
A public hearing will be held for the following item:
1. Appeal of a COA Denial at Approximately 370 N 200 West - Kevin Anderson, the property
owner, is appealing an Administrative Decision denying a request to approve paint on the
masonry facades of the building at the above-stated address. The painting work has been
completed without approval, and an enforcement case is currently on hold awaiting the appeal
outcome. The address falls within the Capitol Hill Local Historic District, thus subject to the
standards of the H Historic Preservation Overlay. The property is located within Council
District 3, represented by Chris Wharton. (Staff Contact: Noah Elmore at 801-535-7971 or
noah.elmore@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNAPP2024-00182
Agenda items may not be heard in the order listed. The Appeals Hearing Officer reserves the right to change
the order of agenda items as deemed necessary. Please contact the Staff for information or visit the
Planning Division website at www.slcgov.com/planning/planning-public-meetings for copies of the Appeals
Hearing Officer meeting/hearing agendas, staff reports and decisions. Staff reports will be posted the Friday
prior to the meeting.