12/11/2024 - Pending Minutes SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, October 23, 2024 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video recording of the meeting is available at www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Aimee Burrows, Vice Chair Landon Kraczek, Commissioners McCall Christensen, Anaya Gayle, Brian Scott, Amy Barry, Mike Christensen, and Bree Scheer. Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist, Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Principal Planner Rylee Hall, Principal Planner Brooke Olson, Senior Planner Aaron Barlow, Urban Designer Amanda Roman, Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria, and Office Facilitator Aubrey Clark. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair introduced the new Planning Commissioner McCall Christensen. Commissioner McCall Christensen greeted the commission. The Vice-Chair stated that he had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore stated that she had nothing to report. OPEN FORUM Commissioner Scheer stated that she is concerned with the size of the projects coming before the commission and asked whether the city has Planned Unit Development process. Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist stated that Planning does not have that kind of process. Commissioner Scheer asked if Planning could look into adding that kind of process. Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist stated that Staff could put a proposal together after the first of the year. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Extension Request for Lusso 2 Apartments Planned Development and Design Review at Approximately 57 N 1000 W - Jarod Hall, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting a one-year time extension for the Lusso 2 Apartments Planned Development and Design Review for the multi- family development. The Planning Commission granted the original approval on October 25, 2023. The subject property is located in the TSA-SP-T (Transit Area Special Purpose Transition) zoning district within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or Kristina.Gilmore@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-00653 &PLNPCM2023- 00685 2. Extension Request for Hardware Village II Design Review at Approximately 152 N 500 W - Mark Isaac of Pinyon8 Consulting, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting a one-year time extension for the Design Review Approval of the Hardware Village II multi-family development. The Planning Commission granted the original approval on October 26, 2022, and a one-year extension on October 25, 2023. The subject property is located in the TSA-UC-C (Transit Area Urban Center Core) zoning district within Council District 3, represented by Chris Wharton. (Staff Contact: Aaron Barlow at 801-535-6182 or aaron.barlow@slc.gov) Case Number PLNPCM2022-00586 3. Conditional Use for Cabinet Assembly at Approximately 75 S 600 W (Public Hearing) - Richard Morley, representing the property owner, is requesting approval for a Conditional Use to allow a cabinet assembly business that will occupy a unit in the existing building at the above listed address. The subject property is zoned GMU (Gateway Mixed Use) District, and is located within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Rylee Hall at 801-535-6308 or rylee.hall@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00670 4. Planned Development Modifications for Alliance House at Approximately 1805 S Main St (Public Hearing) - Cowboy Partners, representing the property owner, is requesting modifications to the Planned Development plans originally approved by the Planning Commission on August 9, 2023. The approval was to construct two, 2 story multifamily residential apartment buildings consisting of 16 deeply affordable residential units for individuals with incomes as low as 0% of the area median income (AMI). The applicant is now requesting modifications to the approved building elevations, and site plan associated with the project. The subject property is located within the CC, (Corridor Commercial) and SSSC (South State Street Corridor Overlay) Districts, in Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Brooke Olson at 801-535-7118 or brooke.olson@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-00975 5. Approval of the Meeting Minutes of September 11 & 25, 2024 The Chair opened the public hearing. Public Hearing • Damon Talbot – representing Alliance House – gave a brief review of the proposal and thanked the City for the work done on the proposal. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing. Motion Commissioner Mike Christensen motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Mike Christensen, Kraczek, Scheer, and Scott voted “yes”. Commissioner Barry voted “no” for item 2 and “yes” for all other Consent Agenda items. Commissioner Gayle abstained from the September 25, 2024, meeting minutes and voted “yes” to all other Consent Agenda items. Commissioner McCall Christensen abstained from all pending meeting minutes and voted “yes” for the remaining Consent Agenda items. The motion passed. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Zoning Map & Text Amendment for Jordan River Fairpark District – Snell & Wilmer, representing Larry H. Miller Development, seeks approval to amend Salt Lake City's zoning ordinance by creating a new zoning district known as the JRF District, located at approximately 1500 W North Temple and bounded by the Jordan River, Redwood Road, North Temple, and Interstate 15. The proposal would rezone approximately 93 acres across 38 parcels into a single zone to support the area's redevelopment. A. Zoning Map & Text Amendment: The JRF district would allow buildings up to 400 ft tall. No minimum lot size, setbacks, or open space requirements are proposed, and developments would be exempt from meeting the City's general plans. B. Development Agreement: The proposed Development Agreement addresses access to the Jordan River, open space, roads, infrastructure improvements, and establishes review processes for development applications. Under a new state law, an agreement must be reached by December 31, 2024, for expedited land use reviews related to a qualified stadium and related uses. If no agreement is made, the JRF District will not be subject to the City's zoning regulations. The property is located in Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Contact: Amanda Roman at amanda.roman@slc.gov or 801-535-7660) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00982 Urban Designer Amanda Roman reviewed the proposal and stated that the City is generally supportive of building a walkable mixed-use community. She outlined the City’s recommendations and next steps. Wade Budge, representing the Larry H. Miller Company, provided an overview of the proposal and requested feedback. Key discussion topics between the applicant and Commission included: • Staff recommendations • Workforce housing allocation • Fund distribution within the community • Proposed design standards, grid layout, and smokestacks • Plans for the high-tension wires and environmental quality of the site • Public vs. private streets • Development agreement timelines • Site plan approval authority Public Hearing The Chair opened the public hearing, and the following comments were made: • Emilio Santiago: Opposed the proposal, citing a survey indicating widespread resident opposition. • Caroline Badly: Opposed the proposal. • Isaac Armaez: Raised concerns about the distribution of funds within the community. • Cherry Garcias: Opposed the proposal. After confirming no additional speakers, the Chair closed the public hearing. Applicant Rebuttal The applicant emphasized the company’s commitment to improving conditions in the area without displacing current residents. Executive Session Commissioner Barry clarified that issues with school closures are governed by the school district, not the City. She also noted that the City was placed on an accelerated timeline for the project by the State Legislature. The commission discussed the proposal, critiqued its elements, and reviewed the decision-making process. Motion 1 Commissioner Mike Christensen moved: "Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission recommend the City Council deny this Zoning Map and Text Amendment for the following reasons: 1. It is not included in any of the City's master plans. 2. The expedited process is not beneficial to Salt Lake City and disrespects westside neighborhoods. If the City Council chooses to adopt the amendment, the Commission recommends it include conditions 1 through 8 from the staff report and consider the input provided during this meeting." Commissioner Scott seconded the motion. Vote: • Yes: Mike Christensen, Brian Scott • No: Landon Kraczek, Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Anaya Gayle, McCall Christensen, Aimee Burrows The motion failed. Motion 2 Commissioner Kraczek moved: "Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission recommend the City Council adopt this Zoning Map and Text Amendment with the following conditions: 1. Conditions 1 through 8 from the staff report, with an amendment to Condition 8 requiring 10% of the district be dedicated to workforce housing at 80% AMI or adjusted at staff discretion. 2. Dedicate 20% of the tax increment to affordable housing in the neighborhood." Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Amendments: • Commissioner Scheer added a condition for a maximum building setback of 15 feet from public streets and open spaces and required integration of the site plan into the North Temple Boulevard plan. • Commissioner Gayle amended Condition 8 to address concerns raised during the meeting. Further clarification was made that the 15-foot setback condition would not override design review standards. Substitute Motion Commissioner Gayle moved: “Based on the information presented and discussion I move the Commission recommend that the City Council adopt this Zoning Map and Text Amendment with the following conditions as listed in the Staff Report plus additional conditions we've discussed at this meeting: 1. The applicant shall continue to work with Public Utilities on the applicability of the Riparian Corridor Overlay. 2. Public Utilities Master Plans and Transportation Master Plans remain applicable to the JRF District. 3. The applicant will follow mitigation measures as dictated in the airspace impact study. 4. A minimum open space of the entire project must be dedicated as open space and accessible to the public, which is currently set at 10% open space in the proposed code. 5. A percentage of the workforce housing shall be provided within the project boundaries, and we'd like to suggest that 10% of the total housing developed be affordable housing at the level of 80% AMI or lower. 6. Design standards shall apply to all buildings facing public streets and the Jordan River. The standards shall be updated to include lighting entry features, parking garage specifications, and limits on building facade lengths. 7. Midblock walkways associated with additional building height shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. 8. Concerns raised by the Planning Commission during the October 9th, 2024, briefing shall be addressed. 9. Concerns raised by the Planning Commission tonight shall be addressed. 10. That the maximum setback from any street or publicly accessible open space is 15 feet. 11. The incorporation of the approved site plan or master plan for the district is to be incorporated into the City’s North Temple Boulevard Plan of the City. Final Vote: • Yes: Mike Christensen, Landon Kraczek, Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Anaya Gayle, McCall Christensen, Aimee Burrows • No: Brian Scott The motion passed. 2. Zoning Consolidation Project - Salt Lake City is proposing to update its zoning ordinance and zoning map by consolidating up to 27 existing commercial, form-based, and mixed-use zoning districts into six new mixed-use (MU) districts. The aim is to simplify zoning regulations, improve clarity of language, and incorporate missing design standards. The new mixed-use districts will be similar to the current districts but will have changes to setbacks, building height, lot coverage, and permitted land uses. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning will also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact: Daniel Echeverria at 801-535-7165 or daniel.echeverria@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00707 Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria and Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore reviewed the latest updates to the proposal. They indicated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation for approval to the City Council. The commission and staff discussed the following topics: • Split zoning • Transitional overlay • Definitions of rear and side yards Public Hearing The Chair opened the public hearing, and the following individuals provided comments: • Cindy Cromer: Expressed concerns over zero or reduced setbacks. • Ron Teemu: Opposed the proposal. • Bernie Aiwa: Opposed the proposal. • Sue Manue: Opposed the proposal. • Alex Hamory: Supported parts of the proposal but opposed rear-yard setbacks and urged inclusion of the National Park Service document for protecting historic structures during adjacent construction. • Ben Eagle: Raised concerns about the increase in dead birds across the city and advocated for more bird-friendly designs. • Adam Goff: An attorney representing Madbrook Donut Company, expressed concerns about the distinction between non-conforming structures and non-conforming uses. • Ian Percy: Suggested a grace period for projects already in development. After confirming no additional speakers, Chair Burrows closed the public hearing and summarized the public comments. Executive Session During the executive session, staff addressed the final public comment, stating that decisions regarding grace periods would fall to the City Council. Staff clarified that properties consolidated into the MU-8 zone would be subject to height standards based on building form. Further discussions addressed: • Landmark buildings • Setbacks and stepbacks adjacent to lower-scale buildings • Non-conforming uses and structures • Transitional overlays • Building heights and topographic exceptions • Design standards for MU-3 zones • Document formatting • Corner entrances in the MU-11 zone • Art and murals Motion Commissioner Scheer moved: "Based on the information presented and the discussion, I move that the commission recommend the City Council adopt this Zoning Map and Text Amendment, with the exception of the property bounded by Mead Avenue, 1300 South, 200 West, and West Temple, and with the following additional conditions: 1. Planning staff may make minor, non-substantive corrections to the ordinance as needed before adoption by the City Council. 2. Planning staff may make minor technical adjustments to the map boundaries, such as aligning boundaries with parcel lines, as needed before adoption by the City Council." Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Vote: • Yes: Mike Christensen, Brian Scott, Landon Kraczek, Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Anaya Gayle, McCall Christensen, Aimee Burrows The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public-meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.