01/22/2025 - Pending Minutes SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, November 13, 2024 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video recording of the meeting is available at www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Aimee Burrows, Vice Chair Landon Kraczek, Commissioners McCall Christensen, Brian Scott, Amy Barry, Mike Christensen, and Bree Scheer. Commissioner Anaya Gayle was absent from the meeting. Staff members present at the meeting were: Director Nick Norris, Planning Manager Amy Thompson, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Senior Planner Sara Javoronok, Senior Planner Eric Daems, Principal Planner Madison Blodgett, Principal Planner Ben Buckley, Senior Planner Aaron Barlow, Senior Planner Diana Martinez, and Office Facilitator II Aubrey Clark. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair and Vice-Chair had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Director Nick Norris reported that first hearing for the Jordan River Fairpark proposal had been heard by City Council. OPEN FORUM The Commission did not have topics to discuss. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Extension Request for Planned Development Approval at Approximately 602 E 300 S, 612 E 300 S, and 321 S 600 E - Thom Jakab, representing the property owners, has submitted a letter requesting a one-year extension for the Bamboo Multifamily project approved on November 29, 2023. The subject property is zoned RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-family) and is located within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Sara Javoronok at 801-535-7625 or sara.javoronok@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNHLC2023-000124 2. Extension Request for Design Review Approval at Approximately 336 S 300 E - Michael Holman of Overland Group, is requesting a one-year time extension for the Design Review Approval of the Overland on Third mixed-use development. The Planning Commission granted the original approval on October 11, 2023. The subject property is located in the R-MU (Residential Mixed-Use) zoning district within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00113 3. Conditional Use for Samoan Independent Seventh Day Association of Churches at Approximately 1624 S 1000 W (Public Hearing) - Jeff Gardner, representing the Samoan Independent Seventh Day Adventist Church (SISDAC), is requesting Conditional Use approval for a place of worship located at 1624 S 1000 W, in the RMF-35 Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential District. In 2021, conditional use approval was granted for the initial construction of the church. The applicant is proposing a new 4,600 SF addition to the existing church building. The property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Madison Blodgett at 801-535-7749 or madison.blodgett@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00839 4. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 9, 2024 Public Hearing Chair Burrows opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak she closed the public hearing. Motion Commissioner Kraczek motioned to approve. Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Vote • Yes: Scheer (abstained from the minutes), Scott, Barry, McCall Christensen, Mike Christensen (abstained from the minutes), Kraczek, and Chair Burrows The motion passed. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Design Review for 850 Apartments at Approximately 850 W 100 S - Jeff Douglas, representing the property owner, is requesting approval for a Design Review to develop 46 multi-family units at the above listed address. The applicant is requesting to use the ground floor use plus visual interest design standard. They are also requesting a reduction to the ground floor depth to 23ft 7.5in, an increase to the minimum corner side yard setback to 12ft 6in, an increase to the maximum blank wall length to 15ft 3in, and to move a ground floor residential unit's entry to face the rear lot line. Currently the land is vacant, and the property is zoned TSA-UN-T (Urban Neighborhood Transition). The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Ben Buckley at 801-535-7142 or benjamin.buckley@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-01038 Principal Planner Ben Buckley reviewed the proposal as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff is recommending approval. The applicant, Jeff Douglas, did not have a presentation to share but reviewed the reason for the proposal. Commissioner Scheer asked for clarification on an enclosure pictured in Staff’s presentation. Staff clarified that is was screening for the transformer. There was discussion between the commission, staff and the applicant regarding the glazing. Public Hearing Chair Burrows opened the public hearing. • Kirk Warren – not against the proposal but concerned about the amount of parking for the project and the possible effect it may have on the surrounding neighborhood. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing. Executive Session The Commission and Staff discussed: o Ground floor uses o The rear elevation Motion Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and the discussion I move that the Commission approve this design review application as recommended by staff.” Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Vote • Yes: Kraczik, Mike Christensen, Scheer, Scott, McCall Christensen, Burrows • No: Barry The motion passed. 2. Rezone at Approximately 256 E 300 S – Emily Nelson, representing the property owner, is requesting to amend the zoning map for the properties at the above listed address from the R-MU Residential/Mixed Use District to the D-1 Central Business District. The intent of the rezone is to enable the development of a hotel with a height of approximately 185 feet. The subject property is located within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Aaron Barlow at 801-535-6182 or aaron.barlow@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00423 Senior Planner Aaron Barlow reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of denial to City Council. The applicant, Emily Nelson, reviewed the process they had been going through and what is behind the proposal. The commission and staff discussed what the new zoning would be for the property if the proposed MU zoning changes are approved by City Council. Staff clarified that the max building height would be 90ft with the MU-8 zoning district. Public Hearing The Chair opened the public hearing. • Marvin Reigns – Had concerns over the noise levels and events that could take place at a late hour. • Mary Beth Reigns – Had concerns about the noise and parking. • Cindy Cromer – Had concerns over the impact of the proposed project on the community. • Annie Issacson and Alex Hemery – Had concerns that the proposed project would not be to scale with the neighborhood. • Sean Wade – Property owner representative wants the opportunity to build on the lot. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. The applicant addressed some of the public comments. Executive Session The Commission and Staff discussed: o Whether the proposed zoning would allow for hotels. o Consistent zoning o Parking o Building height o Implementing a development agreement o Housing Motion Commissioner Barry state, “Based on the information presented and the discussion, I move that the commission forward a recommendation to City Council to deny the Rezone and Zoning Map Amendment request.” Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Vote • Yes: Barry, McCall Christensen, Scott, and Chair Burrows • No: Mike Christensen, Scheer The motion passed. 3. Alley Vacation Request at Approximately 1409 S Edison St - Davis Oatway is requesting approval to vacate a portion of the public alley located east of 1409 S. Edison Street. The portion of alley is approximately 11 feet by 52 feet, starting at a point approximately 220 feet from Cleveland Avenue. If approved, this alley section would be divided and given to the two property owners abutting the portion of the vacated alley. The subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Diana Martinez at 801-535-7215 or diana.martinez@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00439 Senior Planner Diana Martinez reviewed the proposal as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends that the commission forward a recommendation to approve the proposal to City Council. The applicant, Davis Oatway, was present and available for questions but did not have a presentation to share. There was discussion between Staff and the Commission regarding: o The existing fence o How the alleyway was platted o The adjacent parking lot Public Hearing The Chair opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak she closed the public hearing. Executive Session Commissioner Scheer asked whether there was an option to provide an easement of use rather than a vacation. City attorney Katherine Pasker stated that the application before the commission was a vacation, and the decision needs to be made based on that. The commissioners discussed potential uses of the adjacent property, whether the alleyway could be needed in the future, whether it complies with the standard of lack of use, and whether an easement could be implemented. Motion Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the on information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission recommends that the City Council deny this Alley Vacation application for the following reasons: The alley could be useful in the future for the redevelopment of the site north of the property. Commissioner Scott seconded the motion. Commissioner Barry offered a friendly amendment to add that the application does not meet Standard C: Urban Design stating that the continuation of the alley would serve as a positive Urban Design element. Commissioner Scheer approved of the friendly amendment. Vote: • Yes: Scheer, Mike Christensen, Kraczek, Scott, McCall Christensen, Barry, Burrows The motion passed. Commissioner Burrows called for a break. The commission meeting resumed at 7:10 pm. 4. Zoning Consolidation Project - Salt Lake City is proposing to update its zoning ordinance and zoning map by consolidating up to 27 existing commercial, form-based, and mixed-use zoning districts into six new mixed-use (MU) districts. The aim is to simplify zoning regulations, improve clarity of language, and incorporate missing design standards. The new mixed-use districts will be similar to the current districts but will have changes to setbacks, building height, lot coverage, and permitted land uses. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning will also be amended as part of this petition. Due to a notice error, this public hearing only applies to properties bound by Mead Avenue and 1300 South and 200 West and West Temple. (Staff Contact: Daniel Echeverria at 801-535-7165 or daniel.echeverria@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00707 Planning Director Nick Norris reviewed the proposal. He stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation for approval to City Council. Public Hearing The Chair opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, she closed the public hearing. Motion Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a positive recommendation to adopt this Zoning Map Amendment with the conditions listed in the Staff Report.” Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Vote • Yes: Scheer, Mike Christensen, Kraczek, Scott, McCall Christensen, Barry, Burrows The motion passed. WORK SESSION 1. Spacing Requirements Between Certain Land Uses and Residential Zones - The Commission and Planning Staff will discuss land uses that include a spacing requirement from single family and two family zoning districts and whether the spacing requirements should be applied to other residential districts. This review was requested by the commission in response to a recent land use decision. The Planning Commission may consider a text amendment as part of the discussion on this item. (Staff Contact: Nick Norris, Planning Director at 801-535-6173 or nick.norris@slc.gov) Planning Manager Nick Norris reviewed the potential proposal. There was discussion between Staff and the Commission regarding the proposal. They also discussed what action could be taken to initiate the petition. Motion Commissioner Scheer stated, “I move that the commission initiate a text amendment to review the land uses that are subject to or should ne subject to the 1,000 foot spacing requirement from residential zoning districts. The initiation may include reviewing other land uses that should have the provision applied, clarifying whether the distance applies to the property of the boundaries of a use and other related provisions that may help protect the health and safety of City residence.” Commissioner Barry seconded the motion. Vote • Yes: Scheer, Mike Christensen, Kraczek, Scott, McCall Christensen, Barry, Burrows The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:25 PM For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.