01/09/2025 - Pending Minutes
City & County Building
451 South State Street, Room 326
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Thursday, November 7, 2024
A roll is being kept of all who attended the Historic Landmark Commission Meeting. The meeting
was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM. Audio recordings of the Historic Landmark Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings.
Present for the Historic Landmark Commission meeting were: Commissioners Jared Stewart, Adrienne White, Amanda De Lucia, Michael Vela, Michael Abrahamson, Emoli Kearns, and Alan Barnett. Chair John Ewanowski, Vice Chair Carlton Getz, and Commissioner Babs De Lay were absent. Commissioner Michael Vela was the acting Chair.
City Staff members present at the meeting were: Deputy Director Michaela Oktay, Planning Manager Casey Stewart, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Senior Planner Sara Javoronok, and Administrative Assistant Bonnie Whaley
Commissioner Kearns motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Commissioner Barnett seconded the motion. Commissioners Stewart, White, DeLucia, Vela, Abrahamson, Kearns, and Barnett voted yes.
The motion passed unanimously. REPORTS OF THE CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Fire Chief Tony Allred gave a report about Chateau Normandie fires that occurred on October 31 and November 1, 2024. PUBLIC COMMENT Cindy Cromer presented more information on the contributing and non-contributing structures within the historic districts.
OTHER BUSINESS 1. Extension Request for New Construction Approval at Approximately 602 E 300 S, 612 E 300 S, and 321 S 600 E - Thom Jakab, representing the property owners, has submitted a letter requesting a one-year extension for the Bamboo Multifamily project approved by the Historic Landmark Commission in 2023. A Certificate of Appropriateness was issued on
November 30, 2023. The property is zoned RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-family). The subject property is within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Sara Javoronok at 801-535-7625 or sara.javoronok@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNHLC2023-00125
Commissioner Kearns motioned to grant the extension. Commissioner Abrahamson seconded. Commissioners Stewart, White, DeLucia, Vela, Abrahamson, Kearns, and Barnett voted yes. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Reconstruction for 5th Ward Meetinghouse at approximately 740 S 300 W- Jeff Knighton, representing the property owner, Skyler Baird of Salt of the Earth, is requesting approval for reconstruction of the demolished portion of the Fifth Ward Meetinghouse, a Salt Lake City Landmark Site. The property is zoned D-2 (Downtown Support). The subject property is within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Sara Javoronok at 801-535-7625 or sara.javoronok@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNHLC2024-01127 Senior Planner Sara Javoronok reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff is recommending approval with conditions.
Commissioner Abrahamson asked if this reconstruction would give false historic appearance.
Commissioner White asked for clarification of the fines and who was responsible to cover them.
Commissioner Vela asked for clarification of modifications of 21A.37 gave recommendations of how to incorporate the old brick with the new materials. Commissioner Barnett clarified the date of the original building and how the building was labeled as 1910 and 1937. Representing the applicant, Jeff Knighton and Skylar Baird, came to the desk and gave their presentation to the commission. They stated that they appreciated staff’s time. Commissioner Abrahamson asked for clarification of why they chose the 1910 version vs the 1937 version.
Commissioner Barnett asked for clarification of the design that was chose and how the applicants came to that design choice.
Commissioner White expressed gratitude to the applicant and the work they are doing to reconstruct.
The Chair opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Robert Stagel expressed gratitude of the work the applicants are doing for the reconstruction.
Seeing as no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. EXECUTIVE SESSION
The commission discussed the merits of the reconstruction of the 5th Ward and all the clean-up that has started to take place. They discussed the design and the following of the historic
evidence. MOTION Commissioner Kearns motioned “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission approve this reconstruction application as recommended by staff.” Commissioner White seconded the motion. Commissioners Stewart, White, DeLucia, Vela, Abrahamson, Kearns, and Barnett voted yes. The motion passed unanimously. 2. New Construction for Cherry Dale Lofts at Approximately 226 W 300 N and 230 W 300 N - Ralph Nagasawa, representing the property owner, is requesting New Construction approval to develop the rear portions at the above listed address. The proposed infill
development includes three new townhouse structures, for a total of 12 new residential units. The two residential structures fronting on 300 North will remain. The property is zoned RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family). The subject property is within Council District 3,
represented by Chris Wharton. (Staff Contact: Nan Larsen at 801-535-6184 or nannette.larsen@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNHLC2024-00862
The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:16.