Presentation - PLNPCM2024-00982 (2)Salt Lake City Planning Commission // October 9, 2024 JORDAN RIVER FAIRPARK (JRF) ZONING DISTRICT PLNPCM2024-00982 North Temple South TempleRe d w o o d R o a d Jo r d a n R i v e r Snell & Wilmer, representing Larry H. Miller Development is proposing to create a new zoning district in the Fairpark neighborhood to facilitate its redevelopment •Jordan River Fairpark (JRF) District •38 parcels over approximately 93 acres •The JRF District will be exempt from zoning if no agreement is reached before Dec 31, 2024 Salt Lake City // Planning Division PROJECT BACKGROUND Salt Lake City // Planning Division •The briefing is an opportunity to discuss the proposed JRF Zoning District •Gain feedback from the Planning Commission •Make recommendations on the proposed zoning prior to the public hearing on October 23, 2024 PURPOSE OF THE BRIEFING Salt Lake City // Planning Division CITY SUPPORTS REDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE INTO A MIXED-USE DISTRICT Salt Lake City // Planning Division PURPOSE OF THE DISTRICT •Revitalization of the Jordan River Corridor •Implement “Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District” •Provide for a mix of uses including recreation, cultural, convention, entertainment, office, sports stadium, residential, and commercial uses •Generate economic development and increase employment opportunities APPLICABILITY •Not subject to City’s adopted plans •State owned land is not subject to any city-imposed regulations •Exempt from the Riparian Corridor Overlay and Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division PROPOSED ZONING •Setbacks: None – including no setback required from the Jordan River •Open Space: None required on individual lots/parcels, but open space areas/pathways to facilitate pedestrian use will be provided (the code does not include specifics) STAFF FEEDBACK •Planning and Public Lands are requesting that either the JRF zoning ordinance or the Term Sheet provide a minimum percentage of guaranteed open space within the development. PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT •Building Height: 400 feet, with Design Review required for building over 200 feet •5-foot building stepback •Building must include one of the following •Midblock walkway (minimum width was not provided) •Affordable Housing Incentives •Privately owned but publicly accessible open space (no minimum SF was provided) within the JRF boundaries, including a shade canopy of 60% of the open space area •Development over 200 feet shall submit plans to the FAA and “take into account all recommendations to avoid:” •Electrical interference •Lighting/glare from development •Impairing pilot visibility •Landing or maneuvering conflicts PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division STAFF FEEDBACK ON BUILDING HEIGHT •Midblock walkways should have minimum width of 15’ to match other zoning districts. •Open space associated with additional building height should have a minimum square footage. •Airspace Impact Study is underway with SLC Airport and FAA to determine the impacts of a 400-foot-tall building and any necessary mitigation. •The FAA will ultimately regulate the allowable building height, regardless of City code or recommendations. PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division PROPOSED LAND USES •Some of the proposed uses do not align with the purpose of the JRF zoning district, including: •Gas stations, industrial assembly, drive-throughs, light manufacturing, outdoor storage, bus/rail/trucking transportation terminals, vehicle rental agency, warehouses, and wholesale distribution PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division PROPOSED DESIGN STANDARDS •Design Standards would only apply to development along Redwood Road and North Temple. •Buildings within the interior of the JRF District would not be subject to Design Standards. The applicant is proposing to screen mechanical equipment and provide street trees. STAFF FEEDBACK •Design Standards to apply to development along all public streets and along the Jordan River, not just Redwood Road and North Temple. •Add design standards for: lighting, entry features, parking garage standards, and maximum length of building façade. PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division SIGNAGE •Larger than most other zoning districts and sign overlay districts. •Signage inside of the development is less concerning because the impacts are not as impactful to other properties. •Signage along public streets should match zoning districts that have similar development intensities, such as the newly created downtown entertainment district. PROPOSED JRF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Salt Lake City // Planning Division •A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF OPEN SPACE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AND ADDRESSED IN EITHER THE JRF DISTRICT ZONING ORDINANCE OR THE TERM SHEET •EXEMPTION FROM THE RIPARIAN CORRIDOR OVERLAY IS NOT SUPPORTED BY PUBLIC UTILITIES •DESIGN STANDARDS SHOULD APPLY TO ALL PUBLIC ROADS AND JORDAN RIVER FRONTAGE NOT JUST REDWOOD ROAD AND NORTH TEMPLE MAIN CITY PRIORITIES •October 21: 45-day public engagement period ends •October 23: Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council on whether to adopt the zoning map/text amendments and the Development Agreement •October 30: Submit the transmittal to the City Council no later than this date •November 12: City Council briefing •November 19: City Council public hearing (potential follow-up) •December 3 or 10: Potential adoption An agreement must be adopted by the City Council by December 31, 2024, or the “Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District” will not be subject to any city zoning regulations. Salt Lake City // Planning Division NEXT STEPS QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Salt Lake City // Planning Division Amanda Roman // Urban Designer amanda.roman@slcgov.com