Presentation - PLNPCM2024-00982Albuquerque | Boise | Denver | Las Vegas | Los Angeles | Los Cabos | Orange County | Phoenix | Portland | Reno | Salt Lake City | San Diego | Seattle | Tucson | Washington, D.C. Jordan River Fairpark Zone PLNPCM2024-00982– Zoning Map and Text Amendment Salt Lake City Planning Commission– October 9, 2024 Context Aerial (2024) 2 Context Aerial (1958) 3 Proposed Zone (Shown in Red) 4 JRF District UFAIR District UFAIR District Boundaries 5 Current Zoning 6 UFAIR District 7 2024: H.B. 562 Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District ▸Established Board; ▸Finance Development and Redevelopment; and ▸Goals to Revitalize Land and Coordinate with State. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 8 Subsection Standards A PURPOSE STATEMENT B APPLICABILITY C MINIMUM LOT AREA, WIDTH AND YARD STANDARDS D MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT E USES F DESIGN STANDARDS G SIGN REGULATIONS 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 9 PURPOSE STATEMENT: •The purpose of the Jordan River Fairpark District is to implement the State of Utah’s “Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District”. •This zone is only applicable to private and city owned land located within the in the “Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District” boundary, which is generally located between 1000 West and Redwood Road and 300 North and I-80. •The JRF District is intended to provide an area within the city that will generate economic development and increase employment opportunities in the city, region, and state of Utah. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 10 APPLICABILITY •No general plans apply •Overlay districts do not apply •Special fencing allowed 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 11 MINIMUM LOT AREA, WIDTH AND YARD STANDARDS: •There are no minimum lot areas, setbacks, or lot widths required in the JRF District. •Building requirements will apply. •Doors shall be setback a minimum distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way, midblock walkway, or public or private road. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 12 BUILDING HEIGHT: •Maximum building height: two-hundred feet (200’). •Buildings taller than two-hundred feet (200’) and up to four-hundred (400’) feet shall only be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title and the following regulations. o Shall include a minimum stepback of five feet (5’) or other architectural feature that can deflect snow and ice. o The building shall include at least one of the following options: 1.Midblock walkway is provided on the property which connects to an existing or planned street or midblock walkway; 2.The building is utilizing affordable housing incentives identified in Chapter 21A.52 of this title; or 3.The proposal includes a privately owned, publicly accessible open space on the property. Existing public open space areas within the Jordan River Fairpark District are not eligible for purposes of this subsection. o Development over 200 feet shall submit plans to the FAA. o Development over 200 feet designed to avoid interference with aircraft. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 13 USES: •Allowed uses include office, commercial, recreational, and residential uses. •Conditional uses include large group homes and residential support dwellings. •Prohibited uses include cannabis productions, cemetery, wind energy, jail, jewelry fabrications, and uses not expressly allowed. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 14 DESIGN STANDARDS •Entire District •Frontage along Redwood Road and North Temple: 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 15 SIGN REGULATIONS Within the JRF District, the Sign Standards found in section 21A.46 of this title do apply unless a regulation in such section conflicts with the sign standards set forth below in which case the more permissive sign standards apply. The following provisions are applicable to signs constructed within the JRF District. 1.Signs shall be permitted within the JRF District. Signs which are oriented to a public street or public way are subject to the following applicable sign standards. 2.Internal signs or signs not visible from a public street or public way are not regulated. 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 16 SIGN STANDARDS FOR THE JRF DISTRICT (continued) 21A.32.140: JRF DISTRICT – Jordan River Fairpark District 17 SIGN STANDARDS FOR THE JRF DISTRICT (continued) Salt Lake City Planning Commission– October 9, 2024